How Much More Trans Madness Can You Tolerate?


Six years ago I posted an article on this site about the excesses of the LGBTQ+ movement and what we might expect in the future if we passively stood by and just tolerated anything they dished up, no matter how outrageous. The very first “conservative” commenter of my post said: “This is one of the most deranged articles the site has ever had. Own it.” 

Okay, I own it! I owned it then and I own it now. And so, here we are now, a mere six years later, and we are being told by raving maniacs that being against the chemical and surgical transitioning of children is tantamount to trans genocide. (I have to admit, I never saw this coming.) And it’s not only the crazed trannies themselves telling us this, but also supposedly rational people occupying positions of power in various government bodies. 

So yesterday, a Christian school in Nashville was shot up and six innocent people were senselessly killed. Afterward, we found out that the shooter, who was also killed, was a trans man, which is a mentally ill woman who thinks she is and pretends to be a man. And it came out that the murderer had written a manifesto – the details of which have not yet been released – that revealed meticulous planning and presumably the motive. And we know that Tennessee recently outlawed the transitioning of children. So do the math. 

And then we found out that radical trans activists were trying, along with Antifa, to organize a “Trans Day of Vengeance” on April 1 outside the Supreme Court in order to fight what they see as trans genocide. 

And for several years now, every institution in our country has been promoting the insane and destructive LGBTQ agenda, with the “T” part occupying special prominence. And they all seem to sincerely believe they are virtuous for doing so. And they all seem to sincerely believe that any pushback on any element of the extreme, crazy LGBTQ agenda constitutes fascism and potential genocide. 

Hello? Is anybody there? We are in the midst of an all-out civilizational emergency. The lunatics are literally running the asylum. Civilization simply cannot survive the total loss of rationality and the giving over to the most crazed narcissism imaginable. The only pushback we’ve seen so far is the part about transing children, and only in some states. Other states have declared themselves havens for the transing of kids. If all we do is delay children’s transitions until their 18th birthday, in some states, is that enough? 

No, I agree with Matt Walsh who said – and I’m paraphrasing – the transgender ideology needs to be burned to the ground and the ashes danced around. Nothing less will suffice. Otherwise, no child will be safe and trans terrorism will be a new normal in our postmodern, post-Christian country. 

Or is this post deranged, like the one six years ago? 

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There are 62 comments.

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  1. Bishop Wash Member
    Bishop Wash

    BDB (View Comment):

    James Lileks (View Comment):

    db25db (View Comment):

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    I am baffled by the crowds of sexually-normal-looking people who show up to attack some author or speaker who is not thrilled with child mutilation or trans adoration. Of all the available causes to rally for… why this?

    they believe they’re fighting on the next civil right frontier. as crazy as that sounds

    “Queering” everything, for the progressive bourgeoisie, is the last act of cultural disruption left, and it’s easy. It requires no effort beyond applause and making appreciative nods while reading a NYT culture-beat piece about “queering the steakhouse” or “queering the oil-change industry” or “queering the dental-implant supply chain.” It means ascribing wisdom to a newly-defined subset of marginalized people and cheering them on as they upend those boring old norms that kept us from infusing, say, home-siding replacement with the suddenly-important need to insert freshly-invented concepts of sexual solipsism.

    Since this country is a capitalist hellscape that consists of a few slivers of enlightenment hanging on the edge of Jesusland, cheering for anything that lets the air out of the tires of the rube’s Wal-Mart scooters is an automatic sign of enlightenment.



    The objects used for the darts are the icing on the cake. 

    • #61
  2. GrannyDude Member

    From a CBS news report June 17, 2019:

    CHARLESTON, S.C. — Police were searching for a suspect after a gunman opened fire Wednesday night at a church in downtown Charleston, CBS affiliate WCSC-TV reported.

    Charleston police spokesman Charles Francis said the shooting took place around 9 p.m. at the Emanuel AME Church on Calhoun Street, as a meeting was taking place.

    Nine people died in the shooting, authorities say.

    Charleston PD Chief Greg Mullen said, “I do believe it was a hate crime.” The perpetrator had been described (white male, slightly built, brown hair) but neither apprehended nor questioned.  So, how did Chief Mullen know it was a hate crime?  Logic. Dylan Roof was white, and Emanuel AME was a historically black church. All of his victims were black, and because some had survived, the police had been told what the perpetrator had to say before he opened fire.  Fast forward to March 27, 2023: Why doesn’t the Nashville police chief say that he believes the shooting of six people, three of the children, was a hate crime?

    The same logic applies: the shooter is a trans-male; the site of the massacre is a Christian school. According to the police, the shooter left behind a manifesto. It seems likely that the manifesto would give some indication of her motivation, and given the demographics involved, “hate” was probably in the mix.  But given the demographics involved…the tragedy must be understood as “complex.”

    A similar complexity obtained in the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub shooting. The shooter told 911 dispatchers, in no uncertain terms, that he was Muslim and killing for Allah. That seems clear enough, but no. Perhaps he was a closeted self-hating queer? Perhaps the vicious homophobia of Christian  Chik-Fil-A  deplorables had rubbed off on him?

    The most urgent duty of Americans was to protect innocent Muslims  targeted by Trump voters whose vicious Islamophobia would now overwhelm their homophobia and lead them to bash Middle-Eastern-looking men, and women in hijabs.  Weirdly, some also warned of another looming consequence: yet more Christian homophobia, including homophobic violence.

    Complex indeed. Well, today the legacy media is already lamenting the casualties of the anti-Trans backlash that the massacre in Nashville will inspire.  So far, no obvious concern about a potential rise in church vandalism or Christian-bashing. Go figure.

    • #62
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