Media Bias? Loser Frog Species Gets Full Victim Status


From the headlines would think that the Supremes are meanies who want little frogs to die:

The fact is, the decision was 8-0 because the feds were totally out of line. A 1,500-acre tract where the dusky frog does not currently live and has never lived was set aside because it looks like the kind of place the frogs might like to live if somebody dropped a bunch of them there. In the logic of the Fish and Wildlife Service, if your backyard looks like the kind of place where any endangered species might feel comfy should the feds drop some there, the feds can order you to stop mowing the lawn and forget about a deck or swing set.

The case was an outrageous abuse of power and our idiotic MSM thinks it’s all about victimizing a loser species that can’t even hop a few yards away to make babies right where they are now.

Not even Justice Ginsberg went there.

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  1. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    TBA (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    (I’m pro-frog myself. Took part in frog-counting surveys years ago. My father made fun of it until I took him along and taught him how to recognize the handful of frog calls heard around here; then he turned around and became pro-frog, too. But that’s not the issue in this case.)

    I remember reading in a humanities textbook intro something to the effect of ‘It’s not that we know what we like, it’s that we like what we know.’


    If you ever come up with the exact quote I’d like to use it once in a while. If you can’t, I’ll just quote you.

    • #31
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