The Ricochet Let America Flush Act of 2017


I’m not sure how the Venn Diagram of classical liberalism and national populism is going to play out during the Trump era here on Ricochet.  I think there are going to be some stark disagreements that will likely open old wounds from the election, but I propose one very healing and unifying bill early in the next congress that is proposed directly from us at Ricochet to our elected officials everywhere (and we’re going to need you to stomp on the upvote button early and often so we get this on the main feed)

We want a bill that repeals the silliest and most intrusive thumb sucking nanny state nonsense that has been visited on the American people during the past couple decades by both major political parties.

We, the united Riochetti, propose the The Ricochet Let American Flush Act of 2017.  The two core components that we demand are:

  1. Decriminalization of the light bulb.  We want our cheap incandescent non-Energy Star compliant bulbs back and the commie compact fluorescent lamp bulbs relegated to the ash heap of history by market choice.
  2. Decriminalization of a proper toilet.  Did we miss something in American history?  Did we lose a war and as a condition of our loss we are required to use low-flow toilets as punishment? No? Then we demand to lawfully be able to buy a toilet that uses so much water and is so powerful that it violates Cold War era strategic arms limitation treaties.

What else are we adding to our bill?

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There are 46 comments.

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  1. Vectorman Inactive

    Umbra Fractus:

    Al French:

    And bring back dishwasher detergent with TSP.

    Unfortunately that’s a state level regulation (California, naturally) that affects the rest of us because the soap makers don’t want to make two different products. As much as I wish it were gone too, we don’t want the feds stomping on the states.

    California is big, but it doesn’t rule the U.S. Any entrepreneurial / boutique soap manufacturer could easily give us what we want at a slightly higher price. After all, there are many custom candle, soap, greeting cards, etc. boutique shops around if the major retailers don’t wish to carry multiple product lines.

    • #31
  2. TKC1101 Member

    Sounds like an executive order to me.

    • #32
  3. Joseph Stanko Coolidge
    Joseph Stanko

    Umbra Fractus:

    Al French:

    And bring back dishwasher detergent with TSP.

    Unfortunately that’s a state level regulation (California, naturally) that affects the rest of us because the soap makers don’t want to make two different products. As much as I wish it were gone too, we don’t want the feds stomping on the states.

    Along the same lines, I’d love to have my plastic grocery bags back, but that was outlawed first at the local level and now California voters have (narrowly) banned them statewide.

    • #33
  4. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    Joseph Stanko:

    Umbra Fractus:

    Al French:

    And bring back dishwasher detergent with TSP.

    Unfortunately that’s a state level regulation (California, naturally) that affects the rest of us because the soap makers don’t want to make two different products. As much as I wish it were gone too, we don’t want the feds stomping on the states.

    Along the same lines, I’d love to have my plastic grocery bags back, but that was outlawed first at the local level and now California voters have (narrowly) banned them statewide.

    Don’t get me started on those. I live in a suburb which allows them next to a city which doesn’t. That means I have to consciously remember which store is in which city, because the big city doesn’t mark their boundaries!

    • #34
  5. OkieSailor Member

    Blondie:I’m in on all of the above. I also want a decent choice for a washing machine. I’ve been nursing mine for 2 years because I don’t want one of those new less water jobs.

    Speed Queen still makes a washing machine that works, has a real center post and everything. And I think there is a way to open the lid during a cycle with the machine stopped of course, in case you want to toss in tat sock you found after starting a cycle. And you can use regular detergent, not the new improved (expensive) stuff that doesn’t really clean. They are also made in America if that is important to you. Check the web for independent dealers in your area.l
    Our Whirlpool is still working fine but when it dies we’ll be getting a Speed Queen.



    • #35
  6. Publius Inactive

    TKC1101:Sounds like an executive order to me.

    Even if getting rid of this stuff is just a matter of reversing some silly/lawless executive order, I want to see Congress start rolling back this un-american nonsense with proper laws so it’s harder to stuff like this surfacing again.

    I’m all about the Senate giving the Democrats the full measure of the rules they set when Harry Reid was running the show. It’s only fair and might serve as a good dose of education that what comes around goes around especially when it came to watering down the filibuster requirements.

    What needs to be resisted early and often are lawless executive orders masquerading as legislation no matter who is doing it. It’s long past time for Congress to start reigning in the lawless executive and Judicial branches.  They’re the Article I branch for a reason.

    Make Toilets Great Again.

    • #36
  7. Joseph Stanko Coolidge
    Joseph Stanko

    Publius: Even if getting rid of this stuff is just a matter of reversing some silly/lawless executive order, I want to see Congress start rolling back this un-american nonsense with proper laws so it’s harder to stuff like this surfacing again.

    Agreed.  Executive orders can be easily reversed by the next Democrat in the White House, proper legislation is more likely to endure.  Obama was reduced to executive orders after the GOP retook control of Congress, now that the GOP controls both branches they have a window of opportunity to pass some legislation that can’t be undone by the stroke of a pen.

    • #37
  8. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Americans yearning to breathe free! Let’s change the labeling of CO2 back from “pollutant” to something more reasonable — like “essential for life on this planet!!” If the sun keeps up its quiescence, we’re going to need all the warming we can get! Ban CO2 caps.

    Besides, which jackwagon in the federal government believes he knows the proper CO2 emissions or global temperature?? The public should know so we can tell him, “You’re fired!

    • #38
  9. Muleskinner Member

    Publius: Make Toilets Great Again.

    In the old days they used to call the low-flow models “Gore-lets,” after Al Gore, who got that mandate passed.

    • #39
  10. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    As to the OP, I agree with #1 on principle, but I think the move to LED bulbs with better quality light and high energy efficiency will probably make the issue moot.

    #2 I agree with entirely. I don’t know how Americans are cleverly innovating their way around the low-flow toilet (and I don’t need to know at home as we managed to build before the ban took effect and are not replacing our toilets anytime soon!), but public toilets need to flush right the first time — not the sixth!! It’s as if these bureaucrats have never used a public restroom! They have — right? Right??

    As to the TSP-phosphates issue, it’s my recollection that only a tiny fraction of phosphate effluence comes from home use of detergents. By far, the biggest culprit is agriculture (fertilizer and manure). Just perusing a .gov report shows that areas where phosphates blow past government mandated limits are agricultural powerhouses — Ohio, Michigan, upper Midwest; breadbasket plains states; California.

    So, yeah, we want to avoid algal blooms, but we need to eat something! Waste-water treatment seems the thing to improve.

    • #40
  11. Joseph Eagar Member
    Joseph Eagar

    Joseph Stanko:

    Along the same lines, I’d love to have my plastic grocery bags back, but that was outlawed first at the local level and now California voters have (narrowly) banned them statewide.

    Oh wonderful.  I hope someone challenges that in court.


    • #41
  12. Joseph Stanko Coolidge
    Joseph Stanko

    Joseph Eagar:

    Joseph Stanko:

    Along the same lines, I’d love to have my plastic grocery bags back, but that was outlawed first at the local level and now California voters have (narrowly) banned them statewide.

    Oh wonderful. I hope someone challenges that in court.

    On what grounds?

    • #42
  13. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Joseph Stanko:

    Joseph Eagar:

    Joseph Stanko:

    Along the same lines, I’d love to have my plastic grocery bags back, but that was outlawed first at the local level and now California voters have (narrowly) banned them statewide.

    Oh wonderful. I hope someone challenges that in court.

    On what grounds?

    I suppose it’s a stretch to claim it’s an undue burden to find something to pick up your dog’s poop in…

    • #43
  14. Joseph Stanko Coolidge
    Joseph Stanko

    Western Chauvinist:

    Joseph Stanko:

    Joseph Eagar:

    Joseph Stanko:

    Along the same lines, I’d love to have my plastic grocery bags back, but that was outlawed first at the local level and now California voters have (narrowly) banned them statewide.

    Oh wonderful. I hope someone challenges that in court.

    On what grounds?

    I suppose it’s a stretch to claim it’s an undue burden to find something to pick up your dog’s poop in…

    Ooh, what about disparate impact?  Maybe we can demonstrate that minorities in urban areas are statistically more likely to walk or take public transit to the grocery store, and it’s definitely harder to carry your groceries home in flimsy paper bags!

    Clearly this law (and by extension, everyone who voted for it) is racist!  They want to deny the urban poor their right to fresh produce!

    • #44
  15. I Walton Member
    I Walton

    This is actually a good idea.  There is no end of really stupid things we do, not to mention subsidies to wind, solar, ethanol, electric cars.  Put them in one legislative assault, with fan fare, good data on the harm they do, and a barrage of ridicule ready for those who defend them.  Every one of these things has power interests behind it prepared to go to the mat.   It must have the leadership of the new President and be one of a series of bills to remove federal burdens on the economy.

    • #45
  16. PJS Coolidge

    Randy Webster:You can buy TSP in the paint department at Lowe’s.

    1/4 cup per load of laundry, 1 teaspoon per dishwasher load.

    • #46
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