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I Feel Like We Are Turning a Corner
Events over the past few weeks have given me grounds for optimism. Here they are:
1: The counterprotesters, the “USA” chants, the people standing up for what is good and right… we are no longer ceding the fields to the idiots. People are pushing back. Hugely important.
2: Transgender nonsense is in retreat. In the UK, the NHS has banned child mutilations, and it is picking up speed elsewhere.
3: Climate change hysteria is on the wane, as distractions like Gaza (and to some extent, the collapse in the EV market and other exposures of the vacuity of Green Energy) have removed this new paganism from the front pages and in the forefront of our minds. Causes come and go, and this one is on the way out. The sooner the better.
As always, there will be some people who do not move with the times – there will always be antisemitic loons, child mutilators, and planet worshippers. But if their causes are on the wane, it is a very good thing indeed for the future of mankind.
How will we know when we are winning? When birthrates come back up. That is both the most important sign of societal belief in itself and also an essential event in order for there to even be a future for civilized mankind.
Published in General
RE: The swing against the Hamasniks on college campuses and elsewhere.
If you want to keep up the momentum: Write to your college or university demanding expulsion of any and all of the campus SA (or Red Guards, pick your totalitarian poison) who have been involved in the Hamas demonstrations. Write to DAs and demand prosecution of the same individuals under anti-terrorism statutes. Another demand to make to the appropriate authorities is that all foreign nationals involved in the Islamonazi demonstrations be deported without any possibility of readmittance. Start with professors at the Ivies and work your way down on that list.
The retreat of the Green movement may be apparent in the U.S. but here in Germany they are still going strong. For now. Bavaria’s Minister President has challenged the 2035 European ban on the sale of new gasoline and diesel powered vehicles, but so far it’s only rhetoric and he is one of the few voices here fighting back. The media is still overwhelmingly in the tank for the Gaians. The Netherlands and France are showing some sense, and we can pray it spread.
Thr lefts agenda may not March forward at the same rate, but it always goes forward. Until it is dealt a body blow, I don’t think we can celebrate.
So guarded pessimism.
And please, if any of this collapses, can’t somebody be made to pay? Or do we let them slither off to foist the next outrage?
I am not seeing this. I am seeing some protests in Europe, which is also falling behind their impossible goals, but that is not here in the USA. I am seeing some talk about nuclear power, but that is mostly just talk now. I am seeing some wind and solar projects being canceled because of the cost of capital (high interest rates). Gen Y and Gen Z still think the planet is doomed and that permeates their life choices (no marriage, no kids, no investment,…) Team Biden is quietly destroying the oil and gas industry with regulations and that is making us all poorer and the people don’t complain.
The 2024 election process will be a big indicator.
It won’t, because of election fraud and the demonization of Trump.
And because most people doubt that politicians ever fix anything. So why vote for someone who says the right thing, but does not mean it.
Voting for republicans is discouraging and draining – like repeatedly forgiving a cheating spouse.
I was at a conference recently, talking about Green in my industry. The head of a huge company put it out there: “The next time I get better terms because of our ESG score will be the very first time.”
More and more people are saying it. eVTOL is about to collapse entirely. So will the Chinese fictions.
I agree in the sense that if 2024 does not show that the MAGA movement has taken the majority of America’s voters, necessary but not sufficient, then the needed change will remain elusive. The incompetent leadership of the American Democrat Left has created a situation where there is so much incompetence shown in the performance of government institutions, (education, healthcare, military, energy and environment) that the American people show recognition of this when surveyed:
via Visual Capitaist’s Nick Routley,
I think that distinction is encouraging that we may still have a chance.
Make “interference with the governance of the institution” as grounds for revocation of tenure (if it wasn’t already). If you have a point to make, by all means make it, but quit camping out on the Quad while doing so.
I agree there are signs to be (very) guardedly optimistic as I noted in the post below. However, as I just commented there, I have real reason to be proud of the young people in the clip from Facebook for so proudly singing the National Anthem to a crowd of anti-Semites- let’s just call them what they are. Here’s my comment and clip:
Here is a clip I just spotted on Facebook showing some very patriotic young people at my Alma Mater, LSU, singing the National Anthem-with gusto! Very proud of these fine young people. Just compare their general demeanor and dress with the supporters of murder and rape and anti-Semitism! God Bless America!
I’ll put this here, too:
Hamas needs to be entirely eliminated in the
same way Mattis destroyed ISIS.
Why is going into Rafah still needed? There already shouldn’t be anything left standing there, and anyone hiding underground should be buried under rubble/unable to get out.
There are one million refugees living there and four or five battalions of Hamas.
I don’t see how they get the hostages back. I would just level it with fuel-air explosives, and then bunker busters.
The left has been pushing the envelope a lot harder in recent times. That is generally a sign that things are turning against them. The pendulum can only swing so far in either direction, and it has appeared for a while now that it has hit its apogee on the left side.
As they have become more and more insane it was inevitable that ordinary people who don’t think much about politics, just want to live their lives, begin to find the idiocies of the left beginning to impinge on their lives. The most recent nonsense on college campuses probably got quite a few to look up and notice that there is more happening than just a steady rise in the cost of groceries and gasoline and other things that impact on a weekly basis. Once they started seeing things it was hard to stop seeing them. Very likely notable is the president walking in a scrum and the ridiculous shoes he is wearing. When you put that together with his inability to speak coherently, and everything that is coming apart internationally it all gets a bit scary. It is all a bit more than even the most obtuse troglodyte can’t remain blind to, and the cascade begins to happen as all of the thing he has been trying not to see suddenly cannot be unseen.
How this all ends is still a bit hard to predict. I would feel a lot more confident if we had someone other than Trump running as the Republican nominee, but it may be that the wave that is forming may not even be effected Trump’s ability to self destruct.
electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing? I am not a fan.
I wrote this on the topic.
Just recently Georgia opened the first nuclear power plant to go online in the U.S. in the last 40 years. Bryan Stephens wrote an excellent post about it just a week ago.
All we have won so far is some clarity–it is a little more obvious that the people running our institutions and setting policy do not share normal values nor do they act in the larger public interest.
The strategy of indoctrinating the elite at the Ivies has hit a snag because indoctrination in lieu of competence and critical thinking skills undercuts the premise of ruling entitlement. The young Ivy League man with great writing and analytic skills, social contacts with similarly high-quality types, grounded in history, literature, and philosophy appears to be largely extinct. He has been replaced by the largely incoherent, judgy, emotionally unstable, Hamas-loving, militantly angry vegan woman, anxious to transform her place of employment under the rubric of campus DEI culture. Who in their right mind hires her or lets her make policy at any level?
But the normals have not retaken anything. The Department of Education mandates letting disturbed boys play in women’s sports, Howard Zinn’s commie history book is still in the public schools, the entire elite is still echoing Davos nonsense, our military is more concerned with accommodating LGBTQ+ than performance or recruiting, Google, YouTube and Facebook still openly discriminate against the right. All major media defends or conceals the actions of the left.
The weaponization of the security classification process and the intelligence function itself was really the transformation completed during the Obama Administration. Think about how this is used for the CIA to control any function of government it chooses.
The same can be said for wind and solar power. Not feasible. Obviously not feasible.
Now, if only someone could develop a high temperature superconducting grid…..
I am so encouraged to see that 163 Democrats voted to keep Mike Johnson tonight. He has been a stalwart defender of Israel. If the Democrats were united against Israel, this would have been the moment to get rid of him. But they didn’t do it.
It means that not all of the Democrats are nuts.
I think this is good news.
There are a lot of things that might motivate a Dem to keep Mike Johnson, not all of them salutary.