The sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live is about to embark on its 50th season. How has the show lasted so long? How has it reflected and shaped our culture? Who are its best cast members, what are its funniest sketches, and who or what’s been over- or underrated? Find out during Chris’s conversation with Scot Bertram and Christian Schneider, the co-hosts of “Wasn’t That Special: 50 Years of Saturday Night Live,” a podcast dedicated to the show’s history.

Show notes:
Saturday Night Live, “More Cowbell
Chris Farley as Matt Foley (which Chris should have told Scot is a close challenger to “more cowbell.”)
Christian Schneider, “Saturday Night Live Will Tell You the Future” (National Review)
Wasn’t That Special’s interview with former SNL cast member Victoria Jackson

Father Damian Ference, a Catholic priest of the Diocese of Cleveland, joins Chris to discuss his new book, Understanding the Hillbilly Thomist: The Philosophical Foundations of Flannery O’Connor’s Narrative Art.

What did the great American novelist and short-story writer mean when she called herself a “hillbilly Thomist”—how did the thirteenth-century Catholic philosopher shape her art?

Chris talks to AEI Senior Fellow and Commentary columnist Christine Rosen about her new book, The Extinction of Experience: Being Human in a Disembodied World.

How have new technologies shaped our interactions with each other and the physical world? Have they changed our understanding of what it means to be human? Plus, Christine talks about her favorite science fiction.

Keats: “Ode on Indolence
Drew Gilpin Faust: “Gen Z Never Learned to Read Cursive” (The Atlantic)
Commentary podcast: “Our Favorite Science Fiction
Ray Bradbury’s fiction (Library of America)
Sunny on Apple TV+

Christopher J. Scalia interviews writers, scholars, and other expert guests about culture and the arts.

Launching this coming Thursday, September 19.