NOAA Whistleblower Starts Firestorm on Climate Data


Power line posted an article from the UK’s Daily Mail that could turn out to be as explosive as the East Anglia climate change scandal of a few years back. Thus far, none of the US MSM have taken up this breaking news, but Judith Curry has the whistleblower’s entire story posted on her site along with her thoughts.

The whistleblower, Dr. John Bates (recently retired), is highly respected, and per the Daily Mail “…retired from NOAA at the end of last year after a 40-year career in meteorology and climate science. As recently as 2014, the Obama administration awarded him a special gold medal for his work in setting new, supposedly binding standards ‘to produce and preserve climate data records’.”

The reporter intends to go more into depth in this rapidly evolving story in the next few days.

In 2015, Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas questioned the NOAA data that was used to justify the US support of the Paris Accords. Looks like he was ahead of his time. He’s still chairman of the Science Committee, and it may be time for another hearing to blast this thing “out of the water” (particularly ironic considering how NOAA doctored its data).

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There are 64 comments.

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  1. drlorentz Member

    Ontheleftcoast (View Comment):

    drlorentz (View Comment):
    Now it’s time to expose and punish the transgressors.

    The joke I heard in fifth grade or so comes to mind:

    “How do you make a hormone?”

    “Don’t pay.”

    We need to hear some moaning from the climate “scientists.”

    I have always loved that joke, though the punch line I know is “Refuse to pay her.”

    To your point, you can punish them by taking away the funding. Punishment does not always mean by the operation of law.

    • #31
  2. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    drlorentz (View Comment):
    You are mistaken. Scientific fraud is punishable under the law if government funding is involved, as it was in this case.

    Good point.  I find lots of debate on the internet about it.  In this article, one punishment struck me as one that would put fear and horror into the perps: make them return the money.

    Just doing nothing is not a good idea. But if you mete out quick and certain justice to an individual, then you lose your basis for pressuring for institutional reform. I’d like to win the PR battle.

    Furthermore, there are other forms of punishment besides by exercise of the law.


    • #32
  3. JcTPatriot Member

    Rosie (View Comment):
    It won’t unfortunately affect the true believers. I just mentioned this story to my vegan, animal loving, environmentalist roommate. I clearly noted that scientists in NOAA has used dodgy data for the Paris accords. At first she ready to blame Trump but I clarified that this happened in 2015 and she quickly fell silent. I noted that the key was that whatever the findings it was important to have science backed up by proven data not manipulated data or else people will no longer trust the scientists. I noted that the updated report based on raw data might actually show a cooling trend and she just could not accept this. She went on a stating that global warming is true, we (humans) are killing the planet, we are overpopulating the earth, etc. Just like anti-vaccine people no matter what is shown her religion is environmentalism and the cognitive dissonance cannot be accepted. Her reaction doesn’t surprise me. I just wanted to see how deep she was in the green cult and I got my answer.

    How in the world can you live with a person like that?

    • #33
  4. Ontheleftcoast Inactive

    JcTPatriot (View Comment):
    How in the world can you live with a person like that?

    The problem is that you can live with her just fine, but because you are opposed to saving the world, you are an enemy of humanity.

    • #34
  5. Walker Member

    Tim H. (View Comment):
    I haven’t read the newspaper story on it, and I’m skeptical of the Daily Mail’s reporting, but I did read most of Bates’ post on Judith Curry’s website, which is pretty detailed.

    I agree about not trusting a tabloid, but I figured that those interested (you?) would also turn to Curry’s blog and get the details.  While not a scientist myself, I saw first hand how bureaucrats manipulate data to get the “right results”.  While they are no doubt well intentioned, staff I worked with on climate regulations were “true believers” and not skeptical scientists.  As for me, I just used my common sense to see that what we were being fed by the wacko enviros was cause enough for alarm.

    • #35
  6. Ontheleftcoast Inactive

    Tim H. (View Comment):

    I haven’t read the newspaper story on it, and I’m skeptical of the Daily Mail’s reporting, but I did read most of Bates’ post on Judith Curry’s website, which is pretty detailed.

    At least the Daily Mail is covering it. I just searched the NYT for “John Bates” and “Judith Curry” in the last seven days. No results for either name.

    Suppressio veri…

    • #36
  7. I Walton Member
    I Walton

    The issue of how much warming and data manipulation demonstrates dishonesty, but it isn’t the real issue.  The real issues are policy.  So far we have cash for clunkers, ethanol, wind energy, and subsidies for solar.  All of these are costly net environmental loses.  We have also crushed the coal energy in it’s name, delayed cost saving and energy saving pipelines etc.  The warming hysteria is pushed by progressives who want power, interests who want subsides, grant farmers who are having a well paid ball and of course charlatans like Al Gore who are getting rich.  It doesn’t really matter if we’re getting warmer or not and if it should become a problem in the next hundred years we better have a flexible decentralized economy so we can adapt and create new relevant technology.  The idea that a centrally controlled progressive run economy will adapt better and create better technology is utter insanity.  Of course they manipulate data and lie.  What would one expect given the driving interests.

    • #37
  8. Patrick McClure Coolidge
    Patrick McClure

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    drlorentz (View Comment):
    Now it’s time to expose and punish the transgressors.

    Um, you mean do the sort of thing the climate activists are trying to do to suppress speech?

    No.  I took that to mean expose and ridicule their shoddy performance mercilessly.  I do not see that as the same thing as telling them to shut up because they are deniers of truth.  I do not see that as calls to jail them.  At least I hope that @drlorentz wasn’t calling for that.


    EDIT:  I should have read more comments before commenting.  The good doctor made his intentions quite clear.

    EDIT:  You know it’s Monday when you have to edit your edit for spelling.


    • #38
  9. RyanFalcone Member

    Time for a call for the separation of science and state.

    There should be a Federal investigation and all fraudulent scientists and organizations (including universities) should be fined and forced to pay back all the grants they received to forward this hoax.

    • #39
  10. Matt Bartle Member
    Matt Bartle

    Sadly, I bet it’s not a firestorm. I bet it’s a two-day story on conservative sites and then disappears from view. Nothing to see here!

    • #40
  11. ModEcon Inactive

    drlorentz (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    You are welcome to explain what you meant by expose and punish. I posed a question. It was not a rhetorical question.

    I thought it was clear enough what the reason for punishment would be: speech is constitutionally protected, fraud is not. The topic of the OP is fraud, as is my comment, which you very selectively quoted.

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    And yes, climate activists are free under the law to fabricate or tamper with data.

    You are mistaken. Scientific fraud is punishable under the law if government funding is involved, as it was in this case. Furthermore, there are other forms of punishment besides by exercise of the law.

    In any case, you asked if I was advocating suppression of speech. I answered that question already. I quote myself:

    drlorentz (View Comment):
    Climate activists are free to say what they want.

    They are free to express any opinions they wish. Clear enough answer?

    Quite correct. If I understand it correctly, if one says “I believe in global warming”, that is fine. However, if one says “I believe in global warming and here is some data (that they know is false but you don’t), so give me money” that is fraud. It would be like false advertising, whether to people or to the government.

    • #41
  12. Boney Cole Member
    Boney Cole

    From reading deep in the comments at Curry and wuwt, it seems that david Roses article has some very simple and egregious errors in it. Basically not using the proper baselines in graphing the data.   Also, other pro-warming scientists claim to have replicated the paper in question.   They say that proper data handling may not have initially been followed, but the data is now transparent, available and correctly analyzed.  Just have to wait and see.

    • #42
  13. Arjay Member

    Boney Cole (View Comment):
    They say that proper data handling may not have initially been followed, but the data is now transparent, available and correctly analyzed. Just have to wait and see.

    Of course they would say that.  Anything else might interfere with receiving new grants.


    • #43
  14. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron


    The data cheats were caught red handed. The old data collection method was to sample the water by pulling it into ships. The new method was to have measurement devices directly in the water. It was clearly proven that the old method consistently produced an error to the warm side. Thus the ship data was rejected and more devices were placed directly in the water. This “pause busting” study simply went back and rejected the data from the sensors directly in the water and reinstalled the faulty ship data. Everyone who knows anything serious about the real science knows this is pure fraud.

    I think those who conspired to defraud the world at NOAA should be fired immediately. One might consider criminal charges. Trillions of dollars of GNP and Billions of Human lives will be affected. There needs to be some consequences.



    • #44
  15. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    Interestingly enough, not only did Lysenkoism hold back Soviet science, but some climate activists apparently have decided the comparison between Lysenkoism and the politicization of climate science is a little too close for comfort. It looks like they redefined Lysenkoism on Wikipedia:

    Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысе́нковщина, lysenkovshchina) was a political campaign against genetics and science-based agriculture conducted by Trofim Lysenko,

    For those who care, here is the opening part of the Wikipedia entry on Lysenkoism as recently as March 2015:

    Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысе́нковщина), or Lysenko-Michurinism was the centralized political control exercised over genetics and agriculture by Trofim Lysenko and his followers. Lysenko was the director of the Soviet Union‘s Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Lysenkoism began in the late 1920s and formally ended in 1964.

    I’ll let you compare for yourself to see which version is distorted and made friendlier to the climate activist crowd. Neither is as good as the opening paragraph at RationalWiki:

    Lysenkoism, named for Russian botanist Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (Трофи́м Дени́сович Лысе́нко), was a political doctrine in Joseph Stalin‘s Soviet Union that mandated that all biological research conducted in the USSR conform to a modified Lamarckian evolutionary theory. The underlying appeal was that it promised a biology based on a plastic view of life that was consistent with the plastic view of human nature insisted upon by Marxist-Leninist dogma

    • #45
  16. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Boney Cole (View Comment):
    From reading deep in the comments at Curry and wuwt, it seems that david Roses article has some very simple and egregious errors in it. Basically not using the proper baselines in graphing the data. Also, other pro-warming scientists claim to have replicated the paper in question. They say that proper data handling may not have initially been followed, but the data is now transparent, available and correctly analyzed. Just have to wait and see.

    I could have pointed Michael Bellesiles to additional data in support of his thesis, though I disagree very much with his political agenda. That Bellesiles may have had a good point about the history of guns in America does not change the fact that he committed fraud and deserved to lose his job (which he finally did).

    • #46
  17. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    To all,

    Mr. Delingpole is ready to jump on this.

    NOAA Scandal Gives Trump The Perfect Excuse To Drain The Climate Swamp

    What the whistleblowing NOAA insider John Bates has just done is prove beyond reasonable doubt what some of us have long claimed: that from NASA GISS and NOAA across the pond to the UEA and the Met Office’s Hadley Centre, the world’s leading temperature data sets have been hijacked by climate activists and abused to advance a political agenda.

    In terms of the climate propaganda wars, on the other hand, it is huge: this is a blow from which the Alarmist establishment may never recover for it gives the Trump administration just the excuse it needs to sweep clean the Augean of corrupt climate science once and forever.

    From Mr. Delingpole’s lips to Gd’s ear.



    • #47
  18. rgbact Inactive

    Boney Cole (View Comment):
    Also, other pro-warming scientists claim to have replicated the paper in question.

    Yep. Like someone replicating Enron’s financials. Please tell me how this is the best way for quality control? I suspect many professionals in other industries with strict quality control find the methods used in “science” appalling. In particular, the lack of consequences for fraud.

    • #48
  19. rgbact Inactive

    Boney Cole (View Comment):
    From reading deep in the comments at Curry and wuwt, it seems that david Roses article has some very simple and egregious errors in it.

    Hope you’ll come back and add some more details on those “egregious errors” you heard about. I didn’t see any.

    • #49
  20. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    James Gawron (View Comment):

    The data cheats were caught red handed. The old data collection method was to sample the water by pulling it into ships. The new method was to have measurement devices directly in the water. It was clearly proven that the old method consistently produced an error to the warm side. Thus the ship data was rejected and more devices were placed directly in the water. This “pause busting” study simply went back and rejected the data from the sensors directly in the water and reinstalled the faulty ship data. Everyone who knows anything serious about the real science knows this is pure fraud.

    I think those who conspired to defraud the world at NOAA should be fired immediately. One might consider criminal charges. Trillions of dollars of GNP and Billions of Human lives will be affected. There needs to be some consequences.



    Jim, do you have links to the different data collection methodologies? I’d like to read more.

    • #50
  21. JimGoneWild Coolidge

    So NOAA, NASA, IPCC and Michael Mann have all been caught changing climate data and the media is MIA? I’m shocked (not really).

    • #51
  22. Boney Cole Member
    Boney Cole

    I hope that Steve McIntyre comes out of his climate audit pause for this controversy.  However, there are so many aspects of this thing, it would probably take several posts to cover all the bases.  Lots of issues regarding the Karl paper itself as well as data handling.  He has been a very detailed critic of the ice core data handlers particularly. Others as well, of course. He also seems to have the most competent commenters.

    • #52
  23. Boney Cole Member
    Boney Cole

    He apparently placed graphs of two data sets on the same axes that were developed with differing baselines.  It seems that no one has refuted that in the Judith Curry site comments.  That was my impression going through comments last night.  I could be wrong, or more comments may have shed new light by now.

    anyone going to Heartland Climate conference in March.  How about a get together?

    • #53
  24. Arjay Member

    Boney Cole (View Comment):
    … other pro-warming scientists claim to have replicated the paper in question.

    As has been true many times in the computer era: GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).


    • #54
  25. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Jamie Lockett (View Comment):

    James Gawron (View Comment):

    The data cheats were caught red handed. The old data collection method was to sample the water by pulling it into ships. The new method was to have measurement devices directly in the water. It was clearly proven that the old method consistently produced an error to the warm side. Thus the ship data was rejected and more devices were placed directly in the water. This “pause busting” study simply went back and rejected the data from the sensors directly in the water and reinstalled the faulty ship data. Everyone who knows anything serious about the real science knows this is pure fraud.

    I think those who conspired to defraud the world at NOAA should be fired immediately. One might consider criminal charges. Trillions of dollars of GNP and Billions of Human lives will be affected. There needs to be some consequences.



    Jim, do you have links to the different data collection methodologies? I’d like to read more.


    Here is John Bates article which details what the NOAA people just did. It’s not about the specific measurement techniques but about how the bureaucracy broke it’s own rules. They also appear to have destroyed their own data archive or at least failed to archive it properly.

    Climate scientists versus climate data

    The article below speaks more to the measurement techniques relied upon.


    Key pitfalls of the paper:
    * The authors have produced adjustments that are at odds with all other surface temperature datasets, as well as those compiled via satellite.

    * They do not include any data from the Argo array that is the world’s best coherent data set on ocean temperatures.

    * Adjustments are largely to sea surface temperatures (SST) and appear to align ship measurements of SST with night marine air temperature (NMAT) estimates, which have their own data bias problems.

    * The extent of the largest SST adjustment made over the hiatus period, supposedly to reflect a continuing change in ship observations (from buckets to engine intake thermometers) is not justified by any evidence as to the magnitude of the appropriate adjustment, which appears to be far smaller.

    Will try to get more.



    • #55
  26. Larry Koler Inactive
    Larry Koler

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    Interestingly enough, not only did Lysenkoism hold back Soviet science, but some climate activists apparently have decided the comparison between Lysenkoism and the politicization of climate science is a little too close for comfort. It looks like they redefined Lysenkoism on Wikipedia:

    Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысе́нковщина, lysenkovshchina) was a political campaign against genetics and science-based agriculture conducted by Trofim Lysenko,

    For those who care, here is the opening part of the Wikipedia entry on Lysenkoism as recently as March 2015:

    Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысе́нковщина), or Lysenko-Michurinism was the centralized political control exercised over genetics and agriculture by Trofim Lysenko and his followers. Lysenko was the director of the Soviet Union‘s Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Lysenkoism began in the late 1920s and formally ended in 1964.

    I’ll let you compare for yourself to see which version is distorted and made friendlier to the climate activist crowd. Neither is as good as the opening paragraph at RationalWiki:

    Lysenkoism, named for Russian botanist Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (Трофи́м Дени́сович Лысе́нко), was a political doctrine in Joseph Stalin‘s Soviet Union that mandated that all biological research conducted in the USSR conform to a modified Lamarckian evolutionary theory. The underlying appeal was that it promised a biology based on a plastic view of life that was consistent with the plastic view of human nature insisted upon by Marxist-Leninist dogma

    There’s new data on Lamarck’s approach in epigenetics. It looks like he may have been right in some things. If others like this comment what say one of us starts a post on this and I’ll try to get my son-in-law (Phd in Immunology) to flesh out his nuanced defense of Lamarck.

    Thanks for tracking the political moving target of Wikipedia.

    • #56
  27. B. Hugh Mann Inactive
    B. Hugh Mann

    @jamielockett @jamesgawron To add to the very good points already made and along the line of temperature collection methodologies to consider is the ‘urban heat island’ (or also known as ‘heat island effect’) where the temperatures in major cities are higher than surrounding landscapes due to the concrete, pavement, and buildings that make up large urban centers that create, collect and retain more heat.  This is important to consider especially when comparing temperatures collected in the 1800s to today if you simply think about the increased sprawl of the largest cities where these cataloged temperatures were likely recorded.

    • #57
  28. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    B. Hugh Mann (View Comment):
    @jamielockett @jamesgawron To add to the very good points already made and along the line of temperature collection methodologies to consider is the ‘urban heat island’ (or also known as ‘heat island effect’) where the temperatures in major cities are higher than surrounding landscapes due to the concrete, pavement, and buildings that make up large urban centers that create, collect and retain more heat. This is important to consider especially when comparing temperatures collected in the 1800s to today if you simply think about the increased sprawl of the largest cities where these cataloged temperatures were likely recorded.

    Can we take anyone with the last name Mann at face value in a Climate Change discussion ;).

    • #58
  29. B. Hugh Mann Inactive
    B. Hugh Mann

    Jamie Lockett (View Comment):

    B. Hugh Mann (View Comment):
    @jamielockett @jamesgawron To add to the very good points already made and along the line of temperature collection methodologies to consider is the ‘urban heat island’ (or also known as ‘heat island effect’) where the temperatures in major cities are higher than surrounding landscapes due to the concrete, pavement, and buildings that make up large urban centers that create, collect and retain more heat. This is important to consider especially when comparing temperatures collected in the 1800s to today if you simply think about the increased sprawl of the largest cities where these cataloged temperatures were likely recorded.

    Can we take anyone with the last name Mann at face value in a Climate Change discussion ;).

    Hmmm.  How to say yes in the most emphatic way possible?  Yes.  Absolutely yes.

    • #59
  30. B. Hugh Mann Inactive
    B. Hugh Mann

    Jamie Lockett (View Comment):

    B. Hugh Mann (View Comment):
    @jamielockett @jamesgawron To add to the very good points already made and along the line of temperature collection methodologies to consider is the ‘urban heat island’ (or also known as ‘heat island effect’) where the temperatures in major cities are higher than surrounding landscapes due to the concrete, pavement, and buildings that make up large urban centers that create, collect and retain more heat. This is important to consider especially when comparing temperatures collected in the 1800s to today if you simply think about the increased sprawl of the largest cities where these cataloged temperatures were likely recorded.

    Can we take anyone with the last name Mann at face value in a Climate Change discussion ;).

    Hmm.  How to say yes in the most emphatic way possible?  Yes.  Absolutely yes.

    edit:  Sorry for double post.  Server trouble.

    • #60
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