Why a Gaza Truce Would Settle Nothing


Israeli forces have moved into the city of Rafah and taken control of a key border crossing after carrying out a number of airstrikes, and the IDF continues to engage in military activities in the city in southern Gaza. Hamas announced its willingness to accept a cease-fire, but only if Israel stops hostilities, withdraws its troops, and releases prisoners in exchange for hostages. This deal, an obvious nonstarter, is the fruit of the unwise and prolonged efforts of the Biden administration to push too hard for that elusive cease-fire. Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted that the “time is now” for a “pause” in the underlying hostilities, but he had already given up too much ground by trying to broker a hostage deal without demanding that all hostages be released unconditionally before any further negotiations took place—a release that won’t happen now. Indeed, the Biden administration had already made it much harder to reach a deal by apparently letting it be known that it had put a hold on an arms shipment to Israel.

All parties have been down this road before. At this point, I agree fully with the Wall Street Journal that taking Rafah is necessary for the Israelis to achieve, as a minimum condition for success, the elimination of Hamas as a political and military force. No cease-fire can attain that objective so long as Hamas insists the Israelis withdraw entirely from the area. That demand is now facilitated by the United States, which seems to have lost sight of the atrocities of October 7 and is extending the war by blocking any decisive Israeli response. Biden and Blinken seem blind to the simple fact that there is no stable middle ground.

More Taxes to Cover Irresponsible Spending


For years we have been bemoaning the federal debt; we are now sitting at over a whopping $34 trillion in debt and both sides of the legislature have contributed to it. And from the latest administration proposals, it’s clear that they have no reservations about putting the load on citizens, even though they say that they will only tax corporations and “the rich.” What’s being proposed?

Several proposals are on the table, but the most visible and controversial might be the capital gains tax:

In Her Own Words: (I Read it All, So You Don’t Have To)


With commentary:

Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about fourteen months old, and she had come to us from a home that struggled with her aggressive personality. I was sure she’d learn a lot going out with our older dogs that day. I was wrong.

Well, at least there’s some sort of first–and I believe last–acknowledgment of fault on her own part, one which doesn’t seem to have made it into any subsequent discussion of the matter.  She was wrong.  She had no control over this dog, and the thought that Cricket would “learn a lot'” by going out with other trained dogs was wrong.  (Not to mention that–in the opinion of dog handlers and professional dog trainers–putting a dog with questionable credentials to the test in this way is the height of idiocy and irresponsibility.)

The Violence is Real


I have a kid at Rutgers. The daily intimidation is real. It makes no difference what he thinks about Israel: nobody is asking. They just want to attack Jews. I am not actually afraid for #5’s physical well-being on account of his size and training – but if he was a more likely target (or a petite girl), then I may have done what other parents have done, and forced him to transfer or otherwise drop out.

VDH put it well:

Hubwonk’s Joe Selvaggi marks episode 200 with a solo podcast that offers some backstory of his journey to becoming a host and offers some insights learned from more than 4 years of interviews.

Today we sort through conflicting accounts of the Hamas ceasefire agreement that wasn’t and discuss the leverage that Israel will now gain by going into Rafah. We also reflect on the straightforward anti-American fury of pro-Hamas protests and the Kristi Noem trainwreck. Give a listen.

Confessions of an Islamaphobic


Lawrence of Arabia was one of my all-time favorite movies.  I took two semesters of Islamic History and Culture at Georgetown from a professor in the Foreign Service School many years ago.  I regarded Muslims as natural allies against Soviet Communism. But none of that interest and sentiment changes my understanding that the Islamic political and cultural vision is a stagnant anachronism whose sheer inapplicability can only result in futility and violence.  The recent “caliphates” created in chaos are the political and cultural equivalents of Jurrasic Park and unfortunately completely consonant with the essence of Islam.

John Kennedy had to make a strong speech in front of a convention of Protestant ministers to assuage suspicion of

Sinning Like a Goat


We used to own goats. We had one goat, named “Gali Gali,” who had its ear torn off by a pit bull who lived next door. Gali Gali promptly earned the monicker “Gali Gali Van Goght.” (My father shot the pit bull with a shotgun the next time it came over, and the dog made it home to bleed out on its owner’s front porch.)

I loved that goat. He was smart, headstrong and inquisitive. He also liked to dance, kind of a “watch me look like I am going to flip over sideways” kind of dance. Specifically, when my grandfather would come up to our house in his fine Lincoln Continental, Gali Gali would take one look at that shiny car, and promptly skip onto its long hood and prance away, leaving lots of little devilish footprints. My grandfather did not think it was as funny as we did.

Never Trump’s Immaculate Misconception


While perusing the news this morning I happened upon a story from Sweden wherein a 39-year-old father and his 12-year-old son were fishing together when a roving gang of illegal immigrants converged on them and began harassing them. When the father stood his ground and told the gang to stop harassing him and his boy, these paragons of diversity responded by shooting him in the head, killing him instantly. It fell to the son to call the police himself, and then call his grandmother to tell what happened. 

In assessing the incident, a Swedish gentleman allowed as how politicians are confessing their own naivete. “No, you haven’t been naive,” he responds, adding, “instead of listening, you attacked the guys who were telling you these uncomfortable truths.”  

Stupid Jews Make Me Nuts


The only thing worse than an ignorant person is a person who does not know they are ignorant: they think that they are wise and intelligent, philosopher kings in all things. It is one reason why I hate politicians so deeply: they are so very certain of their wisdom and expertise as they shove it down our throats as if it were all really “for our own good.”

I have this same problem with people who were born into Jewish families, but know less than nothing about Torah Judaism – which does not stop them from dismissing the Torah as “foolish and superstitious.” They grow up secure in the knowledge that they are more enlightened than all their forebears: that they are, in fact, too enlightened to believe in anything at all, except their own intellectual greatness.

Citizens of the World, Unite! (Elsewhere)


The United States is an individual country. It is not the One World Government, nor is it subject to a One World Government. For those of you who consider yourselves “citizens of the world,” please turn in your United States Citizenships and flitter off to Europe or somewhere that will welcome you and your money with open arms. They will be individual countries, too, of course, but at least we will no longer have to hear you prattle on. Especially, we won’t have to hear about how you’re going to leave if America votes the wrong way. Pie crust promises: easily made, easily broken. We don’t want your promises. We want your actions. Move. Get out now, while you can.

Of course, the things you worry about are the things that Democrats and those on the left do. When you fear retribution, you are projecting. We don’t want to hurt you. We just want you to go away and leave us alone. We have fought multiple wars against your types. We created a new country to get rid of your types. But we keep raising new people like you, and you won’t leave us alone to simply be Americans.

Winning and Losing in Mordor


I spent the weekend at a medical conference in Washington D.C., which I lovingly refer to as Mordor.  Flying out of DCA this morning, I stopped at a burger place near my gate to get lunch before boarding my flight.  As I walked up, the short Middle-Eastern-appearing man behind the counter told me, in heavily accented English, “The Barbeque Bacon Burger really hit spot.  Thick slabs bacon.”  Appreciating his obvious concern for my anorexic appearance, I said sure, why not.  As I’m leaning over to get a drink from the fridge next to the cash register, he says, “Our Elevation Chicken Sandwich has organic chicken!”

Wondering why he’s telling me about other options after I’ve already ordered, I look up from the fridge.  He’s looking past me, to a slender 60ish-year-old woman with her gray hair pulled back into a ponytail.  She’s wearing a Native American-styled narrow headband, and a blue surgical mask.  Her blue eyes light up, and she says, “Really!?!”  Really.  I’m not making this up.



One year ago today, I wrote a post called “Disequilibration.” It was about how I had unexpectedly been let go from my job of thirty-one years and was abruptly facing retirement a couple of years ahead of schedule.

A lot can happen in a year, and I’m amazed when I think back on where I was in May 2023 and how far I’ve come.

Am I a Bigot?


I am struggling with a decision that I feel I must make to have peace of mind. And I’ve been contemplating it for weeks and find no matter what I decide, I believe I will lose. So I’m seeking out the advice of Ricochetees for your perspective to help me clarify the issue.

My question revolves around my volunteer work with Convention of States (https://conventionofstates.com/). Some of you already know that I was delighted to discover them, and even found I could play a role in writing for their blog. They are using Article V of the Constitution to respond to the abuses of the federal government and to return power to the people and the states. They have a Judeo-Christian focus. They are a principled organization, and the people with whom I’ve interacted have been friendly and helpful. No one has exerted pressure on me to take on more responsibility than I have. And the blog writing has given me the opportunity to work with other members, not only getting their help with the technical aspects, but their feedback on my writing.

Quote of the Day – Public Education


The aim of public education is not to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. … Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim … is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is the aim in the United States and that is its aim everywhere else. – H. L. Mencken

All you have to do is look at what is going on at today’s college campuses to realize the accuracy of Mencken’s century-old observation. Conformity and obedience are what is being taught by today’s educational establishment. It may not be the conformity of the “squares” that Mencken envisioned, but it is just as rigid.

On Shakespeare Today


Dame Judi Dench is one of the best Shakespearean actresses of the late 20th Century. She may be the best. She made her professional debut in 1957, and still performs today.

Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent, by Judi Dench and Brendan O’Hea, provides a remarkable overview of her Shakespearean career. With O’Hea providing the sounding board, Dench provides a lively reminiscence of her life.

The book started out as O’Hea collecting an oral history of Dench’s acting career for the Shakespeare’s Globe archives. He wanted her impressions of the Shakespeare plays in which she appeared. They realized the recordings had appeal beyond Shakespeare or theater scholars.

I Feel Like We Are Turning a Corner


Events over the past few weeks have given me grounds for optimism. Here they are:

1: The counterprotesters, the “USA” chants, the people standing up for what is good and right… we are no longer ceding the fields to the idiots. People are pushing back. Hugely important.

Pride Unbounded For Young American Patriots Who Protected Old Glory from pro-Palestinian Rioters


“Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight…”

Mere words cannot possibly express how proud I am of the young men at Chapel Hill who came to the rescue of our beloved Old Glory as it was being dishonored and soiled by pro-Palestinian protesters as they tried to throw it on the ground and raise the Palestine flag in its place. It is all too easy to fall into a bit of resignation about the state of our Republic these days but when you see a display of pure patriotism like this you just have to know this is still, after 234 years, the greatest Nation ever devised by the mind of man. Here is a tribute to them from lucianne.com, followed by a brief excerpt from an article in the Daily Mail with photographs of the incident:

Impervious: A Tale of Two Attempted Murders


On August 12, 2022, author Salman Rushdie was stabbed nearly to death while he was giving a speech at the Chautauqua Institution in upstate New York. As he spoke, a man dressed in black came running down the aisle, leaped onto the podium, and began wildly stabbing Mr. Rushdie as the crowd looked on in shock. Mr. Rushdie is alive today because of the intervention of the onlookers, the work of medical personnel, and the love of his wife. But he now lives his life with permanent scars – both physical and emotional – and is blind in one eye.

Almost thirty years prior to the attempted murder at Chautauqua, David Gelernter, at the time a relatively obscure professor of computer science at Yale, opened a package delivered to him through the mail and was blown up by a bomb the package contained. He survived the attempted murder by the Unabomber and, like Mr. Rushdie, now lives with the permanent scars.

Saturday Night Classics – No Sugar Tonight


I turned 54 yesterday, so I’ve decided to pick a rock song that was a hit during the week I was born.  Looking at Cash Box that would be Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum.  Although that one’s okay, I looked elsewhere.  Per Billboard the top song that week was American Woman/No Sugar Tonight (an atypical, dual listing) by The Guess Who.  Well, I’ve heard American Woman about a billion times, so No Sugar Tonight it is!

Who knows?


At some point in the past year, there was a post discussing Covid vaccine injuries.

I commented several times in the thread that there was no way the amount of vaccine injuries, and what the injuries were,  could be determined because no one was asking the correct questions.

Let’s Talk Cricket


Kristi Noem is in the dog house (ahem) with people of every political leaning for shooting her 15-month-old dog, Cricket, after he killed her neighbor’s chickens, as documented in her new autobiography. Some on the Right are criticizing her for being out of touch with the electorate and sabotaging her electoral future. Others are defending her for honestly exposing the rural versus urban divide in attitudes among Americans. As a lifelong dog lover, I’m here to explain why I’m in the latter camp and to open the discussion to the cultural implications of the reaction to Noem’s story.

What I’m not going to do is spend much time here on Noem and her political career. I just don’t know enough about her. My overall impression is she’s a typical Republican ladder-climber — talks a good game and ultimately disappoints.

The University of Chicago Response, Part Deux


The other day I posted about how proud I was with my alma mater’s response to the proposed Marxist-Palestinian Love Fest on the university quad. (Basically, free speech until you threaten someone or take over a building, then discipline.)  Welp. I spoke too soon. The U of C campus is now a circus too. The basic problem is, you can’t “negotiate” with entitled little children. They don’t want to negotiate. They don’t even know how, since most of them have never been told “no.” They just want media attention and for their videos to go viral. So the issue du jour (Occupy Wall Street, BLM, now this) is never the real issue.

Very disappointed that the administration has apparently caved in.  But I thought you might be amused at the gift requests of the “protestors.” So here they are. They’re either preparing for a vigorous game of Rollerball or an orgy. Not sure which.