Milo Uninvited to CPAC


Well, that was quick. A message from ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp:

Due to the revelation of an offensive video in the past 24 hours condoning pedophilia, the American Conservative Union has decided to rescind the invitation of Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

We realize that Mr. Yiannopoulos has responded on Facebook, but it is insufficient. It is up to him to answer the tough questions and we urge him to immediately further address these disturbing comments.

We initially extended the invitation knowing that the free speech issue on college campuses is a battlefield where we need brave, conservative standard-bearers.

Conservative social media exploded over the weekend concerning the invitation of Milo, a right-leaning provocateur who has been met with protests and banning from college campuses. As people registered their opinions, pro and con, The Reagan Battalion released a recording of Milo defending pedophilia on the popular Joe Rogan podcast.

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There are 234 comments.

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  1. Trinity Waters Member
    Trinity Waters

    Nymeria (View Comment):
    I have heard Milo on the Joe Rogan show each time he appeared. What he jokingly referred to was his own experience as a young late adolescent gay man who had a relationship with an older man. In the UK he was within the age of consent (key fact). He used edgy gay humor throughout the interview which is being taken as an endorsement of pedophilia. For those not familiar with Joe Rogan (who believes pedophiles should be executed or locked up forever), he is the type of person who would immediately clamp down on that type of advocacy and personally shove Milo out of his studio. I find it disheartening that so many on Ricochet especially those who aren’t too keen on him are unequivocally accepting these allegations without truly listening to the entirety of the interview and see the context of his comments. The one person who is effectively reaching disaffected center left and left leaning libertarians is despised because he isn’t what “acceptable & respectable” in the right leaning circles. You want to ask yourselves why the conservative movement is fading, this is why.

    A simple “like” is insufficient.  Excellent ideas, well stated.

    • #91
  2. Damocles Inactive

    Cato Rand (View Comment):

    Damocles (View Comment):

    Cato Rand (View Comment):

    Damocles (View Comment):

    Cato Rand (View Comment):

    I’ve noticed Merina and Jennifer’s absence. I didn’t connect it to the Trump nomination but honestly, was just glad to be free of them so I didn’t ask.

    Indeed! I’ve specifically forbidden my own mother from joining for the sake of those poor souls who would make the intemperate choice of disagreeing with me.

    [redacted] I didn’t kick them out. But I’m entitled to be pleased by the end of their harassment.

    I think I may be agreeing with you… but in any case please pass the fava beans!

    LOL, sorry. I thought you were criticizing me for not missing them after they haunted me for two years.

    No problem, I can definitely relate!

    • #92
  3. Nymeria Inactive

    @amyschley I would disagree that Milo supports no conservative values.  Even as a flamboyant gay man he unabashedly defends bakers right to refuse service to gay weddings or events.  He is unabashedly pro Christianity, in particular Catholicism.  He is a classical liberal in the original sense and is an advocate of individual liberty.  Yes, he isn’t the best representation of conservative social values, yet as a gay man in his speeches he acknowledges the rights of religious people to not agree with his lifestyle.  This is a man who has traveled the US and sought out conservatives of all types including social ones to exchange ideas.  I would challenge you to overcome your initial dislike.  He is doing more than just about any freedom loving speaker to reach center left and left leaning people about the threats to the liberty and freedom.

    • #93
  4. Liz Member

    Amy Schley (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):
    It’s an endorsement of hebephilia not pedophilia. Attraction to 11-14 year olds is hebephilia and anything younger is pedophilia.

    Which is also illegal and repulsive. The distinction between the two is relevant for mental health professionals; it’s not necessary to determine the man is seriously messed up.

    Amy is exactly right. Milo sounds like a spokesman for NAMBLA. There is nothing good about this.

    • #94
  5. Jager Coolidge

    I don’t really have a dog in this fight. I could care less if Milo speaks at CPAC. I do think CPAC has handled this poorly. They probably should not have invited Milo and once invited they should not have removed the invitation.

    Milo seems to have responded to all this. Pointing out his work against pedophilia.

    If Milo is accurate, which he seems to link to his actual writing, then this would seem to be people not familiar with his body of work making an issue out of a poorly worded comment in an interview.

    • #95
  6. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Drusus (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):
    It’s an endorsement of hebephilia not pedophilia. Attraction to 11-14 year olds is hebephilia and anything younger is pedophilia.

    So glad you split that hair for us. Now, how many pedophiles can dance on the head of….nevermind.

    I want words to mean what they mean. I’m clarifying not justifying. There is nothing in my comment that implies justification. It’s like I’m Data (and or Sheldon) correcting people.

    But it’s not just splitting hairs.  Puberty makes a difference.  If you’re attracted to prepubescent children, you’re a sick freak.  But if someone is biologically an “adult” (even if not chronologically), you’re lying to yourself if you say people shouldn’t be attracted to them.  Of course, acting on that attraction is a completely different issue.

    There’s a reason Traci Lords was a top world-wide porn star for several years in the 1980s, even though every single movie she made was made when she was under 18.  And what she did was not “kiddie porn” except in the hairsplitting legal sense.

    • #96
  7. Liz Member

    Hercules Rockefeller (View Comment):

    James Lileks (View Comment):

    That was the impression I got – he draped the anti-SJW template over gaming. Wasn’t exactly a gamer himself. Not that it matters; it can be nice to have allies who don’t share your cause but see a common enemy.

    They don’t always stick around when the lights swing in another direction, though.


    I think people my age (27) and younger understand instinctively based upon our experiences in college and high school that everyone can be a target of SJW outrage. Milo didn’t equivocate when he was defending a person or groups of people and that was refreshing. Milo wasn’t a gamer, but who cares? It wasn’t right to watch people get disparaged and bullied. He gave them a platform to fight back.

    Wasn’t Milo one of those who found evidence of the transgender girl/guy’s own tendencies to pedophilia during his investigation of GamerGate? Sarah Butts/Nyberg?

    Wait, here’s a link:


    • #97
  8. Rick Harlan Inactive
    Rick Harlan
    @Rick Harlan

    Jamie Lockett (View Comment):
    That looks like conservatives to me. It includes everything from National Review to Mark Levin. The Daily Caller has been trump friendly. So has The Washington Examiner.

    I’d be suspicious, I don’t see Brietbart or Infowars.

    • #98
  9. Amy Schley Coolidge
    Amy Schley

    Nymeria (View Comment):
    He is doing more than just about any freedom loving speaker to reach center left and left leaning people about the threats to the liberty and freedom.

    And Roman Polanski made a great Macbeth to introduce people to Shakespeare. Doing a few good things doesn’t make up for being a skeevy pervert.

    • #99
  10. Could Be Anyone Inactive
    Could Be Anyone

    Nymeria (View Comment):
    @amyschley I would disagree that Milo supports no conservative values. Even as a flamboyant gay man he unabashedly defends bakers right to refuse service to gay weddings or events. He is unabashedly pro Christianity, in particular Catholicism. He is a classical liberal in the original sense and is an advocate of individual liberty. Yes, he isn’t the best representation of conservative social values, yet as a gay man in his speeches he acknowledges the rights of religious people to not agree with his lifestyle. This is a man who has traveled the US and sought out conservatives of all types including social ones to exchange ideas. I would challenge you to overcome your initial dislike. He is doing more than just about any freedom loving speaker to reach center left and left leaning people about the threats to the liberty and freedom.

    If I might ask what has he done to reach those of the center left and left? Where has he attempted to seek out conservatives of all types for social exchanges? I can think of a ton of others who have and as far as I know they were not invited as speakers to CPAC. As to him being a classical liberal I don’t know if I agree with that statement. trump is not a classical liberal and there were far more classically liberal candidates to support during the primaries and Milo chose to vociferously support trump.

    On top of all of this it was already mentioned in this thread by another person in reference to the Maher Show transcript that Milo does not even consider himself conservative and I have seen in other interviews where I have watched him that he considers himself “libertarian” and a provocateur (he also helped to popularize the term cuckservative). If he was truly libertarian then I again consider his support of trump to counter that allegation although I do not contend his self described title of provocateur as he has repeatedly stated in interviews that he is all about being provocative and that currently being an opponent of the left is provocative.

    I don’t see the merit in having Milo chosen as a speaker. In fact him being chosen and Matt Schlapp’s (the ACU chairman) public announcements on twitter towards Milo struck me as seeking political attention rather than actually trying to advance the conservative philosophy. But that is the current issue for a number of conservative groups. Many have misconstrued trump’s victory for a massive popular victory and see the need to woo his supporters.

    But trolling some leftists is not conservatism.

    • #100
  11. Cato Rand Inactive
    Cato Rand

    Tommy De Seno (View Comment):

    Cato Rand (View Comment):

    Tommy De Seno (View Comment):
    Was Milo talking about minors? Is there a transcript of the offensive quote?

    Yes, click the link under “recording” in the OP and the audio file will pop up. He’s very clearly talking about minors. It goes on for 2 minutes and couldn’t be more clear.

    I don’t have Twitter so I can’t get to the audio. Does Milo use actual ages? Does he say 13 (I see that age spoken of on this thread).


    • #101
  12. Cato Rand Inactive
    Cato Rand

    Nymeria (View Comment):
    @amyschley I would disagree that Milo supports no conservative values. Even as a flamboyant gay man he unabashedly defends bakers right to refuse service to gay weddings or events. He is unabashedly pro Christianity, in particular Catholicism. He is a classical liberal in the original sense and is an advocate of individual liberty. Yes, he isn’t the best representation of conservative social values, yet as a gay man in his speeches he acknowledges the rights of religious people to not agree with his lifestyle. This is a man who has traveled the US and sought out conservatives of all types including social ones to exchange ideas. I would challenge you to overcome your initial dislike. He is doing more than just about any freedom loving speaker to reach center left and left leaning people about the threats to the liberty and freedom.

    I’m just not a fan of people whose modus operandi or raison d’etre (look at me with the fancy words – and yes, I know they mean different things, that’s intentional) starts with offending others.

    • #102
  13. doulalady Member

    I find this whole episode so dispiriting. The use of the word boy in his video is being taken to mean minors. This is absolutely not the way it would be understood in England.

    In England a minor is referred to as a little boy or child. Young males are still referred to as boys until they leave school at 18 or 19 years old. In my family you were a boy until you married. So my brother who married at 16, having left school to work at 14, was a man. My other brothers who did not marry until they were in their late twenties were called boys for ten years longer than him.

    This is the demographic to which he is referring. Essentially in American parlance, sexually mature, middle to high school males. He is absolutely not talking about minors.

    This video slices out of a complete interview an hyperbolic, gallows humor, statement by Milo about us own abuse at the hands of a priest. A form of humor that gets me into serious trouble with Americans all the time btw. This statement is then blended seamlessly with his use of the word boy, to describe himself, ( an aggressive and sexually precocious  adolescent, not a minor), in a relationship with an older man.

    We truly are separated by a common language.

    • #103
  14. Cato Rand Inactive
    Cato Rand

    doulalady (View Comment):
    I find this whole episode so dispiriting. The use of the word boy in his video is being taken to mean minors. This is absolutely not the way it would be understood in England.

    In England a minor is referred to as a little boy or child. Young males are still referred to as boys until they leave school at 18 or 19 years old. In my family you were a boy until you married. So my brother who married at 16, having left school to work at 14, was a man. My other brothers who did not marry until they were in their late twenties were called boys for ten years longer than him.

    This is the demographic to which he is referring. Essentially in American parlance, sexually mature, middle to high school males. He is absolutely not talking about minors.

    This video slices out of a complete interview an hyperbolic, gallows humor, statement by Milo about us own abuse at the hands of a priest. A form of humor that gets me into serious trouble with Americans all the time btw. This statement is then blended seamlessly with his use of the word boy, to describe himself, ( an aggressive and sexually precocious adolescent, not a minor), in a relationship with an older man.

    We truly are separated by a common language.

    I’m not sure what you mean by “minor” but a middle school aged person is legally a “minor”.

    • #104
  15. Chuck Enfield Inactive
    Chuck Enfield

    Cato Rand (View Comment):
    I curious how many of those defending Milo would criticize a left wing “diversity” conference that featured a NAMBLA speaker? I’m trying to understand the difference.

    Speaking as somebody who has little use for Milo, I might presume that a “NAMBLA speaker” would be at CPAC to talk about that issue.  This is one of many shocking things Milo has said, and it seems unlikely he would bring it up at CPAC.

    I think there are arguments to be made on both sides.  Many of them have been made, but here’s how I’d summarize them:

    1. I wouldn’t have invited Milo to speak at CPAC in the first place, so I’m not bothered to see him go.
    2. I don’t think anything Milo said was out of bounds for consideration.  I didn’t find him very persuasive, but what he said made sense.  Statutory rape is a matter of statute, and the merits of statutes are open for debate.
    3. The right is too quick to defenestrate people for saying something questionable.  Dismissing potential allies because they occasionally say things you don’t like isn’t a very effective way to increase political power.
    4. It’s right and proper for an organization like the ACU to yield to the opinions of its constituents.

    I can’t form a strong opinion either way this time, so my inclination is to support the ACU’s decision because it’s their decision to make.  I just hope they considered points 2 & 3 when making it.

    • #105
  16. Mike LaRoche Inactive
    Mike LaRoche

    The circular firing squad rides again.

    • #106
  17. Damocles Inactive

    Mike LaRoche (View Comment):
    The circular firing squad rides again.

    Is there a way to promote this one comment to the main page?

    • #107
  18. ModEcon Inactive

    I think I should defend Milo on this.

    1. To my knowledge, Milo does not condone pedophilia, child molestation, etc.
    2. Milo does make an argument that young adult(biologically) men having relations with older men is sometimes  good for the emotional stability and support.
    3. The above argument is specifically about those who have reached puberty, not pedophilia.
    4. Milo makes jokes. Even ones that some consider in bad taste.
    5. I am not sure if Milo would extend these arguments, particularly the young age, to heterosexual relations. He fairly specifically is talking about gay relations here.
    6. Milo claims that he was fully matured as relating being able to give sexual consent when talking about his own experiences in a positive way. I have not heard him talk much about his history with abuse. As per his Facebook post, he was talking about his relations when he was 17 when talking about his positive relationship with an older man. Also, note the meaning he uses when using the word “boy”.
    7. His reference to “arbitrary idea of consent” he is referring to legal age requirements. In particular, he is trying to point out that while an age requirement can be legal issues, they are not moral. Some people may be able to have moral relations before legal. Look up California’s statutory rape.
    8. When talking about inter-generational relationships, he is talking about people who are of age, not prepubescent.
    9. I am not clear at what age and what age difference he is okay with.


    • #108
  19. ModEcon Inactive

    Cato Rand (View Comment):

    doulalady (View Comment):

    I’m not sure what you mean by “minor” but a middle school aged person is legally a “minor”.

    This is just a problem of imprecise meaning it seems to me. My understanding is that the term minor is defined as relating this issue as someone who does not have the legal rights of an adult. Therefore, a person is still a minor until the day before their 18th birthday in America at least.

    Clearly, IMO, sex with a minor is not immoral. Nor is a relationship between a minor and an adult as that could be as little as 2 days difference.

    doulalady (View Comment):
    In England a minor is referred to as a little boy or child. Young males are still referred to as boys until they leave school at 18 or 19 years old. In my family you were a boy until you married. So my brother who married at 16, having left school to work at 14, was a man. My other brothers who did not marry until they were in their late twenties were called boys for ten years longer than him.

    Milo also references this definition difference in his Facebook post

    I shouldn’t have used the word “boy” — which gay men often do to describe young men of consenting age — instead of “young man.” That was an error.

    Milo admits to using imprecise language which anyone who watches live streams will know is not unique.

    • #109
  20. TheRoyalFamily Member

    Cato Rand (View Comment):

    Tommy De Seno (View Comment):

    Cato Rand (View Comment):

    Tommy De Seno (View Comment):
    Was Milo talking about minors? Is there a transcript of the offensive quote?

    Yes, click the link under “recording” in the OP and the audio file will pop up. He’s very clearly talking about minors. It goes on for 2 minutes and couldn’t be more clear.

    I don’t have Twitter so I can’t get to the audio. Does Milo use actual ages? Does he say 13 (I see that age spoken of on this thread).


    He is using that to refer to when he lost his own virginity. He specifically says that is abuse (in the denotative way, as in “illicitly taking advantage of a situation,” as Milo says he initiated), not that it was OK. What he is saying is OK is that he had relations with an older (I believe 30-year-old) man when he was 17, which he claims was good for him (and other homosexual fellows).

    • #110
  21. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    They cancelled his book deal too.

    Moral to the story: don’t defend sexual relationships between adult males and middle schoolers.

    • #111
  22. TheRoyalFamily Member

    Everyone is getting snookered by a coordinated effort to assassinate the character (yes, even Milo has a character to assassinate) of someone the left (and Useful Idiots on the right) don’t agree with. With the riot at Berkeley, Milo stopped being a small fry, but noticed by everyone. CPAC shouldn’t have invited him in the first place, but they are doing the typical conservative/Republican thing and folding to the left’s Alynsky tactics.

    • #112
  23. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    TheRoyalFamily (View Comment):
    Everyone is getting snookered by a coordinated effort to assassinate the character (yes, even Milo has a character to assassinate) of someone the left (and Useful Idiots on the right) don’t agree with. With the riot at Berkeley, Milo stopped being a small fry, but noticed by everyone. CPAC shouldn’t have invited him in the first place, but they are doing the typical conservative/Republican thing and folding to the left’s Alynsky tactics.

    Sorry which member of this nefarious cabal forced Milo to defend the practice of adult males having sex with middle schoolers?

    • #113
  24. Randal H Member
    Randal H

    Mike LaRoche (View Comment):
    The circular firing squad rides again.

    TheRoyalFamily (View Comment):
    Everyone is getting snookered by a coordinated effort to assassinate the character (yes, even Milo has a character to assassinate) of someone the left (and Useful Idiots on the right) don’t agree with. With the riot at Berkeley, Milo stopped being a small fry, but noticed by everyone. CPAC shouldn’t have invited him in the first place, but they are doing the typical conservative/Republican thing and folding to the left’s Alynsky tactics.

    Yep, the left is celebrating heartily tonight. They’ve already made the point on Twitter that conservatives are now on board with the Berkeley riots. Regardless of what you think about Milo or whether he should have been invited to speak at CPAC, conservatives now have no leg to stand on when complaining about campus censorship, or at least that’s the way it will be portrayed.


    • #114
  25. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    Randal H (View Comment):

    Mike LaRoche (View Comment):
    The circular firing squad rides again.

    TheRoyalFamily (View Comment):
    Everyone is getting snookered by a coordinated effort to assassinate the character (yes, even Milo has a character to assassinate) of someone the left (and Useful Idiots on the right) don’t agree with. With the riot at Berkeley, Milo stopped being a small fry, but noticed by everyone. CPAC shouldn’t have invited him in the first place, but they are doing the typical conservative/Republican thing and folding to the left’s Alynsky tactics.

    Yep, the left is celebrating heartily tonight. They’ve already made the point on Twitter that conservatives are now on board with the Berkeley riots. Regardless of what you think about Milo or whether he should have been invited to speak at CPAC, conservatives now have no leg to stand on when complaining about campus censorship, or at least that will be the way it will be portrayed.

    Because disinviting someone from your event is the same thing as rioting. Only leftists could believe something so inane.

    • #115
  26. Trinity Waters Member
    Trinity Waters

    Jamie Lockett (View Comment):
    They cancelled his book deal too.

    Moral to the story: don’t defend sexual relationships between adult males and middle schoolers.

    Moral to another story: don’t pretend you know all the facts.

    • #116
  27. Trinity Waters Member
    Trinity Waters

    Jamie Lockett (View Comment):

    Randal H (View Comment):

    Mike LaRoche (View Comment):
    The circular firing squad rides again.

    TheRoyalFamily (View Comment):
    Everyone is getting snookered by a coordinated effort to assassinate the character (yes, even Milo has a character to assassinate) of someone the left (and Useful Idiots on the right) don’t agree with. With the riot at Berkeley, Milo stopped being a small fry, but noticed by everyone. CPAC shouldn’t have invited him in the first place, but they are doing the typical conservative/Republican thing and folding to the left’s Alynsky tactics.

    Yep, the left is celebrating heartily tonight. They’ve already made the point on Twitter that conservatives are now on board with the Berkeley riots. Regardless of what you think about Milo or whether he should have been invited to speak at CPAC, conservatives now have no leg to stand on when complaining about campus censorship, or at least that will be the way it will be portrayed.

    Because disinviting someone from your event is the same thing as rioting. Only leftists could believe something so inane.

    Jamie, you may have set a new benchmark for “reductio ad absurdum”, but maybe that’s not your intent.

    • #117
  28. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    Trinity Waters (View Comment):

    Jamie Lockett (View Comment):
    They cancelled his book deal too.

    Moral to the story: don’t defend sexual relationships between adult males and middle schoolers.

    Moral to another story: don’t pretend you know all the facts.

    Oh by all means please enlighten us.

    • #118
  29. Dave Sussman Member
    Dave Sussman

    Here is Milo’s apology. He mostly owns that this was a crisis of his making. As said earlier, Milo has done some good things, especially when it comes to shining a light on free speech police at our universities. For that he should be commended. He obviously has used his childhood trauma (he doesn’t mention 13 year old boys here, only 17) to make light of what most sane people view as a morally reprehensible. But, I still agree with him being cancelled by CPAC. There is a fantastic slate of conservatives … and even President Trump ;). Milo would have been a sideshow which would have taken away from the purpose so many are investing their time and resources going.

    • #119
  30. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    When even Brietbart is thinking about dumping you, you know you made a mistake:

    Moral to the story: don’t defend sexual relationships between adult males and middle schoolers.

    • #120
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