Ego Tripping on the Backs of Minorities


It’s wealthy white people who tend to be the most “woke.” They see themselves as the “white savior” — as Atticus Finch. But as someone once said, if you’re going to be St. George, you first need a dragon.

To be Atticus Finch, you need a racist society that routinely lynches blacks. So, in their self-narratives, America must become that society. Atticus Finch also needs a Tom Robinson – noble, oppressed, and helpless in the face of an evil society. So, in the woke progressive’s self-narrative, minorities must be without agency, requiring white saviors to act on their behalf.

All this would be no more than a bit of harmless self-delusion if white progressives kept their self-narratives to themselves.  But, to become heroes in their own eyes, they must be heroes in the eyes of the world. So, they must tell minorities that they are helpless. That the system is rigged against them and that they cannot make their lives better by their own actions. To the extent that white progressives are believed, lives are destroyed. White progressives are exploiting minorities for their own ego trips.

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There are 50 comments.

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  1. Richard Fulmer Inactive
    Richard Fulmer

    Zafar (View Comment):
    Focusing on people who stir the pot rather than the underlying issues which make it possible for them to do so is focusing on a secondary rather than the primary motivator. As such, it is not likely to be effective or persuasive without context.

    Another desperate debater technique: “You shouldn’t complain about problem X without first dealing with problems Y and Z.”  That’s not an argument; it’s just a clever way of saying “shut up” – something that people on the left have become very good at.

    Here’s the bottom line: No one will make his life better by believing that the world is stacked against him and that there’s nothing to do but sit in a corner and sulk until all white/black/brown/elite/Jewish people perfect themselves.  I’ve got shocking news:  No white/black/brown/elite/Jewish person has ever perfected himself and none ever will.   So, the only way life is going to get better is to get up, get out of the corner, and get to work.  Anyone who says different is not a friend.

    • #31
  2. Zafar Member

    Richard Fulmer (View Comment):

    Zafar (View Comment):
    Focusing on people who stir the pot rather than the underlying issues which make it possible for them to do so is focusing on a secondary rather than the primary motivator. As such, it is not likely to be effective or persuasive without context.

    Another desperate debater technique: “You shouldn’t complain about problem X without first dealing with problems Y and Z.” That’s not an argument; it’s just a clever way of saying “shut up” – something that people on the left have become very good at.

    When problem X depends on problem Y for its existence (and the not the other way round) that does not follow.  Or at least focusing on X and refusing to consider it in the context of Y doesn’t seem constructive – actually I would say a lot of ‘culture war’ arguments are like that.

    Here’s the bottom line: No one will make his life better by believing that the world is stacked against him and that there’s nothing to do but sit in a corner and sulk until all white/black/brown/elite/Jewish people perfect themselves. 

    But I didn’t say that it would and there isn’t.  (What was that you just said about straw manning?)

    Robin D’Angelo wrote a book about how the majority responds to this kind of conversation in the US called “White Fragility“.  I think the title is misleading, because it invites the conclusion that it is about being White, per se, rather than being a majority with the majority’s assumptions.  I can say with certitude that the exact same sort of responses arise from Hindus when India discusses its minorities’ disadvantages, and I am pretty confident that you’d get a similar Sinhala response to discussions of Tamil disadvantage in Sri Lanka, Muslim responses to discussions of Christian disadvantage in Pakistan (or Egypt), etc.  It isn’t about being white or black, it’s about being human and how we instinctively respond to being in the majority (or rather: how being in the majority empowers certain human impulses).


    • #32
  3. Steve C. Member
    Steve C.

    DonG (View Comment):

    It is a strange time. We have replaced success based on merit and accomplishment to success based on virtue signaling. That is insanity. It is not sustainable and it will surely end our country.

    Please don’t confuse achievement with notoriety.

    • #33
  4. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    The disadvantages suffered by minorities (and disadvantaged non-minorities) in this country are almost entirely due to government — government schools, government housing, government “welfare” — and, most of all, government induced fatherlessness.

    If minorities are held back by racism, it is the stealth racism of progressives in government who believe caring for people means shielding them from the natural consequences of their behaviors.

    We are a nation founded on individual sovereignty. With it comes widespread freedom, but also its burdens. That is, personal responsibility. We’ve substituted that for the false compassion of the Left. Minorities hurt worst. 

    • #34
  5. Yehoshua Ben-Eliyahu Inactive
    Yehoshua Ben-Eliyahu

    Richard Fulmer: White progressives are exploiting minorities for their own ego trips.

    It goes deeper than that.  They actually hate minorities.  Their lip service about caring for them disguises their contempt.  The best example of this is abortion, which is much higher, proportionally, among blacks and Hispanics than among whites.  

    It is just like PETA.  The vast majority of animals under their care are euthanized.

    In surveys of charitable giving, conservatives are found to be far more generous than liberals.

    Hypocrisy is a requirement for being a liberal/progressive/leftist.

    • #35
  6. DonG Coolidge

    CarolJoy, Above Top Secret (View Comment):

    DonG (View Comment):

    It is a strange time. We have replaced success based on merit and accomplishment to success based on virtue signaling. That is insanity. It is not sustainable and it will surely end our country.

    It is also a weird situation, as virtue signalling apparently gets a person off the hook.

    So if I say to you, “I regret so much all the opportunities life has afforded to me due to my white skin. Also I hope you share that regret on account of your need to apologize for your white skin.” Then when you refuse to share the regret, that is all you are doing – refusing to share some made up guilt and regret.

    But for some reason, if you do that refusal, you are now considered by the Resistance of Those Who Are Awoke to be a much worse person than I am, even though I haven’t done one single thing to help another person. “I am heroic, while you are a racist.” It is a totally absurd movement, made even worse by the fact that its members refuse to see it.

    I have an anecdote. Recently Robert “Beto” O’Rourke was criticized for have a DUI when younger and not being punished at the time.  Rather than say, “My dad the judge, got me a pass.”  He choose to blame his “white privilege”.  No Beto.  That was “O’Rourke privilege”.  Stop turning your elitism into a virtue signaling opportunity.


    • #36
  7. Richard Finlay Inactive
    Richard Finlay

    “white privilege” “majority privilege”

    Which whites are the majority?  In my memory, different groups of “whites” were at each others’ throats much of the time. Catholics vs Protestant, Mainline Protestant vs Evangelical vs Mormon.  Irish vs German vs Italian vs Polish vs etc, etc, etc.

    The notion of “white” as a meaningful race/ethnic group is entirely a construct of the Left to create a common enemy that will allow a coalition otherwise disparate interests to cooperate for political (power) gain.  Heck, ‘Republican’ isn’t even a functional group anymore.

    • #37
  8. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Zafar (View Comment):
    I can say with certitude that the exact same sort of responses arise from Hindus when India discusses its minorities’ disadvantages, and I am pretty confident that you’d get a similar Sinhala response to discussions of Tamil disadvantage in Sri Lanka, Muslim responses to discussions of Christian disadvantage in Pakistan (or Egypt),

    But black, muslim and other minority peoples want to come to America. Christians and Sikhs flee Pakistan. Kind of a big difference. 

    • #38
  9. Vance Richards Inactive
    Vance Richards

    Studies seem to back this up 

    • #39
  10. Richard Fulmer Inactive
    Richard Fulmer

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Zafar (View Comment):
    I can say with certitude that the exact same sort of responses arise from Hindus when India discusses its minorities’ disadvantages, and I am pretty confident that you’d get a similar Sinhala response to discussions of Tamil disadvantage in Sri Lanka, Muslim responses to discussions of Christian disadvantage in Pakistan (or Egypt),

    But black, muslim and other minority peoples want to come to America. Christians and Sikhs flee Pakistan. Kind of a big difference.

    Check out Thomas Sowell’s book, Affirmative Action Around the World: An Empirical Study.  India was the first country to implement a form of affirmative action – in their case, to advantage the “Untouchable” caste.  It worked as badly there as it has worked everywhere else, including Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and the United States.  

    Some of the problems encountered were:

    • People believed that the policy benefitted the Untouchables much more than it actually did, leading to resentment
    • The relatively few Untouchables actually helped by the policies tended to be among the most fortunate of that group – that is, the people who were helped the most were those who needed help the least
    • Other “backward classes” demanded and got preferences of their own
    • Disputes over ethnic preferences led to deadly, widespread violence
    •  Any progress made by Untouchables tends to be dismissed by other ethnic groups because they perceive that progress as unearned 
    • #40
  11. Instugator Thatcher

    Richard Finlay (View Comment):
    Heck, ‘Republican’ isn’t even a functional group anymore.

    e.g. Ricochet circa 2016-Present.

    • #41
  12. TBA Coolidge

    Richard Fulmer (View Comment):

    Zafar (View Comment):

    Then it’s a good thing Conservatives (?) are here to tell minorities what’s true and what isn’t. Otherwise who knows what they would end up believing?

    I’m not telling minorities anything; I’m asking whites to back off. I like Frederick Douglass’s recommendation:

    Everybody has asked the question… ‘What shall we do with the Negro?’ I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us!

    White guilt is responsible for a lot of our society’s ills and I refuse to either partake or contribute. People of whatever color can live their own lives better than I can live them for them.

    When people are used as tools they are slaves, when they are used as projects they are a variety of pet. 

    My understanding is that black people resent this on an an individual level quite a bit, but on the political level it’s been part of the structure for a long time – black leaders can’t really ‘lead’ without it. 

    • #42
  13. TBA Coolidge

    Richard Fulmer (View Comment):

    Zafar (View Comment):
    My point is: minorities, like everybody else, can get it right or wrong by themselves.

    A lot of people of all colors have bought into the lie that “the system is rigged” by the “elites” to keep the “99%” down. I seem to remember our current President saying something to that effect during the election, and a lot of people seemed to believe him. The fact is that we have agency. We can make our lives and the lives of our families better by our own actions.

    I don’t think, however, that that is the message coming from our schools, our politicians, or much of the media. And when there’s a constant drumbeat telling people that they’re helpless because of “them” (the elites, the globalists, the Jews, the white males, the corporations), some people are going to believe it.

    So, yes, people can get it wrong by themselves. But, the fact is, that they’re getting a lot of help to get it wrong from people who benefit by the lie.

    The system truly is somewhat rigged. Not in a sinister way, and certainly not to the extent that your average Bernie Bro imagines. Because people don’t know how the world actually works, they are free to imagine the hand of the elite in any situation in which people don’t succeed. To me that is the real poison; people have convinced themselves that they are disenfranchised. Pathologies follow. 

    • #43
  14. TBA Coolidge

    Richard Fulmer (View Comment):

    Zafar (View Comment):
    … so how do we address your lack opportunities (rather than my abundance of them)?

    Let’s try getting rid of government programs that create and sustain poverty, including:
    – Minimum wage laws
    – Job licensing regulations
    – Onerous regulations for starting new businesses
    – Regressive sin taxes
    – Marriage penalties in tax law
    – Marriage penalties in welfare programs
    – Programs that encourage poor people to buy houses they can’t afford
    – Rent controls
    – Zoning restrictions
    – Urban renewal projects that destroy neighborhoods
    – Restrictions on school choice
    – Special privilege grants to companies, groups, and individuals

    That poison is branded and very much in demand. 

    • #44
  15. TBA Coolidge

    Yehoshua Ben-Eliyahu (View Comment):

    Richard Fulmer: White progressives are exploiting minorities for their own ego trips.

    It goes deeper than that. They actually hate minorities. Their lip service about caring for them disguises their contempt. The best example of this is abortion, which is much higher, proportionally, among blacks and Hispanics than among whites.

    It is just like PETA. The vast majority of animals under their care are euthanized.

    In surveys of charitable giving, conservatives are found to be far more generous than liberals.

    Hypocrisy is a requirement for being a liberal/progressive/leftist.

    Some French dude once wrote that ‘women only fall in love once – the first time – all other times they are really in love with being in love’. 

    It may be the most gassily Gaulic thing ever written, and likely un- or rarely true. 

    But the underlying idea seems useful for virtue-signalling; they care about caring. If you can care enough, you are a good person even if there is no practical effect (or real effort). 

    At risk of being gassy myself, I suggest that you cannot help someone without serving them, you cannot serve them without understanding them, and you cannot understand them if you don’t know them. 

    Just talking about them is the least interesting form of gossip. 

    • #45
  16. Archie Campbell Member
    Archie Campbell

    This reminds me of something my wife told me about a Facebook acquaintance of hers. Apparently this middle-aged woman demonstrated her wokeness to some poor fellow on a trans-continental flight. She is white, you see, and he black, so she of course undertook to explain blackness to him. Apparently he endured it with some measure of restraint, as she did not report that he argued with her or evinced any irritation at her. Though given her self-delusion, she would’ve interpreted anything other than outright hostility at her to be confirmation of her target’s gratitude at her blinding insight, and any hostility toward her as a result of her brave puncturing of his false consciousness.

    That poor man.  I really wish, though, that I could’ve been a fly on the wall as he first told his friends about his encounter with her.

    • #46
  17. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Archie Campbell (View Comment):
    Archie Campbell

    This reminds me of something my wife told me about a Facebook acquaintance of hers. Apparently this middle-aged woman demonstrated her wokeness to some poor fellow on a trans-continental flight. She is white, you see, and he black, so she of course undertook to explain blackness to him. Apparently he endured it with some measure of restraint, as she did not report that he argued with her or evinced any irritation at her. Though given her self-delusion, she would’ve interpreted anything other than outright hostility at her to be confirmation of her target’s gratitude at her blinding insight, and any hostility toward her as a result of her brave puncturing of his false consciousness.

    That poor man. I really wish, though, that I could’ve been a fly on the wall as he first told his friends about his encounter with her.

    I was drinking at a bar with a gay bartender this one time. He mentioned that though he was gay he doesn’t identify as being gay and he didn’t think of himself as a victim even though sometimes people were unfair to him because he was gay. The woke white couple rushed in to explain that his sexual orientation defined him and that he was a victim. I was there but I wish I had video of that encounter. 

    • #47
  18. TBA Coolidge

    “Hey, there, benighted ethnic/religion member! Just checking in to let you know that even though other people think you’re less than they are, I‘m not like them; because I am special that way.” 

    • #48
  19. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    TBA (View Comment):

    “Hey, there, benighted ethnic/religion member! Just checking in to let you know that even though other people think you’re less than they are, I‘m not like them; because I am special that way.” 


    • #49
  20. TBA Coolidge

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Archie Campbell (View Comment):
    Archie Campbell

    This reminds me of something my wife told me about a Facebook acquaintance of hers. Apparently this middle-aged woman demonstrated her wokeness to some poor fellow on a trans-continental flight. She is white, you see, and he black, so she of course undertook to explain blackness to him. Apparently he endured it with some measure of restraint, as she did not report that he argued with her or evinced any irritation at her. Though given her self-delusion, she would’ve interpreted anything other than outright hostility at her to be confirmation of her target’s gratitude at her blinding insight, and any hostility toward her as a result of her brave puncturing of his false consciousness.

    That poor man. I really wish, though, that I could’ve been a fly on the wall as he first told his friends about his encounter with her.

    I was drinking at a bar with a gay bartender this one time. He mentioned that though he was gay he doesn’t identify as being gay and he didn’t think of himself as a victim even though sometimes people were unfair to him because he was gay. The woke white couple rushed in to explain that his sexual orientation defined him and that he was a victim. I was there but I wish I had video of that encounter.

    I am glad to be white and straight since I don’t have to worry about identifying as white and straight. Yet I wonder sometimes whether this ‘identifying’ thing is active or passive, and how much time it takes away from doing other things. 

    Perhaps it only comes up in relation to other people – when you notice you are either among similar or different and that most people wake up as humans, only becoming sexes, colors, and whatnot over the course of planning for the day. 

    • #50
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