Feel the Bern

The men of GLoP (for those living under a rock, that’s Jonah Goldberg, Rob Long, and John Podhoretz) return for their August appointment. This episode, Yuge look at Candidate Trump, including a sobering exercise in what a Donald Presidency might look like. Then, Hillary’s email server gets GLoP-ped, the Bernie Sanders/#BlackLivesMatter  phenomenon is explained, True Detective gets parsed, and much more. Tune in!

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That’s hot,  EJHill.

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There are 34 comments.

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  1. rod Inactive

    Can John tell us what this Congress has done that he thinks is so effective.  Part of the anger that Trump taps into is caused by the failure of McConnell and Boehner to deliver anything promised in the 2014 elections.  What happened to the idea of Republicans’ passing popular bills, putting them on Obama’s desk, and letting him veto them?

    • #31
  2. Dietlbomb Inactive

    At 18:23, John regurgitates the liberal slant completely when he conflates the public’s opinion on “race-relations” with the entirely different standard of “how well the country is treating African-Americans”. I don’t think that’s what the poll respondents were thinking about when they said that race-relations are deteriorating.

    Race-relations is a two-way street. By liberal standards* (if there were such a thing), blacks are probably treated the best they have ever been in the history of mankind.

    But maybe when underclass blacks increasingly riot at increasingly slight provocations, when the media buries stories of black-on-white crime, and when the black president threatens to poison communities with new HUD policies, a certain segment of the population might think race-relations are getting worse and that this time it isn’t whites’ fault.

    *In my opinion, however, the welfare state and the state-encouraged destruction of the family have done more damage to blacks than the worst segregationist would ever contemplate doing.

    • #32
  3. Klaatu Inactive

    Why does Rob refer to Bruce Jenner in a dress as a ‘she’ or ‘her’?

    • #33
  4. Electric Beaver Member
    Electric Beaver

    I listened to “Feel the Bern” on a road trip. We know you detest Donald Trump. It seemed to me that you were also denigrating anyone who supports him. It seemed he GLoP guys were doing the same things the liberal/progressives do  – name-calling and belittling. Disagree with his supporters, but don’t demean them.

    I am not a supporter of the Trumpster, and do not think he would be a good president. There are too many qualities in  Trump that we see in Obama – narcissism, anger at being challenged, and personally attacking those who disagree with him.

    However, I think the political elites, including the news and commentators such as yourself are not understanding the dissatisfaction of the conservatives not in Washington D.C. We are tired of Casper Milquetoast candidates! We are tired of being told to vote Republican and all will be well. Dole, McCain, Romney (and to some extent ‘W’) have been nice guys, and chose not to attack the deceit, the obfuscation, and inveigling from the progressives. The  lies are not refuted. We are tired of Boenher, McConnell, Ryan, et. al., flopping and acting ‘Democrat-lite’! Why vote for almost-a-Democrat?

    Victor David Hansen on another Ricochet podcast did a far better job of analysis of the mood of the conservative voters, and why they may be drawn to Trump.

    • #34
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