The Week That Really Was, Ep. 15


Hi Ricochet friends,

This week the podcast has aired a topic that has had me simmering with vexation for over a year now.

Ireland announced last year that we were getting a new bank holiday. Hurray! It would fall on the weekend after St Brigid’s Day, which seemed really meaningful. Would it be an acknowledgment of the life and achievements of one of our great Irish saints, an important medieval historical figure? Oh, you sweet summer child, as the Critical Drinker might say.

The Brigid we’re meant to commemorate is a hybrid entity, sometimes a pagan goddess and other times a lesbian nun who performed abortions. The weekend is being called Imbolc in many quarters, which is some pagan crap I can’t bring myself to read up on.

If you haven’t tuned in before, I’d really like it if you gave this one a listen.

What’s happening in Ireland is largely ignored by conservatives in the wider world, and it’s to our detriment here. We are being run by a class of people who care so desperately for the good opinion of their Progressive counterparts abroad. I would like this to work both ways. I want them called out. I want our idiot journalists and politicians exposed for what they are. These two guys have made a start.

Here’s the link:

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  1. Marjorie Reynolds Coolidge
    Marjorie Reynolds

    Manny (View Comment):

    Marjorie Reynolds (View Comment):

    I meant to include this clip earlier but it was all partying heartily—or is hardily?—here in the west of Ireland this weekend.
    I’ve had the pleasure of meeting this lovely young Dominican a few times. He’s a very impressive medieval scholar

    Wonderful! What we need is more Dominicans I call for the Dominican Option. I have found that Dominicans just preach better than all the other orders and most apologists. (Truth be told here, I am a Lay Dominican, but no where near the calmness and reasoned argumentation of professed Dominicans) Send out more Dominicans to preach in just this calm and reasoned way the Good News and the faith.

    I’m a big fan of Fr Conor.

    • #31
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