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This week on The Learning Curve, guest cohosts Alisha Searcy and Mariam Memarsadeghi interview award-winning biographer Tamara Payne about the life and legacy of Malcolm X. She discussed how her father, Les Payne, embarked on the biography, and offers insight into Malcolm Little’s early life and education, the influences of racism and Pan-Africanism on the Little family, and how Malcolm Little became Malcolm X and rose within the ranks of the Nation of Islam. Tamara traces Malcolm X’s experiences during the civil rights movement, his break with the Nation of Islam, pilgrimage to Mecca, his autobiography, the dynamics leading to his assassination, and the ongoing debate over his legacy. Ms. Payne concludes the interview with a reading from The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X.
Stories of the Week: Alisha highlights New Hampshire’s recent bipartisan bill promoting civics education; and Mariam talked about Michael Bloomberg’s WSJ op-ed on holding politicians accountable for neglecting our nation’s education system.
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