Trump and Barr go to War with the FBI and CIA


From Fox New interview with Joe diGenova, Former US Attorney for the District of Columbia:

According to Joe, after Trump had earlier requested that the Attorney “get to the bottom” of the Russian Collusion spying on the Trump campaign and other Americans, Attorney General Barr went to Trump on May 23rd and told him ” he couldn’t answer his question” because the FBI under Christopher Wray and CIA under Gina Haspel were not cooperating; essentially stonewalling with his investigation. The FBI and CIA were very strenuously resisting the requests of the AG, and the arguments got “very, very heated”. From Sara Carter, a day hours later:

“President Donald Trump directed the intelligence community Thursday to “quickly and fully cooperate” with Department of Justice Attorney General William Barr’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 presidential election, said White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.”

Following Trump’s Declassification order, the mainstream press circled the wagons and started attacking the declassification, with claims like “intelligence officials fear the full distribution of CIA and FBI searches.” yadda, yadda, yadda.

The problem for the Intelligence agencies according to diGenova is ” they can leak, but they do not have subpoena power and Bill Barr does.” The Intelligence community is in “full resistance” mode after the FISA Court under Chief FISA Court Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled on April 16, 2017 that the FBI had engaged in political spying going back to 2012 by allowing 4 unauthorized FBI contractors to illegally access the NSA database and get NSA “702” queries against political opponents. Allegedly, according to diGenova, the FBI and the CIA fear if the full story comes out, their powers will be restricted and people in the FBI and CIA could go to jail.

For clarity’s sake, this issue goes far beyond the fraudulent FISA warrants against Carter Page and others. This issue is about the thousands of “702 queries” into the NSA database against political opponents bt the Obama Administration. That is how Samantha Power was able to unmask 250 opponents of the Obama Administration. The NSA files of those individuals were illegally accessed by the four illegal FBI contractors, information thought to be damning was given to the Administration and Samantha Power then “unmasked” them.

Covering up this NSA “spying” effort is thought by several much more informed than I to be the principal concern for many involved in the Russian Collusion Hoax, including James Comey and Robert Mueller who both oversaw this spying effort by the Obama Administration as Directors of the FBI.

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  1. Unsk Member

    “Just playing devil’s advocate here, but is it possible that some of those 250 were genuine security risks having nothing to do with being political opponents?”

    Sure, maybe once in a while she was doing her real job. But that really doesn’t make any difference.. If you assume 85% of the searches were illegal and 15% legal, maybe one could say 15% were legal. That doesn’t really matter. 85% is an awful big number of illegal searches. There still had to be  a lot of political hit jobs done using illegal access to the NSA files. 

    • #31
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