7 Trumpian Thoughts


1. In many important ways, Trump’s been a great president.

2. He’s also obnoxious, nasty, and a bully. A big part of a president’s job involves character and being a role model, and he is absolutely awful. This is hurting him and his party politically. It hurts the country.

3. The lines between news and entertainment have disappeared. Trump, CNN, and “The Bachelorette” are far too similar.

4. This awfulness did not start with Trump. This awfulness gave us Trump.

5. Hillary Clinton was right about one thing: refusing to accept the results of an election undercuts the democracy.

6. Hillary Clinton is wrong about everything else. We dodged a bullet.

7. The people trying to bring down Trump are far more dangerous than Trump. Especially McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and Schiff. Also their allies in the government and media. It is imperative that they do not succeed.

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  1. George Townsend Inactive
    George Townsend

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Rocket Surgeon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):
    Where is the outcry to save the Mueller probe? The complete silence of many Republicans makes us complicit.

    Could be that you are the lone voice – shouting on the wilderness

    That could be true. I hope it isn’t.

    What appears to me is that Republicans who are vocal about their issues with Trump are having trouble in the primaries.

    But to win the general elections, they better show some distance from Trump. In November, we had loses in Virginia, Oklahoma, New York and Pennsylvania; in December, Alabama Senate; in January, Wisconsin; in February, Florida, and in March Pennsylvania.

    Gary is right. Trump turns off a lot of people. I can’t understand why his defenders can’t even admit that. They claim winning is all important. But maybe not. Maybe it is the “fight” that appeals to them.

    This puts me in mind of that  Senator, who jumped from being a Senator to running Heritage. Now he is out of there too. I forget his  name. But he once said that he’d rather have thirty senators that were really hard conservatives than a majority who weren’t what he considers real conservatives. Well, that’s really fine, isn’t it? Except what do you accomplish? Isn’t the whole point of electing legislators is to have them pass the kind of legislation you want? That you know will do the most good? How do you do that when you as the head of your party someone who repels people? I don’t get it.

    • #301
  2. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):
    Where is the outcry to save the Mueller probe?

    Unless you mean, “Save the Mueller probe from its own naked partisanship,” I wonder why there should be one.

    • #302
  3. Terry Mott Member
    Terry Mott

    Mueller probe?  Isn’t that something found on a proctologist’s instrument tray?

    Where’s @docjay? He might know.

    • #303
  4. RufusRJones Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Rocket Surgeon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):
    Where is the outcry to save the Mueller probe? The complete silence of many Republicans makes us complicit.

    Could be that you are the lone voice – shouting on the wilderness

    That could be true. I hope it isn’t.


    Russia is nothing. Carter Page got tailed by the U.S. government based on what? Cambridge Analyitca is nothing. Manafort is nothing. Process crimes. Papodopolus was more or less entrapped by a Clinton stooge. What do you want? “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime?”

    • #304
  5. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    Cambridge Analyitca is nothing.

    I have my problems with Rush Limbaugh, but he nailed this one. The Democrats are angry that the Trump campaign used their own tactics against them; the only difference being that Obama cut out the middle man and got the data directly from Facebook. Good luck trying to split that hair, Dems.

    • #305
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