Merkel Has a Problem and This One Won’t Be Finessed

Mrs. Merkel got into trouble with her own coalition partners because she would not even consider a cap on the total number of migrants allowed into Germany per year. If the organization 120db can attain & maintain an internet presence Mrs. Merkel has a problem that will guarantee her defeat.

Recently, I have come to the conclusion that the best way to define the democratic principle of voting is a “veto” by the citizenry. Citizens do not have the power to institute specific policy changes that is an illusion and an oversell of the power of the vote. However, if a government becomes consistently abusive and obviously so, the citizens will find an electable champion and veto the existing government by voting them out. Mrs. Merkel has gone down a policy dead-end and refuses to admit it with her obsession with the unlimited entry of migrants into Germany. It is no secret that the particular brand of migrants is not assimilating well and are extreme outliers in their beliefs about women and human rights. Women in Germany are experiencing a degradation of their personal freedom as they feel themselves more and more at risk. The government accuses them of prejudice if they speak out and silences objective reporting by the police and other government representatives.

I think 120db will hit a nerve as this is a consistent pattern of behavior by the government that abuses the great mass of its citizenry. This makes the current German government a prime candidate for the citizens’ veto. They will be voted out.

Published in Immigration, Islamist Terrorism
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There are 39 comments.

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  1. Stina Inactive

    Wow. I hope this gets far.

    • #1
  2. Hoyacon Member


    • #2
  3. GFHandle Member

    I fear they will be labeled and and silenced.

    • #3
  4. Richard Finlay Inactive
    Richard Finlay

    GFHandle (View Comment):
    I fear they will be labeled and and silenced.

    Or used as a front for the socialists to take power.

    • #4
  5. Kay of MT Inactive
    Kay of MT

    The German girls and women I knew in the 50s-60s, legal immigrants, would never have put up with Merkel. I know it’s more than a half century ago, but can’t hardly believe the people have changed so much.

    • #5
  6. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Richard Finlay (View Comment):

    GFHandle (View Comment):
    I fear they will be labeled and and silenced.

    Or used as a front for the socialists to take power.

    GFH & Richard,

    The migrant policy is completely owned by Merkel and other EU types. Once it becomes clear that people will no longer suffer in silence Merkel’s days are ended. I originally supported her and thought she was doing a competent job. However, welding herself to an unlimited migrant policy is insane. She will go down with that ship.

    They will try to label the 120db but it is so clear who they are, ordinary middle-class German girls, that this time I think the multi-culti manipulators are going to hit a wall.

    Maybe we all ought to forward the link or post it on our facebook page. Maybe it goes viral.



    • #6
  7. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    Mrs. Merkel will discover that in striving for her utopia, she will have created her own personal hell. It’s baffling to me–I thought after she recognized the hopelessness of insisting on multiculturalism, she would awaken. Clearly she hasn’t. Good points, Jim

    • #7
  8. Randal H Member
    Randal H

    I was an exchange student in Germany in the late ’70s to early ’80s and was impressed with the fact that German women and girls could walk the streets at night or even hitchhike with little fear. I guess that’s all changed now. It’s amazing what politicians will sacrifice for a little virtue signalling. That’s understandable to a certain extent in Germany, as their history drives them to feel they have much need to signal virtue. But in this case, they didn’t just make these decisions for themselves, but for all of Europe.

    • #8
  9. Chris O. Coolidge
    Chris O.

    Ausgezeichnet. I watched the linked interview conducted by Martin Sellner with one of the organizers and it was well done. It is also subtitled, in case you want to give it a look. I was impressed with both of them.

    If you are not familiar–and I wasn’t–120db is a reference to the sound level of a pocket alarm carried by many women along with pepper spray. It struck me as well that db as an acronym (it would have to be capitalized) could also translate as something like “German Federation,” which fits well with some of their statements.

    • #9
  10. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Randal H (View Comment):
    I was an exchange student in Germany in the late ’70s to early ’80s and was impressed with the fact that German women and girls could walk the streets at night or even hitchhike with little fear. I guess that’s all changed now. It’s amazing what politicians will sacrifice for a little virtue signalling. That’s understandable to a certain extent in Germany, as their history drives them to feel they have much need to signal virtue. But in this case, they didn’t just make these decisions for themselves, but for all of Europe.


    France and Germany are the two pillars that hold the EU up. The EU is essentially a reflection of French and German chauvinism and has little to do with a truly European perspective. Juncker is not elected by anyone so without fear of an election defeat he can force policies down the throat of the rest of Europe that is not France and Germany. If Mrs. Merkel falls then this house of cards comes down with her. At first, I thought Macron might have the sense to make major democratic reforms of the EU. Macron appears only to be interested in cosmetic changes that leave France and Germany in control. This would be similar in the US if New York and California were controlling everything. The US Constitution wisely balanced and checked the powerful large states by giving enough political leverage to the smaller states. This has served us very well.

    Too bad no one in France or Germany bothers to read the Federalist Papers. Of course, the Federalist Papers are American so they must be inferior to anything the glorious French or Germans have understood as sound government. When this house of cards comes falling down they will have no one else to blame but themselves.



    • #10
  11. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Chris O. (View Comment):
    Ausgezeichnet. I watched the linked interview conducted by Martin Sellner with one of the organizers and it was well done. It is also subtitled, in case you want to give it a look. I was impressed with both of them.

    If you are not familiar–and I wasn’t–120db is a reference to the sound level of a pocket alarm carried by many women along with pepper spray.


    Thanks very much for the link. They express themselves very well and make a very strong impression. Can you imagine giving a young woman a pocket alarm and some pepper spray when you know a group of men intend to gang rape her? I don’t think this is about sex. This is about hate. I think the gangs that prey upon the German girls hate them for what they are and what they represent. The girls have done nothing to deserve this and the German government is guilty of allowing them to bear the brunt of this resentment.



    • #11
  12. Painter Jean Moderator
    Painter Jean

    Randal H (View Comment):
    That’s understandable to a certain extent in Germany, as their history drives them to feel they have much need to signal virtue.

    That’s one way of looking at it. But given German history, it doesn’t make sense to me to import huge numbers of Jew-hating peoples as a sign of German tolerance. If they want to distance themselves from their history, I could expect their virtue signalling to consist of support for Israel. But they don’t support Israel, and were among the many European countries to express dismay at Trump stating the obvious fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s capitol. You’d think Germans, of all people, would be reluctant to tell Jews how and where to conduct their affairs.

    Maybe they’re just outsourcing their anti-Semitism, so to speak. Invite in enough Jew-hating immigrants, and maybe their own population of Jews will feel the need to go elsewhere. Maybe that’s what some Germans really want.


    • #12
  13. Chris O. Coolidge
    Chris O.

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    the German government is guilty of allowing them to bear the brunt of this resentment.

    Thanks, James, and for the OP as well. What I can’t figure out is how the environments in Rotherham, Calais, as well as Cologne are so intently ignored. One resident in Kandel said if you speak out about it, you’re labeled a Nazi. I can only imagine the greater weight that carries in Germany.

    Still, it’s difficult to fathom such an abject public failure of government and little, if any, effort to made to rectify things. The only thing I can figure is years of lack of response leading to a population that feels there is no protection for them. This makes the #120db movement even more heartening.

    • #13
  14. Kay of MT Inactive
    Kay of MT

    I would be inclined to arm the girls and women with “Assassins Daggers” that are hidden up their sleeves until needed.

    • #14
  15. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Chris O. (View Comment):

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    the German government is guilty of allowing them to bear the brunt of this resentment.

    Thanks, James, and for the OP as well. What I can’t figure out is how the environments in Rotherham, Calais, as well as Cologne are so intently ignored. One resident in Kandel said if you speak out about it, you’re labeled a Nazi. I can only imagine the greater weight that carries in Germany.

    Still, it’s difficult to fathom such an abject public failure of government and little, if any, effort to made to rectify things. The only thing I can figure is years of lack of response leading to a population that feels there is no protection for them. This makes the #120db movement even more heartening.


    The modern deconstructionist left performs a kind of self-hypnosis. They lie to themselves so well that they are sure they can get away with lying to everyone else. No Go zones exist in Europe. Public transportation drivers won’t stop there in the daytime much less at night. The police have a narrative dictated to them by the political powers. They will be disciplined or lose their job if they try to tell the truth. Funny thing, the truth has a way of surfacing. If you can look these girls in the face and imagine them standing at a bus stop or daring to go jogging and not realize that they have been put at risk by a government that justifies insane behavior by migrants, then there is something wrong with you.



    • #15
  16. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Kay of MT (View Comment):
    I would be inclined to arm the girls and women with “Assassins Daggers” that are hidden up their sleeves until needed.


    The case for our right to bear arms, which is being exercised by more and more women in our society, is made all the more strong by this phenomenon. However, we only assert the need for self-protection because the government can’t be everywhere thus we need to defend ourselves. This assumes that the government is doing everything it can to defend us. The point of 120db is that the government has systematically signaled that it will tolerate this brutal behavior and stigmatize those that dare complain. Our constitution gives us another right that protects us against just this kind of arrogant abusive government. That is the right to vote. The Germans should go to the polls and express their contempt for those who spout the multi-culti doctrine that makes this situation get worse and worse.



    • #16
  17. Kay of MT Inactive
    Kay of MT

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    The Germans should go to the polls and express their contempt for those who spout the multi-culti doctrine that makes this situation get worse and worse.

    From what I understand the people in power over there have not been voted in. Pepper spray, alarms, don’t seem to work and they are not allowed to have guns. I think an assissanin’s knife aimed at the groin would be more efficient. The slime of Mohammad would be busy looking for their members, instead of retaliating against the girls. And if they died from it, oh well, no virgins for them.

    • #17
  18. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Kay of MT (View Comment):

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    The Germans should go to the polls and express their contempt for those who spout the multi-culti doctrine that makes this situation get worse and worse.

    From what I understand the people in power over there have not been voted in. Pepper spray, alarms, don’t seem to work and they are not allowed to have guns. I think an assissanin’s knife aimed at the groin would be more efficient. The slime of Mohammad would be busy looking for their members, instead of retaliating against the girls. And if they died from it, oh well, no virgins for them.


    The women should protect themselves in whatever way they feel is necessary. However, the long-term solution is to end a government that has let them down and put them at risk.



    • #18
  19. Kay of MT Inactive
    Kay of MT

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    However, the long-term solution is to end a government that has let them down and put them at risk.

    Of course it is, but doesn’t look likely to happen any time soon. The powers that be, know their women and girls, along with little boys, are being molested and raped by the thousands. I’m surprised that the men, fathers and husbands are not, for a time, escorting the women and managing to eliminate some of the migrants.

    • #19
  20. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Kay of MT (View Comment):

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    However, the long-term solution is to end a government that has let them down and put them at risk.

    Of course it is, but doesn’t look likely to happen any time soon. The powers that be, know their women and girls, along with little boys, are being molested and raped by the thousands. I’m surprised that the men, fathers and husbands are not, for a time, escorting the women and managing to eliminate some of the migrants.


    I’m glad you raised this point. The ridiculous blathering about the “patriarchy” has produced this state of affairs. A father, a brother, a husband, a male friend, would not normally allow her to go unescorted for her own safety. However, with the political obsession that all women must constantly show themselves to be a Wonder Woman who can handle anything or otherwise think themselves as giving in to the “patriarchy”, women are more and more at risk needlessly.



    • #20
  21. Kay of MT Inactive
    Kay of MT

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    However, with the political obsession that all women must constantly show themselves to be a Wonder Woman who can handle anything or otherwise think themselves as giving in to the “patriarchy”, women are more and more at risk needlessly.

    I’m thinking something has been put in their water, to make them stupid. I am fully aware I am not strong enough to fend off a gang of rapists. But I am in MT and allowed to carry a gun. I would blast them in the crotch first, and head second. One of the men at Trump’s speech described what happened to his wife’s grandmother at age 93. She was attacked, raped, murdered in her own bedroom. That someone could do this sickened me to my soul. Yet, even here in the USA, extra locks and chains are not permitted to be installed on doors of public housing anywhere in the apt unit.

    • #21
  22. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Kay of MT (View Comment):

    James Gawron (View Comment):
    However, with the political obsession that all women must constantly show themselves to be a Wonder Woman who can handle anything or otherwise think themselves as giving in to the “patriarchy”, women are more and more at risk needlessly.

    I’m thinking something has been put in their water, to make them stupid. I am fully aware I am not strong enough to fend off a gang of rapists. But I am in MT and allowed to carry a gun. I would blast them in the crotch first, and head second. One of the men at Trump’s speech described what happened to his wife’s grandmother at age 93. She was attacked, raped, murdered in her own bedroom. That someone could do this sickened me to my soul. Yet, even here in the USA, extra locks and chains are not permitted to be installed on doors of public housing anywhere in the apt unit.


    There is a regular hew and cry about “stand your ground” laws from the left. I have never thought their arguments convincing in the least. No one has the right to enter someone else’s abode without permission. My maintenance guy won’t go near an apartment unless I’ve emailed a request to the landlord and specified everything. He texts me the time he could come and waits for me to text back the OK. The left justifies crime as if it is some sort of social welfare program for the poor. This is just madness. A crime infested neighborhood won’t get new businesses and won’t keep the old ones. No jobs. The poor kids try to get to school. If they work hard maybe they can pull themselves out of it. Instead, they are attacked on the street or lured into dangerous activities. No hope.



    • #22
  23. Max Ledoux Coolidge
    Max Ledoux

    Hi, Jim,

    If you add a couple more paragraphs to the OP, we’ll promote this to the main feed. It’s a little sparse right now…

    • #23
  24. Richard Finlay Inactive
    Richard Finlay

    James Gawron (View Comment):

    Richard Finlay (View Comment):

    GFHandle (View Comment):
    I fear they will be labeled and and silenced.

    Or used as a front for the socialists to take power.

    GFH & Richard,

    The migrant policy is completely owned by Merkel and other EU types. Once it becomes clear that people will no longer suffer in silence Merkel’s days are ended. I originally supported her and thought she was doing a competent job. However, welding herself to an unlimited migrant policy is insane. She will go down with that ship.

    They will try to label the 120db but it is so clear who they are, ordinary middle-class German girls, that this time I think the multi-culti manipulators are going to hit a wall.

    Maybe we all ought to forward the link or post it on our facebook page. Maybe it goes viral.



    Hope you are correct.

    • #24
  25. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    Max Ledoux (View Comment):
    Hi, Jim,

    If you add a couple more paragraphs to the OP, we’ll promote this to the main feed. It’s a little sparse right now…


    I once had a full professor dun me for footnotes. Now I’ve had a mod dun me for paragraphs. OK OK but I refuse to clean out Claire’s cat boxes. I have my standards.



    • #25
  26. Chris O. Coolidge
    Chris O.

    Max Ledoux (View Comment):
    Hi, Jim,

    If you add a couple more paragraphs to the OP, we’ll promote this to the main feed. It’s a little sparse right now…

    Quality, not quantity, Max!

    • #26
  27. Dominique Prynne Member
    Dominique Prynne

    Painter Jean (View Comment):
    it doesn’t make sense to me to import huge numbers of Jew-hating peoples as a sign of German tolerance

    “Jew-hating” should be changed to “western-hating” or “twenty-first-century hating” or any other similar adjective to show hate of any and, most importantly, *all* outside the muslim culture which was imported by Merkel.    The poem which contains the line “then they came for the Jews….” by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller is still a lesson that has not sunk in for the Germans.  What a sad irony.

    • #27
  28. Richard Easton Coolidge
    Richard Easton

    I’m not RC.  Have any cardinals taken on the Pope with respect to his ridiculous statements about immigration.  He doesn’t appear to care about women being assaulted.

    • #28
  29. Zafar Member

    Painter Jean (View Comment):

    Maybe they’re just outsourcing their anti-Semitism, so to speak.

    The urge is transferred onto another object rather than outsourced to another subject. imho.

    An interesting study discussed here – and here – imho it illustrates the importance of controlling borders as a prerequisite to being sustainably decent.

    • #29
  30. RufusRJones Member

    If it were up to me, I would purge all “Republicans” from the GOP that are judgmental about pro-Brexit voters or that think the EU and the EMU can be fixed or “improved.” The EU was supposed to be about trade, not a supra national government.



    • #30
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