For conservatives, is the Supreme Court reason enough to vote for Donald Trump? Also, if you’re a conservative and you’re voting for neither Trump nor Hillary, are you really voting for Hillary, as so many allege?

Jay explores these questions with a brilliant colleague of his from National Review, Ian Tuttle. They also talk about Tuttle’s alma mater: St. John’s College. There, young people study the best that has been thought and written. Are they better off for it? Is their society?

Well, those are easy ones. Ian Tuttle is an exceptional thinker, and talker, as you will hear.

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There are 36 comments.

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  1. Wiley Inactive

    Man With the Axe: The World Trade Center came down. And, by the way, speaking of coming down, they put their families on airplanes a couple of days before, sent them back to Saudi Arabia, for the most part.

    Good research. Neither can I find wives leaving prior to 9/11. On a related note, however we do find in the recently declassifed 9/11 report chapter that the hijacker-handler al-Bayoumi left the U.S. the month before the September 11 attacks. We also now know that while the rest of the country was grounded from flying in the days after 9/11, 160 Saudi Nationals were allowed to immediately fly out of the country! (

    • #31
  2. Wiley Inactive

    Man With the Axe: Watch this clip. Please explain to me what you think he meant by what he himself said, and not what any of the media said he meant. Explain how this could be interpreted as anything other than saying, “If I order war crimes, they will commit war crimes.”

    I have seen it several times and watched it again at your request. The quote you have in your last sentence is nowhere in the video. That is exactly the problem. Putting words into his mouth that are consistent with their expectations instead of limiting it to what he actually says. He simply says that they will follow his orders. He does not say what the orders will be. People are projecting that the orders are war crimes. I am starting to understand him. I believe he was focused on the question as a challenge to his leadership and not a question on the content of the orders.

    • #32
  3. cdor Member

    Man With the Axe:


    Man With the Axe:

    Back to the drones…

    BTW, …

    The Islamic terrorists kill innocents indiscriminately on purpose. They want chaos and fear in our hearts. I want them to pay for their mayhem and death. Killing their families may actually be the most effective and long term humane way to stop this.

    Why stop at terrorist’s families? Why not firebomb (or nuke) their cities and kill every last man, woman, and child?

    Or, if we want their families killed, let’s round up those families and make videos of us chopping their heads off, and then we can put those videos up on youtube.

    Maybe the better analogy is that when we captured German and Japanese soldiers we should have identified where their families were and sent assassination teams to kill them.

    In fact, I don’t know why we don’t kill the families of those guys who shoot at cops. That will deter them.

    Please go easy with that axe friend, I’m starting to get a little nervous. In many cases, where the families aren’t already being targeted, they should be, because rarely is Islamism isolated to single individuals within a family. When people die willingly through suicide in order to perpetrate mass deaths on innocent people,  in the name of religious fanaticism, sometimes the only halting fear they may have is the danger and consequences to their families.

    • #33
  4. Man With the Axe Inactive
    Man With the Axe

    Wiley: He does not say what the orders will be.

    I can see that you and I are going to continue to disagree on what he meant. That’s okay. I think Bret Baier heard what I heard, hence the follow up questions. And look at comment #33. I’m not alone in thinking he meant what I think he meant. People who support him heard what I believe he plainly meant, and are defending it. Which is fine. I don’t happen to agree with the arguments.

    But I want my president to make statements that are clear enough to understand without having to parse every word and which have to be walked back all the time.

    Here’s one question: If he’s going to make a statement about the wives of the 9/11 terrorists flying home 2 days before the attacks, why not take a minute or have a staffer take a minute to google to see if that happened? I had forgotten or never noticed this claim before, but it’s one more instance of his making up stories and/or remembering important things that never happened.

    • #34
  5. Wiley Inactive

    Man With the Axe:

    Wiley: He does not say what the orders will be.

    I can see that you and I are going to continue to disagree on what he meant. That’s okay. I think Bret Baier heard what I heard, hence the follow up questions. And look at comment #33. I’m not alone in thinking he meant what I think he meant. People who support him heard what I believe he plainly meant, and are defending it. Which is fine. I don’t happen to agree with the arguments.

    But I want my president to make statements that are clear enough to understand without having to parse every word and which have to be walked back all the time.

    Here’s one question: If he’s going to make a statement about the wives of the 9/11 terrorists flying home 2 days before the attacks, why not take a minute or have a staffer take a minute to google to see if that happened? I had forgotten or never noticed this claim before, but it’s one more instance of his making up stories and/or remembering important things that never happened.

    It is the hazard of Trump being unscripted. He probably got two events confused.

    Good exchange. I like that you go to hard data also. Peace.

    • #35
  6. Randal H Member
    Randal H

    rgbact: I find it disturbing that we’re now valuing the loss of judges more than the loss of senators, like Ayotte or Rubio or Toomey. These folks actually vote on laws…..yet we care more about the guys that may interpret those laws.

    They actually vote on laws? Seems like I hear a lot of buzz about judges’ rulings (which tend to be very consequential) but almost nothing about the Senate. Did I miss their vote commemorating “National Turnip Day?”

    Judges don’t interpret laws anymore, they make the laws.

    • #36
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