Sympathy for the Devil


Here’s an informative, professional speculation about Clinton’s health issues, which gives me pause.  She is probably suffering from a number of things, but the syndrome is one I call Michael Jackson’s Disease.  She is surrounded by the elite of the progressive world-crushing governance, the shock troops of the freedom-trampling lawyers of malice, the useful idiots and pathetic suck-ups of the soul-corroding entertainment and media propaganda machine.  She has not a single friend with a conservative thought, nor any impure specimens of less-than-worshipful Clinton machine acolytes.

Clinton is like a stunningly beautiful woman in average surrounding who fears she has no female friends, and who finds that she polarizes men into vicious hunters and weaklings, and who therefore hangs out with the gays and laments that all of her friends are gay.  Not that she’s stunning in any manner except for her jaw-dropping, appalling, callous disregard for life, law, and liberty.  But her presence causes certain actions to be taken, certain answers to be given.  The success of the progressive machine is not in its parts but in its pervasive smothering, and the news anchors need not be told what they must say, or why.  State Department employees need not be told what they must do.  IRS agents need not be told to kneecap conservatives.  The FBI director need not be instructed how to stay alive.  They all know — they or their mentors, their bosses, their idols, and their legends have all been working on the same project since the 1960s.  The answer, my friend, is blowing in a wind which does no good.

So how would the personal physician of one Hillary Clinton approach the subject?  With deep reverence and medically respectable pronouncements of the fitness of the candidate.  Or she would not long be the physician of Hillary Clinton, who is Going Places, and will not brook any untoward answers.

I am quite certain that she does not have friends.  She has become entirely a creature of the project, the horrifying emptiness at the center of a Cult of Nothing.  Get it right the first time or be destroyed.  Hilary Clinton is not some sort of weak sister, the farce following the tragedy of Bill the smooth-talker.  Many of us on the right have always referred to her as the force behind that man, and there is an old joke about Bill & Hill talking about the gas-stand attendant, known to both of them since high school, which ends with Hillary’s pungent retort that if she had married Fred, he would be the President, and Bill would be pumping gas!  I shall now re-read the book Hell To Pay.

She has functionaries and superfunctionaries.  She has those whom she trusts more and those whom she trusts less, but her whole life is a project for which others will be destroyed, and fail, and stagger away, and die, and for which she will not.  Her crimes are legion, her excuses laughable, her denials absurd, and still she and her entire machine simply get away with it.  Many are fond of calling her the most beatable candidate ever, but this is simply not true.  More often than not, that excuse is just shoring up anticipated failure by pre-blaming an unloved nominee, but it’s moral laziness.  The Hillary machine is formidable enough to blast its way through investigations, committees, scandals, crises, laws, and flag-draped corpses not because Trump is the nominee — that’s ridiculous.

She is untouchable because she is surrounded by a human mass of spear-catchers and the most criminal cabal of coup by lawyering yet seen on the face of this Earth.  Hillary Clinton is our reminder that monsters are not different — they are humans, and that women are equal — their successes in global politics may contain a high percentage of tyrants, of demented dictators, of torture hungry beasts in human form.

Michael Jackson died (and good riddance) because nobody around him withstood the tide of hangers-on, of highly-paid concierges, and the occasional functionary with the power to prescribe what the real doctor ordered — Jackson’s entourage.  Likewise, no doctor of Hillary’s is going to tell us anything like the well-thought out article linked in the first line of this post.  The left summoned a demon in Obama, and he does his master’s bidding, laying the path for total conquest.

Hillary could win in an iron lung and nobody would dare mention it.

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  1. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Either she goes to jail or we do. It’s as simple as that.

    • #31
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