Why Were Adam and Eve Expelled?


 The classic Christian understanding is that Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden because they disobeyed G-d’s commandment not to eat the fruit. This is not actually what the text says, but everyone is guilty, to some extent, of changing the story to make it align with our expectations.

I used to point out that Adam and Eve were not expelled until after they denied responsibility for their actions – which means that they must have been expelled as a punishment for a failure in owning up to their mistakes. In that reading of the text, the core lesson of Eden is that G-d wants people to act on free will, and understand that with great power comes great responsibility. Isn’t that both logical and textual?

How Stupid Do They Think We Are?


The Biden administration has made innumerable missteps, lied to the American public repeatedly and done a ghastly job of managing “refugees” allowed into the country—why in the world would they think we’d welcome an influx of Palestinian refugees now?

Let me explain the purported reasons that the administration thinks this is a sensible idea followed, in some cases, by the reason it’s not:



My latest audiobook dropped this afternoon. This is #83. Don’t stop me, I’m on a roll.

This time I got to do science. Soil to Foil: Aluminum and the Quest for Industrial Sustainability has plenty in it to make anyone who remembers high school science classes happy. There is also a lot of good information on the history and operation of mineral extraction, and it is presented without a lot of enviro hand-wringing; we need this stuff, so what are good ways of getting it and using it that make sense for both the immediate need and the long term? I found it accessible and non-political.

From the blurb: Soil to Foil tells the extraordinary story of aluminum. Saleem H. Ali reveals its pivotal role in the histories of scientific inquiry and technological innovation as well as its importance to sustainability. He offers compelling portraits of the scientists and innovators who discovered new uses for this remarkable element, ranging from chemistry and geoscience to engineering and industrial design. Ali argues that aluminum exemplifies broader lessons about stewardship of nonrenewable resources. Soil to Foil shows that the story of aluminum’s use and misuse helps us rethink how to sustainably manage the resources of our planet.

Top Biden Officials Worked with Jack Smith



Top Biden administration officials worked with the National Archives to develop Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case against Donald Trump involving the former president’s alleged mishandling of classified material, according to recently unsealed court documents in the case pending in southern Florida.

What happened between the sexual revolution and the age of the internet?


“Baker Shot,” Bikini Atoll, 1946. (Wikimedia Commons)

The study of history is always tainted by the fact that we know how things turned out.  So, in retrospect, it seems inevitable that things would go the way they did, and we look for reasons for that outcome that fit our preconceived worldview.  So we’re misled before we even begin, even if we’re making an honest effort to understand.

Spring! In Stereo!


Spring seems a little late where I am.  But there are calves in the fields and things are greening up, and I am ready for the change of seasons.

My little patch is cluttered and weedy, but I decided to capture some of the short-lived blossoms and blooms.  After a while I realized that I have a nice collection of colorful and beautiful things.  The closer one looks, the better the view.

Giving War Another Chance


Not really – this is just my way of saying I am rereading P.J. O’Rourke’s 1992 book Give War A Chance: Eyewitness Accounts of Mankind’s Struggle Against Tyranny, Injustice, and Alcohol-Free Beer. I read it shortly after it came out, and found it excellent. Almost a third of a century later, I am pleased to report that it still is. There are, however, quite a few details that have become dated. (It also has entire themes which have disappeared. Lee Iacocca?)

Since O’Rourke made it clear that these pieces were journalism, and since he more than most journalists would admit that such product is perishable, it may be unfair of me to point out how much of his “news” got old. Of course it did. Still, his observations at the end of the Cold War are as good a place as any to begin a review of the world we find ourselves in now. 1992 wasn’t that long ago.

The State of (Cos)Play


Or maybe it’s LARPing (which term isn’t so easy to fit into a succinct and clever title).

In either case, it’s people with privilege (talking about actual, personal, individual privilege, such as students, whatever their background, who’ve been accepted into some of the most elite educational institutions in the world and who, as a result, have traditionally had their ticket punched for a lifetime of success) identifying with, and pretending that they are–in all equivalent respects to actual victims–actual victims.

Examples abound, and like Lewis Carroll’s oysters, they come “thick and fast” these days, but the most egregious of them to come recently has been the idiotic  Johannah King-Slutsky:

On J.K. Rowling’s “Holocaust Denial”


J.K. Rowling, the famous author of the Harry Potter series, has been accused of Holocaust denial.

I am confident that she is not a Holocaust denier in the sense most people would use the term.  I am 99.99 percent sure that if someone asked her whether the Nazis killed roughly six million European Jews and millions of homosexuals, Roma (Gypsies), disabled people, prisoners of war, political dissidents, and others, she would affirm that they did.  

Don’t fall for it. Everything is not as it appears. Somebody is setting us up to fall and Dennis doesn’t like it.

In this week’s interview we talk to Jeremy Carl, a Senior Fellow at the Claremont Institute, about his new book, The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart. Victor Davis Hanson calls it, “A prescient, landmark book that finally calls out those who for far too long have claimed victimhood even as they fueled a toxic brand of tribal chauvinism.”

QotD: Try Again with God


Winners don’t quit try again this time with God. — Maryam Elisha

Who is Maryam Elisha? A Nigerian fashion model, apparently, and one for whom punctuation is not all that. One of her fashion model titles was even Miss Environment. I can overlook all of that, though. The idea here is well worth contemplating. Try again, this time with God.

This week on The Learning Curve, co-hosts University of Arkansas Prof. Albert Cheng and Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Barry Anderson interview General Counsel of U.S. Cyber Command, Colonel Pete Hayden. He shares insights about growing up in western Massachusetts, attending law school, his military service, and emphasizes the legal aspects of his national security work. Col. Hayden discusses Cyber Command’s mission, distinguishing it from the NSA, while stressing the importance of defending the nation in cyberspace. He talks about Cyber Command’s daily operations and international cooperation, highlighting partnerships with various entities, and the delicate balance of public engagement and classified national security. In closing, Col. Hayden advises young people on navigating the complexities of technology and encourages aspiring military legal professionals.



I had a boss who set forth many priorities for the next year. His boss told me that he was only concerned about three things and everything else was optional. In 2015, Mark Steyn mentioned that Trump was the only one of the seventeen Republican candidates emphasizing border security. He was elected and the establishment fought him tooth and nail. But he succeeded in greatly reducing illegal immigration.

Biden has opened up the border with Mexico and millions of unverified illegals are coming in freely. Some are being flown into the U.S. at our expense. The Republicans hold the House but have done nothing to secure the border. They haven’t tried to trade our number 1 priority for Democratic priorities. The leaders don’t care. Our number 1 priority of securing the border is something they use only as a slogan. What will they say when we have a 911-type of terrorist attack. I despair for our country. I’ve called repeatedly my representative Rob Wittman. In December, his staffer told me that the Speaker agreed that this was the last continuing resolution and border security was a top priority. I think that was several CRs ago. They continue to be concerned about Ukrainian border security and indifferent to our own. Americans were required to get the COVID jab; illegals were given a pass. I told NTers on Ricochet in 2020 that four years of Biden would lead to the destruction of our country. It’s happening and the Republican congressional leaders are twiddling their thumbs.

Jeff sits down with entrepreneur and former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to discuss what motivated him to run, what he learned from the experience, and how he views the opportunities America has given him and his family.

Host: Jeff Sikkenga

Any Bluey fans out there?


By way of background, JY and I sold our home of 38 years in California in the summer of 2023. We had been talking about selling and relocating for a few years; even went so far as to meet with a realtor in 2021. Three of our four adult children and ALL of our grandchildren live out of state (Texas and AZ). But JY’s stroke in February (since 100% recovered) sealed the deal – it was time to go.

All four of our children had been brought home to the house from the hospital and three of our granddaughters. Needless to say, saying goodbye was tough for all. In the middle of listing and showing the home, every kid had to come and stay to say goodbye.

The Next Book


Today is a good day. Just as I’m completing work on a very interesting history of the Second Great Awakening, I got a note from my favorite publisher asking if I’d be interested in producing “Eisenhower For Our Time” by Steven Wagner.

I lit up like a Christmas tree. As I’ve mentioned, I graduated from Eisenhower College in 1974, and have had a strong interest in the General for many years. This book was just published (April 15!) so it doesn’t get hotter off the press. I expect to spend the month of May happily recording and editing this one.

I don’t usually talk about the books I’m recording until they’re available, but I was just too excited about this one not to share. Like “Abraham Lincoln, A Life.” Speaking of which, it came out March 30 and has sold nearly 100 copies, which is remarkable for a 33 hour long audiobook!

The second part of Ann’s interview with Peter Thiel.

Show links:

Dachau Liberation: There is no Liberation


At the end of Special Report on Fox News last night, they had a brief, special item: the commemoration of the liberation of Dachau, the renowned concentration camp in Germany. Instead of my usual sadness, I felt rage, as I scanned the skeletal human beings being helped to leave the camp:

On April 27, 1945, approximately 7,000 prisoners, mostly Jews, were forced to begin a death march from Dachau to Tegernsee, far to the south. The next day, many of the SS guards abandoned the camp. On April 29, the Dachau main camp was liberated by units of the 45th Infantry after a brief battle with the camp’s remaining guards.

Don’t Miss Out!


I am officially announcing the termination of my proposed development project of a tropical resort on the shores of Baffin Bay.  Apparently, despite enormous media promotion efforts, there is still insufficient belief among the general public for the rate of rapid global warming required to make this project saleable.  I apologize to those of you who did invest but to be clear, the agreement expressly says there are no refunds.  The provision about a portion of your investment contributed to BLM is not tax-deductable because if you read the addendum, “BLM” is the acronym for a private Delaware entity (“Bucks Leveraged by Me, Inc.”)

But the good news is that opportunities created by our friends on the left still abound.  In fact, the largest urban real estate deal in history is about to unfold.  Thiry-six acres of prime Manhattan land is about to go to market.  A once-great university has gone completely into the crapper and now is the time to get in on the ground floor and pitch your tent on this opportunity.  The echoes of “From the river to the sea” have faded but did open up a tract from “from the Hudson River to Amsterdam Avenue.”  Not as catchy, but a much better investment. Take a look at the plans below and contact me ASAP for the prospectus before you are excluded.

Stupid Delivery Stories


I have some.

We get a lot of deliveries, to the point that we know many of the drivers by name.  We leave a garage door open for deliveries whether we are home or not.  However, that doesn’t stop some delivery drivers from making boneheaded moves.

A Redux of the 2020 Summer of Love in Portland?


Portland, OR cannot afford a repeat of the over 100 nights of rioting that took place in the summer of 2020. The city is still trying to recover financially.

Approximately 12,000 residents have moved out of Multnomah County beginning in 2021. High taxation, the 2020 riots, decriminalizing drug possession, an out-of-control homeless problem has led to an exodus. An exodus that has resulted in a $1 billion revenue loss for Multnomah County.

We’ve got a wide ranging GLoP for you this month: everything from who John spent 9/11 with to movie bad guys and losers who end up winning, Alan Bloom, college campus unrest and the best movies about college, Norman Podhoretz watched a dirty movie once and wrote about it. morning routines of the rich and famous, and Jonah’s beefs with Fallout and Shogun.

Quote of the Day: Credentials


Benjamin Franklin’s formal education ended when he was 10 years old. There were no economics departments or doctorates anywhere in the world when Alexander Hamilton, who was unable to complete his undergraduate studies at the then-Kings College of New York (now Columbia), designed the first central bank of the United States. None of the Founding Fathers were as well credentialed or thoroughly vetted as utterly mediocre, run-of-the-mill lawyers and political scientists are today. Armed only with his genius and his scanty formal educational credentials, a young John Marshall could not land an interview, much less a job, with a major American law firm today. Neither Ulysses Grant nor Robert Lee held a doctorate or had any formal professional training after graduating from West Point. Their lack of credentials would ensure that neither, today, would be considered for senior command in any branch of the armed forces. Through most of the 19th century, American colleges and even elite universities did not require doctoral degrees of their faculty. Today, however, a person with George Washington’s educational credentials could not get a job teaching the third grade in any public school in the United States.

Walter Russell Mead, https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/twilight-wonks-walter-russell-mead

Hard Truths About Speech And Assembly


Universities across the country are engulfed in prolonged campus demonstrations by organized Hamas and Palestinian protesters who rail against the Israeli military response in Gaza to the Hamas attack of October 7. Their message breaks into two broad categories. The first accuses Israel of genocide and lesser offenses in conducting its operations in an intense urban environment where soldiers and civilians are in constant close contact with each other. The second attacks the legitimacy of the Jewish state, insisting that “Palestine must be free from the river to the sea.”

The protesters insist that their occupation of campus facilities is protected constitutionally as part of the freedom of speech and assembly guaranteed under the First Amendment to the Constitution. These controversies are surely headed to the courts, as some students (and their sympathizers) have been arrested and may well be charged with criminal trespass, while other student groups continue to press demands for the divestment of shares of Israeli institutions and American firms that do business with Israel, while condemning in open letters universities for what they regard as an inexcusable infringement of their rights. On this matter, the students are in the main wrong on the legal issues, and the universities were mainly right in setting hardline deadlines (from which many have since retreated) to dismantle protest encampments.

Joe Selvaggi talks with Pioneer Institute’s Research Associate, Aidan Enright, about Pioneer’s annual report on the Massachusetts labor force and they discuss which trends could portend trouble for the state’s future.