You’re Out of Your Element


A few weeks ago, I was watching Young Frankenstein. About halfway through, I realized that to the best of my knowledge, I hadn’t seen it before, yet due to the sort of people I associate with, I was already aware of all the most-referenced parts. It was not the first movie I’ve seen where previous secondhand knowledge somewhat diminished my enjoyment.

On the other side of the ledger, @hankrhody referenced Bartertown at work. In a group that could be expected to have known and asking other people afterward, he was only able to find 1.5 out of 19 people that knew who run Bartertown. (The half point was for knowing the movie.)

There are a couple reasons for telling these stories. The first is to point out ways that having common reference points and in-jokes can provide to bring people into a group or have a sidebar conversation that only a few people will understand. If someone asks me a yes/no question and I respond with “Is the Space Pope reptilian?” how they respond will probably have an effect on my opinion of them.

The second reason is to discuss exactly how much of a given medium one needs to be aware of in order to participate in a given conversation. If I know, for example: that the cake is a lie, you can’t fight in the War Room, that all your base are belong to us, that five is right out, that a man’s got to know his limitations, the Buster kept me out of handcuffs, that rug really tied the room together, if the light is green, the trap is clean, that word does not mean what I think it means, or that Shaft is one bad mother…, is it necessary to have actually consumed that media, or is it enough to know why it means what it means?

This principle can be applied to more than just movie and tv references. In another post, there was a discussion of the Fry’s Electronics chain and its legendarily bad customer service, which I was aware of despite not having been to one. Even Ricochet has some examples, although those will be left open as an exercise for the reader.

That’s all I’ve got, the floor is open. Anyone else have lines that they regularly use in conversation, whether or not anyone else will understand it?

Published in Group Writing
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There are 150 comments.

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  1. Clavius Thatcher

    I’m sorry Dave, but I’m afraid I can’t do that.

    • #31
  2. JosePluma Coolidge

    Every time someone references Stonehenge, I reply “where the banshees live and they do live well.”

    I always say “it’s not a big college town” whenever Boston is mentioned.  (My daughter is a librarian in Massachusetts, she loves that line.)

    “Gimme some money.”

    And, of course, “turn it up to eleven!”

    • #32
  3. danok1 Member

    “You can buy me a drink at your wake!”

    “You’ll regret it to your dying day, if ever you live that long.”

    • #33
  4. Umbra of Nex Inactive
    Umbra of Nex

    Matt Balzer (View Comment):

    Clavius (View Comment):

    I will not buy this record, it is scratched

    Where did it go? Into the lumberyard (Caddyshack)

    I think this calls for a really futile and stupid gesture to be done on someone’s part.
    We’re just they guys to do it.

    Face it Kent, you f**ked up, you trusted us

    Forget it, he’s rolling.

    Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

    • #34
  5. Umbra of Nex Inactive
    Umbra of Nex

    To answer the OP’s question, every year, I wish as many people as possible a, “Merry new year!” in a fake African accent.

    • #35
  6. Randy Webster Inactive
    Randy Webster

    Sorry about that, Chief.

    • #36
  7. Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad Contributor
    Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad

    Also from Dr. Strangelove, I find myself parroting the Russian Ambassador’s line “I must confess you have an astonishingly good idea there” for much the same reasons he had.

    • #37
  8. MeanDurphy Member

    danok1 (View Comment):

    “You can buy me a drink at your wake!”

    “You’ll regret it to your dying day, if ever you live that long.”

    From “The Quiet Man”?

    • #38
  9. MeanDurphy Member

    My favorite instance was when my wife and I were playing “Taboo” with my family at the holidays right after we were married.

    I got the clue, and promptly pulled my t-shirt over my head and raised my arms at right angles.

    She immediately replied “Nicaragua!”

    we were accused of cheating.

    • #39
  10. danok1 Member

    MeanDurphy (View Comment):

    danok1 (View Comment):

    “You can buy me a drink at your wake!”

    “You’ll regret it to your dying day, if ever you live that long.”

    From “The Quiet Man”?

    Yes. I have more quotes from the film, but I’m too lazy to type them.

    “When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey. When I drink water, I drink water.”

    • #40
  11. Umbra of Nex Inactive
    Umbra of Nex

    MeanDurphy (View Comment):

    My favorite instance was when my wife and I were playing “Taboo” with my family at the holidays right after we were married.

    I got the clue, and promptly pulled my t-shirt over my head and raised my arms at right angles.

    She immediately replied “Nicaragua!”

    we were accused of cheating.

    Did she do the voice?

    • #41
  12. KentForrester Inactive

    Clavius (View Comment):

    I will not buy this record, it is scratched

    Where did it go? Into the lumberyard (Caddyshack)

    I think this calls for a really futile and stupid gesture to be done on someone’s part.
    We’re just they guys to do it.

    Face it Kent, you f**ked up, you trusted us

    Clavius, I was reading along, not recognizing any of your quotes, when I came to the last one.  Despite having my name in it, I didn’t understand that one either. A movie with my name in it?  And one in which I farked up?  Man am I out of it.  

    Don’t be so cryptic.  I don’t do cryptic. 


    • #42
  13. Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad Contributor
    Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad

    I had a dream once where I was captured by aliens. I could get a message back, but I had to make sure that the message was incomprehensible to the aliens while perfectly lucid to someone on Earth without me having arranged anything in advance.

    I figured I had a pretty good shot at it. Shaka when the walls fell indeed.

    • #43
  14. Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad Contributor
    Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad

    KentForrester (View Comment):

    Clavius (View Comment):

    I will not buy this record, it is scratched

    Where did it go? Into the lumberyard (Caddyshack)

    I think this calls for a really futile and stupid gesture to be done on someone’s part.
    We’re just they guys to do it.

    Face it Kent, you f**ked up, you trusted us

    Clavius, I was reading along, not recognizing any of your quotes, when I came to the last one. Despite having my name in it, I didn’t understand that one either. A movie with my name in it? And one in which I farked up? Man am I out of it.

    Don’t be so cryptic. I don’t do cryptic.


    It’s from Animal House.

    • #44
  15. Matt Balzer Member
    Matt Balzer

    Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad (View Comment):

    I had a dream once where I was captured by aliens. I could get a message back, but I had to make sure that the message was incomprehensible to the aliens while perfectly lucid to someone on Earth without me having arranged anything in advance.

    I figured I had a pretty good shot at it. Shaka when the walls fell indeed.

    Sure, the Peccavi gambit IN SPACE!

    • #45
  16. KentForrester Inactive

    Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad (View Comment):

    KentForrester (View Comment):

    Clavius (View Comment):

    I will not buy this record, it is scratched

    Where did it go? Into the lumberyard (Caddyshack)

    I think this calls for a really futile and stupid gesture to be done on someone’s part.
    We’re just they guys to do it.

    Face it Kent, you f**ked up, you trusted us

    Clavius, I was reading along, not recognizing any of your quotes, when I came to the last one. Despite having my name in it, I didn’t understand that one either. A movie with my name in it? And one in which I farked up? Man am I out of it.

    Don’t be so cryptic. I don’t do cryptic.


    It’s from Animal House.

    Jeez, I should have recognized it.  My wife and I met for the first time (fifty-six year ago) and then danced in U of O’s  Erb Student Union.  She was one of four girls standing in a little group.  When I approached, Marie was the only one to look up. We married a year later.

    The Erb is where the characters in Animal House have the food fight and Belushi squirts his zit.

    • #46
  17. Nick H Coolidge
    Nick H

    Matt Balzer: If I know, for example: that the cake is a lie, you can’t fight in the War Room, that all your base are belong to us, that five is right out, that a man’s got to know his limitations, the Buster kept me out of handcuffs, that rug really tied the room together, if the light is green, the trap is clean, that word does not mean what i think it means, or that Shaft is one bad mother-, is it necessary to have actually consumed that media, or is it enough to know why it means what it means?

    Hmmm. I’d say there are four where I’m confident that I’ve “consumed the media”, two where I know the reference but haven’t seen the movie, three where the line is familiar but I can’t quite place it, and one that I can’t place at all.

    What movie/tv lines do I use in conversation? 

    You’re killing me, Smalls.

    You’ll get nothing, and like it.

    So I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

    Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

    … but that’s not important right now.

    I say we take off and nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

    Some people juggle geese!

    Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


    • #47
  18. Keith SF Inactive
    Keith SF

    Juliana (View Comment):

    Game over, man, game over! (Aliens)

    If you’re gonna shoot, shoot. Don’t talk. (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

    Could be worse…could be raining. (Young Frankenstein)

    In theory, communism works. (Homer from The Simpsons)

    In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics. (Homer from The Simpsons)

    I can’t be expected to keep track of all my wacky schemes. (Homer from The Simpsons)

    Pretty sure there is a Simpsons quote to cover any situation. That is one of the few points of reference I have in common with my younger colleagues at the high school.

    I remember hearing it discussed somewhere–it may even have been a Ricochet podcast–that The Simpsons quotes so much from pop culture, that people under 30 would generally recognize most any of the movie/TV references here in this post, but they would attribute it to the Simpsons, rather than their original source.

    • #48
  19. Matt Balzer Member
    Matt Balzer

    Keith SF (View Comment):

    Juliana (View Comment):

    Game over, man, game over! (Aliens)

    If you’re gonna shoot, shoot. Don’t talk. (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

    Could be worse…could be raining. (Young Frankenstein)

    In theory, communism works. (Homer from The Simpsons)

    In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics. (Homer from The Simpsons)

    I can’t be expected to keep track of all my wacky schemes. (Homer from The Simpsons)

    Pretty sure there is a Simpsons quote to cover any situation. That is one of the few points of reference I have in common with my younger colleagues at the high school.

    I remember hearing it discussed somewhere–it may even have been a Ricochet podcast–that The Simpsons quotes so much from pop culture, that people under 30 would generally recognize most any of the movie/TV references here in this post, but they would attribute it to the Simpsons, rather than their original source.

    Sounds about right to me.

    • #49
  20. Keith SF Inactive
    Keith SF

    Thought 1:  I’ve never actually seen “The Princess Bride”, but oddly enough, I feel like I know it pretty well just from how often my friends quote it.

    Thought 2:  We have an intern at my work, and I’ve been fighting the urge to ask her for a Campari & soda.

    Thought 3:  My parents always used to say things like “Put your shoes on Lucy!” and “Buckle down Winsocki!” and “You’re standing in my kumquats!!” As a kid I found it completely weird and baffling. Now I hear myself saying things like “what we have here is a failure to communicate!” and “it’s only a flesh wound!”,  and I think my kids are starting to give me the same annoyed looks.


    • #50
  21. Major Major Major Major Member
    Major Major Major Major

    Keith SF (View Comment):
    “it’s only a flesh wound!”

    Which will heal quickly.

    • #51
  22. Suspira Member

    This thread makes me very grateful for search engines.

    • #52
  23. Clavius Thatcher

    KentForrester (View Comment):

    Clavius (View Comment):

    I will not buy this record, it is scratched

    Where did it go? Into the lumberyard (Caddyshack)

    I think this calls for a really futile and stupid gesture to be done on someone’s part.
    We’re just they guys to do it.

    Face it Kent, you f**ked up, you trusted us

    Clavius, I was reading along, not recognizing any of your quotes, when I came to the last one. Despite having my name in it, I didn’t understand that one either. A movie with my name in it? And one in which I farked up? Man am I out of it.

    Don’t be so cryptic. I don’t do cryptic.


    Sorry, Animal House

    • #53
  24. Clavius Thatcher

    KentForrester (View Comment):

    Hank Rhody, Possibly Mad (View Comment):

    KentForrester (View Comment):

    Clavius (View Comment):

    I will not buy this record, it is scratched

    Where did it go? Into the lumberyard (Caddyshack)

    I think this calls for a really futile and stupid gesture to be done on someone’s part.
    We’re just they guys to do it.

    Face it Kent, you f**ked up, you trusted us

    Clavius, I was reading along, not recognizing any of your quotes, when I came to the last one. Despite having my name in it, I didn’t understand that one either. A movie with my name in it? And one in which I farked up? Man am I out of it.

    Don’t be so cryptic. I don’t do cryptic.


    It’s from Animal House.

    Jeez, I should have recognized it. My wife and I met for the first time (fifty-six year ago) and then danced in U of O’s Erb Student Union. She was one of four girls standing in a little group. When I approached, Marie was the only one to look up. We married a year later.

    The Erb is where the characters in Animal House have the food fight and Belushi squirts his zit.

    What a brush with great greatness.

    • #54
  25. MeanDurphy Member

    Umbra of Nex (View Comment):

    MeanDurphy (View Comment):

    My favorite instance was when my wife and I were playing “Taboo” with my family at the holidays right after we were married.

    I got the clue, and promptly pulled my t-shirt over my head and raised my arms at right angles.

    She immediately replied “Nicaragua!”

    we were accused of cheating.

    Did she do the voice?

    Of course!

    • #55
  26. Bob Armstrong Thatcher
    Bob Armstrong

    Probably the quote I trot out most frequently – “I love this plan, I’m excited to be a part of it!”

    • #56
  27. Gary McVey Contributor
    Gary McVey

    There’s one I vaguely remember from the Star Trek films, after Kirk has pulled one of his patented rescues that require him to throw the rulebook out the window: “I am immensely proud of each and every one of you and I intend to recommend all of you for medals and promotion”–he pauses–“In whatever fleet we end up serving”, he concludes a bit sheepishly. 

    • #57
  28. aardo vozz Member
    aardo vozz

    danok1 (View Comment):

    Arahant (View Comment):

    Muleskinner (View Comment):
    About half the lines in The Outlaw Josie Wales.


    “Get ready little lady. Hell is coming to breakfast.”

    “Buzzards gotta eat. Same as worms…”

    • #58
  29. aardo vozz Member
    aardo vozz

    “I’m not asking you who’s on second!”

    “Who’s on first.”

    “I don’t know!”

    “THIRD BASE!!!!”

    • #59
  30. Nick H Coolidge
    Nick H

    MeanDurphy (View Comment):

    My favorite instance was when my wife and I were playing “Taboo” with my family at the holidays right after we were married.

    I got the clue, and promptly pulled my t-shirt over my head and raised my arms at right angles.

    She immediately replied “Nicaragua!”

    we were accused of cheating.

    This one I don’t know the reference, and Google isn’t helping.

    • #60
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