Never Say Never


Yesterday at 3 AM, an aircraft landed at Joint Base Andrews and was greeted by the President, First Lady, and the Vice President. On board the aircraft were three men who have been held in a North Korean prison:

  • Kim Dong Chul
  • Kim Hak Song
  • Tony Kim

On Thursday morning, President Trump tweeted that a summit with the North Korean leader will be held in Singapore on June 12. I don’t know about you, but I think today is a real redletter day. While so-called progressives are whining and crying about some porn star, the president is actually making progress. In the meantime, leftist hacks in the media are pulling their hair out and smacking their empty heads against a wall, trying to figure out how to spin the great news against the President. It is positively delicious!

There are still a lot of people out there, on all sides of the skewed political aisle, having a prolonged hissy-fit over the fact that Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America. In their constant state of vitriolic convulsion, they attack anybody and everybody who dares say something even remotely supportive of the president. Hashtag Never… Whether it comes from screeching leftists or elitist GOPers, it is about time they all realize that President Trump is actually doing things to benefit America. Whether it is today’s developments or some of the other good things he has done, there needs to be a realization among the chronic grumblers that our President is protecting our freedom; that is what a President is supposed to do.

Donald Trump was not my first choice for a candidate in 2016, and I can honestly say that I was not fully supportive of him. I am not one of the MAGA hat-wearing fans. No man gets my worship; that is reserved for God and God alone. Which brings me to draw your attention to Kurt Schlichter’s latest Townhall post (read it, you won’t be sorry). In the last year and a half, every Christian who supports the president has been raked over the coals by the self-righteous contending that defending the president and Christianity cannot coexist. To my Christian brothers and sisters who think this way; get over yourselves. We are to have a discerning spirit, but only God has the Authority to judge the souls of mankind; He does not need our help in this endeavor. President Trump is neither a deity, nor a demon; he is a man – a fallen, sinful creature like all of us. Our religious freedom is being attacked by leftists every day. As long as the president is willing to protect and defend my constitutional right to worship God, I will support him.

He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight.” (Luke 16:15 NIV)

God knows every thought, word and action of every person on this planet; no one is beyond His omniscience. Today, three Christian American men are free from a communist prison, and God used our current president to get the job done. I am pretty sure those men are grateful. If President Trump ceases to defend my religious liberty, I will be the first one to stand up and fight back, but I don’t think that will happen. You see, Scripture reminds me of a “man after God’s own heart”, who not only committed adultery, he also had his lover’s husband murdered. God forgave that man, because He knew his heart. No one among the whole of humanity is righteous before God, but for those of us willing to forgive as He forgave us, His Light will shine upon us. President Trump is not willing to let that light go out; for this, he gets my support. So, if you are one of the Never Trump disciples on the right, left or somewhere in the middle; never is a long time. Never say never, because God might have another plan.

Complacency is not an option.

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  1. Nanda Pajama-Tantrum Member
    Nanda Pajama-Tantrum

    They call me PJ Boy. (View Comment):

    Mike LaRoche (View Comment):

    Columbo (View Comment):

    Why Susan … I couldn’t have put it better myself!

    Time to eliminate all free radicals…

    He thinks it over for a second then says, “Then I’ll cut out the white bread.” LOL

    Plus the 007 infatuated Miss Moneypenny, “Uuuh, do be careful.”

    movie magic!

    Right enough MPJB!  It left so much to the imagination…I’d suggest this fellow in this role, too.  Bond benefitted from him, I think. :-)

    • #31
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