David Brooks Misses Barack Obama


So, David Brooks must have woke up yesterday morning and thought about how the “pants crease” endorsement was the Stupidest Thing He Had Ever Written. He then thought, you know, I bet I can top it. So he took out his laptop and wrote a smarmy Valentine’s Day card to Barack Obama, declaring him so much more awesomely better than those brutes that the Republican Party is running.

Obama radiates an ethos of integrity, humanity, good manners and elegance that I’m beginning to miss, and that I suspect we will all miss a bit, regardless of who replaces him.

In getting to that paragraph, he commends — I am not making this up — Obama’s “remarkably scandal-free administration,” his willingness to consider points of view other than his own, and the flawless grace and class of Obama and the First Lady.


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There are 60 comments.

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  1. Herbert Member


    Pussy does not mean “effeminate” in common usage, and he just repeated the word shouted out by a female in the audience. It was about waterboarding and Cruz’s reluctance to use that method. So your strange notions that it could mean something else just shows willful ignorance on your part.

    What was Trumps position on registering for the selective service?

    • #31
  2. Franco Member



    Pussy does not mean “effeminate” in common usage, and he just repeated the word shouted out by a female in the audience. It was about waterboarding and Cruz’s reluctance to use that method. So your strange notions that it could mean something else just shows willful ignorance on your part.

    What was Trumps position on registering for the selective service?

    He was either smart, a pussy, or both.

    Do you mean the new idea of drafting women? I don’t know. I’m against it. I’m now against fighting for this country until certain things get worked out. Traitors are leading us. I don’t trust Obama. I don’t trust them anymore. Don’t want my daughter fighting strange wars that John McCain and Lindsay Graham think are important.

    So tired of this BS. Stay home and fight radical Islam here and thugs and gang-bangers…. and totalitarians.

    • #32
  3. Franco Member

    Obama is Cam Newton, a guy who doesn’t curse or cheat on his wife, but nevertheless is no role model.

    By the way, anyone spot the misuse of a word here in the New York Times? OMG! Brooks is a real idiot and so are his readers.

    • #33
  4. Mark Coolidge

    David Brooks missed the point more than Michael Bay missed the mark when he made Pearl Harbor.

    • #34
  5. Ball Diamond Ball Member
    Ball Diamond Ball



    Why does David Brooks call himself a conservative?

    I have been wondering about this myself and am beginning to suspect it is purely opportunistic. Mr. Brooks is often served up as the voice of conservatives at the NYT, opposite Mark Shields on PBS, opposite E.J. Dionne on NPR etc.

    If he were to end this charade, this claim, then what would he have? Who would he be? Why merely one of the legions of milquetoast “moderate” political commentators out there all competing for attention. His

    There are a whole stable of these characters out there.  They are the House Negroes of the democrat Plantation, willing avatars of the right to be scolded as needed by the Big Lefty.

    • #35
  6. Ball Diamond Ball Member
    Ball Diamond Ball

    Mark:David Brooks missed the point more than Michael Bay missed the mark when he made Pearl Harbor.

    Why does he get to keep making movies?

    • #36
  7. Roberto Inactive

    Vance Richards:


    I have been wondering about this myself and am beginning to suspect it is purely opportunistic. Mr. Brooks is often served up as the voice of conservatives at the NYT, opposite Mark Shields on PBS, opposite E.J. Dionne on NPR etc.

    If he were to end this charade, this claim, then what would he have? Who would he be? Why merely one of the legions of milquetoast “moderate” political commentators out there all competing for attention. His shtick is to be the designated house conservative for all his Leftists colleagues to play off of, without that he has nothing.

    The round table discussions always try to cover a wide variety of view points, from the far Left all the way to the extreme Left.

    Anyway, Salon is criticizing the Brooks piece as being to nice toward the GOP candidates.

    Case in point, his fawning over Obama legitimizes the adoration so many Democrats have expressed towards the President and provides a target on which to vent their rage over the inescapable fact that his  administration has been a disaster. All the while his readers can assure themselves that they are being fair and broad minded because they are giving a hearing to the “conservative” position as espoused by Brooks, who by agreeing with them justifies all their ridiculous assumptions and petty hatreds.

    The purpose of his columns truly does seem to be ego-stroking for distraught Leftists.

    • #37
  8. DrewInWisconsin Member

    Man, the comments section is like reading the thoughts of people from an alternate universe. I particularly like the ones who slam Brooks for only just now coming around to declaring his love for Obama. Where have these people been for 8 years? Brooks has been in love with Obama since before he was elected President!

    If nothing else, we now have more clarity on the term #newyorkvalues.

    • #38
  9. Metalheaddoc Member

    Rightfromthestart:The Times’s idea of conservative, they mean a tame, housebroken eunuch, they would be delighted if we were all this way and frankly they don’t understand why we aren’t since Obama’s greatness is obvious.

    Doesn’t eunuch imply that there was something there originally to remove?

    • #39
  10. Metalheaddoc Member

    Brooks never said specifically, but I always assumed from his writing that he noted the razor sharp pant crease from inside the pants.

    • #40
  11. Scott Wilmot Member
    Scott Wilmot

    Vald the Misspeller: David Brooks, asshat to the multiverse, is on a journey — following the crease in Barry’s pants — from ‘jerk’ to ‘jackwagon’.

    Vald – that is one of the funniest things I have ever read – asshat to the multiverse – my side hurts from laughing so hard.

    I tried to read the article but had to stop when I got here:

    He’s exuded this basic care and respect for the dignity of others time and time again. Let’s put it this way: Imagine if Barack and Michelle Obama joined the board of a charity you’re involved in. You’d be happy to have such people in your community. Could you say that comfortably about Ted Cruz? The quality of a president’s humanity flows out in the unexpected but important moments.

    You have to be freaking kidding me. Obama couldn’t even get himself to vote against partial birth abortion or prevent people from killing babies born alive – he has absolutely no respect for the dignity of others.

    Asshat to the multiverse indeed.

    • #41
  12. A-Squared Inactive

    I tweeted angrily at David Brooks.  I’m sure he is reeling from my wrath.

    • #42
  13. Penfold Member

    Is there a mirror-image Brooks that the Left is saddled with?  Or are we just “lucky”?

    • #43
  14. Boss Mongo Member
    Boss Mongo

    Franco: These folks have it made no matter what and they opine and vote accordingly.

    That is brilliant, and explains a lot, to me.  Thank you, Franco.

    • #44
  15. Richard Easton Coolidge
    Richard Easton

    Obama’s corruption dates back to at least when he was a state senator:


    I wonder if Brooks has ever studied Obama’s history (I know, the question answers itself).

    • #45
  16. Boss Mongo Member
    Boss Mongo

    Sorry, I can’t comment on the article within the constraints of the CoC.  Read it.  Like all the comments.  But to both comment and conform to the CoC would be an integrity violation.

    Now, I go to the heavy bag.

    • #46
  17. Paul J. Croeber Inactive
    Paul J. Croeber

    Leave it to David Brooks to alienate the legions of Republican fans he doesn’t have.

    • #47
  18. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    DrewInWisconsin: Man, the comments section is like reading the thoughts of people from an alternate universe. I particularly like the ones who slam Brooks for only just now coming around to declaring his love for Obama.

    I warned you about the comments section.

    • #48
  19. DrewInWisconsin Member

    Miffed White Male:

    DrewInWisconsin: Man, the comments section is like reading the thoughts of people from an alternate universe. I particularly like the ones who slam Brooks for only just now coming around to declaring his love for Obama.

    I warned you about the comments section.

    I know you said that. But I also know that you know what a weak-willed person I am.

    • #49
  20. Elephas Americanus Member
    Elephas Americanus

    David Brooks seems to be stuck permanently on “Opposite Day” status. If he were a slightly better writer, I might almost suspect his obsequious paeans to The Worst President in American History™ are some sort of elaborate prank or extremely dry brand of ironic humor. But no – Brooks is just the most clueless man on the New York Times op-ed page who hasn’t won a Nobel Prize for Economics.

    To a man as hopelessly oblivious to the truth as Brooks, there’s only one thing that one can say to his plaintive “I miss Barack Obama” drivel: He’ll always be in your heart, Davey…

    • #50
  21. The Dowager Jojo Inactive
    The Dowager Jojo

    During the October 2013 federal government “shutdown” I caught an NPR story with a Republican and a Democrat commenting on the shutdown.

    “The Republicans are being totally irrational and dangerously insane.”  Well, I think, I am looking forward to hearing the Republican side on this.

    Turned out that WAS the “Republican side”, and it was delivered by David Brooks.

    • #51
  22. Joseph Eagar Member
    Joseph Eagar

    And here I was almost ready to forgive David Brooks.  What a shame.

    • #52
  23. Ball Diamond Ball Member
    Ball Diamond Ball

    Joseph Eagar:And here I was almost ready to forgive David Brooks. What a shame.

    See, this is the thing I keep saying.  I do not need, am not interested in new information ona great variety of topics.  Why should I follow the Brownian moral meanderings of a fool?  I already know what I think of him and why.  There are a great many over-educated, over-rated fools about, and David brooks is one of them.  When the time comes for me to re-evaluate him, I will know, because the evidence will be overwhelming, sustained, and significant.  Chasing meaningless facts such as a pronouncement or possible change of heart of David Brooks as if it meant something is the Kardashians of politics.  So what?  Morons hypnotized by novelty.  highly educated morons, and those who aspire to be such.

    Instead, we get lectures around here about how we should carefully weigh every new piece of information.  Pfft!  For what?  That’s just tasking, and in cases like this, busywork.  Children must study each new thing, a possible missing piece to their worldview.  Adults should know what they think about things, have some sort of threshold for stuff that they need not investigate just because it’s “new”.  Adults take responsibility for their own risks.  Academics like to prioritize  knowledge over all else, but that does not make it primary.  I accept the risk of being out of date in my assessment of David Brooks.

    It does not bother me.

    • #53
  24. Glenn Inactive

    Two parts of the Brooks article made me cringe. First, the claim the Obama’s are scandal free. Is this because he only reads the NYT that he ignored Green Jobs boondoggles, F&F, VA scandal, Obamacare Implementation and lies, Libya, Benghazi, Syria, Hillary e-mail server, the IRS handling of Tea Party Groups, IRS’s e-mail, EPA e-mail. The same people who thought Valerie Plame was the next Watergate ignore all this.

    The 2nd part was his calling Obama classy. Obama has done everything to divide this country. He is the most petulant person who has held the office in my life time.

    • #54
  25. Derek Simmons Member
    Derek Simmons

    Elephas Americanus: Brooks is just the most clueless man on the New York Times op-ed page who hasn’t won a Nobel Prize for Economics.

    I’m lovin’ it

    • #55
  26. Claire Berlinski, Ed. Member
    Claire Berlinski, Ed.

    The most impressive line in the whole thing was this: “Let’s put it this way: Imagine if Barack and Michelle Obama joined the board of a charity you’re involved in. You’d be happy to have such people in your community.”

    There’s really a whole universe of assumptions about The New York Times’ readership in that one, isn’t there.

    • #56
  27. Ball Diamond Ball Member
    Ball Diamond Ball

    Claire Berlinski, Ed.:The most impressive line in the whole thing was this: “Let’s put it this way: Imagine if Barack and Michelle Obama joined the board of a charity you’re involved in. You’d be happy to have such people in your community.”

    There’s really a whole universe of assumptions about The New York Times’ readership in that one, isn’t there.

    David Brooks: Mrs. Barack Obama.

    • #57
  28. Larry3435 Inactive

    This just has to be sarcasm, right?  Obama listens to other points of view?  Ha ha ha ha ha.  Brooks cracks me up.

    • #58
  29. barbara lydick Inactive
    barbara lydick

    Ball Diamond Ball: Why should I follow the Brownian moral meanderings of a fool?

    What a delicious (and accurate) descriptor!

    • #59
  30. Chris Member

    I don’t know what’s more disheartening.  That Brooks writes this stuff, that he probably believes this stuff, or that there are people that feel this is a reasonable column and the past 8 years have been scandal free and classy.  God help us.

    • #60
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