COVID-19: Case Closed


I think this will be the last post I do on this topic. The disease is not gone, nor is it likely to be gone no matter what we do. But we know enough now to say that it will not kill us off and that it is not of such societal severity to justify economic and social suicide. That makes it no longer a medical issue other than for the health care system and the afflicted. It remains primarily a political phenomenon now that must be dealt with in the same way all political policies are: through petitioning the government, the ballot, and the courts.

The chart above demonstrates the wisdom of a light touch of government in response to an epidemic. Let people know the best information and advice you can muster and then have them act accordingly. As in the US, Sweden suffered losses in their elderly and infirm population. But they did so without destroying their economy and their children’s future, And whether this has come about by “herd immunity” or whatever, the results are plain: the epidemic has lost any strength or vitality in Sweden. It is trending in that direction in the US as well, but California is determined to keep fear alive. The Governor has set totally irrational guidelines for reestablishing fundamental liberties. Others on Ricochet argue as to why this is, but the fundamental remains that it is wrong-headed to look for contagion when the consequences of contagion fall below the threshold for government concern.

Craig Medred, an independent journalist in Alaska, has posted periodically about COVID-19 and has added an additional chapter today:

As this was written, Our World in Data (a website maintained by the respected University of Oxford) was reporting a daily death rate in the widely-masked U.S. at 2.7 per million with the rate in little-masked Sweden at 0.01 per million.

Sweden has been much criticized for its approach to the pandemic. It asked Swedes to practice social distancing and refrain from large gatherings, especially indoors, but tried to maintain life as normal as much as possible.

The result was a daily eath rate that peaked at almost 10 people per million in mid-April. The U.S. rate peaked at 8.2 per million days later. Both then began falling.

The daily death rate in Sweden is still falling. The U.S. rate fell through early June and then began tracking upward.

The latest hope is that a vaccine can be developed to protect people. It is a wonderful hope, but it is increasingly looking like the world might be forced to live with this new virus as it has learned to live with the HIV virus that causes AIDS and others pathogens before that.

Where we find our comfort level between fear and some sort of acceptance of the new norm that it can’t kill us all only time will tell.

The real story will not be told for years, if ever. The sturm und drang of the epidemic is such that data collection has been rushed, haphazard, misinterpreted, and massaged to a point that there is little confidence in it. The latest salvo is the CDC report that only about 10,000 or the 160,000+ deaths “associated” with COVID-19 are due to the virus alone. This data is being suppressed insofar as the social media tech giants and media allies can do so. And yet the accuracy of this data and meaning is also suspect. The conclusion is based on death certificates solely listing COVID-19 as the cause of death versus most death certificates listing multiple disease processes along with COVID-19. Were these sole listings simply rushed? Are they credible? How does this number compare with the likely over-reporting on other certificates with people dying of unrelated causes but with confirmed infection? These are the things that must be examined carefully and thoughtfully by future researchers. But that is not going to happen in the near term. And it is in the near term that people’s lives and livelihoods are being destroyed.

And so it is that with imperfect data public decisions must be made. We are in the thrall of petit tyrants and the courts have thus far let us down. We thought we had a constitution that secured our liberty. We have found out how terribly naive we were. But worse, the petit tyrants have discovered something about us that does not bode well for the future: we do not vigorously assert our liberties. Yes, we act subversively whether it is in pool parties or house parties in the Hollywood hills. But we do not turn out like the progressive shock troops to assert our demands. The universe does not end with a bang, but with a whimper. The powers that be do not feel the prickle of fear that other tyrants have felt when the crowds of freedom-starved peoples came for them.

Thomas Jefferson said

The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. …[W]hat country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

We are now in a political season. We must assert our liberty — if by no other means then by the ballot at least. Only favor politicians who favor liberty. COVID-19 is not our oppressor; it is only a tool of our oppressors.

[Note: Links to all my COVID-19 posts can be found here.]

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There are 35 comments.

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  1. MarciN Member
    • #31
  2. Bob W Member
    Bob W

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    Bob W (View Comment):

    The fact that 9000 deaths were people without comorbidities means what exactly? How many people who die of the flu have comorbidities? Such as advanced age? We don’t say that they didn’t die of the flu. The vast majority of the 180,000 would still be alive if they hadn’t contracted the virus.

    It means they would not have died of Covid-19 had they not had that condition and that then means that Covid-19 is not the principal reason for their death, being elderly and infirm is that cause.

    I’m old and I expect that will be the death me, probably sooner than later. Covid-19 might facilitate that event. So I try to avoid that to get a little more time.

    Both my parents died young, in their forties. My mother was an otherwise healthy person who had a cerebral aneurysm and a few days later died of pneumonia. I know the cause of her death and it wasn’t pneumonia. Pneumonia killed her because of the diminished capability of her immune system. My father committed suicide by shooting himself. I know the cause of his death and it wasn’t the pistol shot. That was the method of his death. He was a physically healthy person whose psychological immune system failed.

    @bobw is encouraged to explain how I am wrong.

    And actually we don’t know what other conditions those 9,000 people had that contributed to their deaths.

    I’m completely against lockdowns, for the reasons highlighted in this thread, but it’s not necessary to recharacterize deaths from the virus to make that case. 

    • #32
  3. Brian Clendinen Inactive
    Brian Clendinen

    I think the COVID deaths are overstated however it did cause a uptick in the death rate. Looking at New York City data which we know was drastically overstating COVID deaths. COVID could only explain about 2/3rd of their excess death rate. Yes there was the lame excuses  the people die were not tested but that does not hold water. That is the real unreported story. Excess deaths that can’t be explained by generous COVID deaths.

    So what I only think Robinson interview Scott Atles is the only one talking about the massive increase in other deaths from our demonic manipulation to fear.

    I hope it does not get covered up but statically looking we looking at an increased in death rate across the board. A lot of it is COVID.  In the end Executives including most Republicans along with the fear pimps call media might kill more people via excess deaths than COVID will. I think it close to half right now if one uses a 25% overstatement of COVID deaths at lest in New York. Have not looked at other places. Most likely will vary by area.

    On a side note I wonder how much of the national differences in death rates is how they determine COVID deaths. Its true with a lot of things like infant mortality were the US looks worse mostly because European nations are much more narrow in what they include than us.

    UK’s COVID deaths dropped because they changed the method. Dying 28 days after you test positive for COVID is called a COVID death that went down from 60 days.However I wonder if a big reason they have one of the highest is because of that definition.

    Now that is how they document all Flu deaths previously 28 days,  so it was them just going back to their old method. However it only helps when comparing a normal season in the UK only going back to normal measurements. Not death rates across nations.

    • #33
  4. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    People who died with covid will be voting by mail


    • #34
  5. Cliff Hadley Inactive
    Cliff Hadley

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):

    Bob W (View Comment):

    The fact that 9000 deaths were people without comorbidities means what exactly? How many people who die of the flu have comorbidities? Such as advanced age? We don’t say that they didn’t die of the flu. The vast majority of the 180,000 would still be alive if they hadn’t contracted the virus.

    That’s not true

    Life expectancy for nursing home resident is typically 14 months or less


    When my mother’s health faltered, I was told the average stay in assisted living was 18 months and in skilled nursing was six months. Both were on the nose.

    • #35
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