The Important Thing to Remember About Sarah Jeong


Sarah Jeong has written a lot of hateful, bigoted, racist things. She has a deep-seated animus toward white people in general and white men in particular. “[T]he world could get by just fine with zero white ppl,” she has written. “Let’s fund a study on whether killing all the white people would make black people safer,” she has suggested. “”Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she said. There are literally hundreds of similar statements. The New York Times looked over this woman’s body of work and decided that “this is exactly the kind of person we need on our editorial board.”

The important thing to remember, though, is that neither Sarah Jeong nor the Editorial Board of the New York Times represents the majority of Americans. Outside of the boardrooms and faculty lounges, most Americans are not obsessed with race, do not hate other people based on race, and just want to get along with one another.

There are only two kinds of racist bigots in the United States. The “bad kind” are found at the outer margins of society, are economically disadvantaged, socially isolated, and have no power. The “good kind” work in elite media and academic circles, and are granted platforms to broadcast their hatred. If you simply change the choice of racial slurs, their rhetoric is interchangeable.

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  1. Jon1979 Inactive

    Doctor Robert (View Comment):

    CarolJoy (View Comment):
    The folks on the Left really truly want to have all the good things made perfect, and made perfect right now, dammit! Unless it involves them having to do something real. Like their experiencing an increase in their taxes. Or a degradation in their lives, such as the public school where their kids happen to go, suddenly having teachers from south of the border who speak negligible English and pidgin Spanish. Then all of sudden their ideals are “woke” and they too #walkaway.

    I don’t think this is true. The folks on the Left want to be in control, to be in charge, to have things their way. “Perfect” and “good” have naught to do with it, except to the extent that these terms define the state of their getting their wishes.

    There is a certain mindset that demands everyone do what they tell them to do, and when what they tell them to do doesn’t work, blame others for their failure. People like that also tend to have their self-worth tied up in the notion that they’re at the forefront of the Best and the Brightest and therefore deserve to lead the rest of the ignorant masses (this intellectual hubris combined with anger when they don’t get their way is also why the left fractures into so many sub-groups politically, since once you’ve vanquished your political enemies your former political allies become your enemies if their goals differ even slightly from yours, because in the end, there can be only one Alpha leader).

    • #31
  2. Hypatia Member

    Jeong says she gets so much pleasure out of being “cruel” to old white men.  Awww…what doe she do to be so cruel?  

    Steal their glasses?

    Pull their hair to see if it’s a toupee?

    I’ll bet the distinguished gents don’t even notice the diminutive li’l as….uh, Asian…

    • #32
  3. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    How is that not hate speech and why is she not being banned from every social media platform?  How is she not inciting discord?  How is she not offending race, gender, etc.?  Where is the outrage towards her from sleeping giants and the rest of the woke, safe space crowd?  Shame on her – hideous personality.

    • #33
  4. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Front Seat Cat (View Comment):

    How is that not hate speech and why is she not being banned from every social media platform? How is she not inciting discord? How is she not offending race, gender, etc.? Where is the outrage towards her from sleeping giants and the rest of the woke, safe space crowd? Shame on her – hideous personality.

    Someone took her tweets, replaced the word “white” with “black” and re-tweeted them – and was immediately given  a 12-hour suspension on twitter.

    • #34
  5. Jon1979 Inactive

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):

    Front Seat Cat (View Comment):

    How is that not hate speech and why is she not being banned from every social media platform? How is she not inciting discord? How is she not offending race, gender, etc.? Where is the outrage towards her from sleeping giants and the rest of the woke, safe space crowd? Shame on her – hideous personality.

    Someone took her tweets, replaced the word “white” with “black” and re-tweeted them – and was immediately given a 12-hour suspension on twitter.

    Candace Owens was the one who did that, and forced Twitter to back off when their hypocrisy was exposed (Owens being black probably forced Twitter to reverse the ban a little faster — had some white person swapped out races on Jeong’s tweets, odds are good the Ministry of Truth enforcers at Twitter would have held out a little longer, trying to claim that person actually believed what he or she had tweeted).

    • #35
  6. DrewInWisconsin Member

    James Lileks (View Comment):
    I read a piece from some flibberdigibbet lefty about the need to nationalize MoviePass and provide free movie tickets for everyone . . .

    I read that, too. So much Marxist tripe. It seemed to find, as its foundation, this notion that “If I deem a thing good, it shall become an entitlement, and the government must provide it to me free of charge.”


    • #36
  7. DrewInWisconsin Member

    Oops. Asked and answered above.

    • #37
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