Poppa Bush Exposed in Depraved Sex Scandal!


WW2 hero and former President of these United States George H.W. Bush is ensnared in a lurid controversy that has shaken the globe, along with a few heinies. Not one but two fair maidens have alleged that the wheelchair-bound 93-year-old tried to cop a feel during group photos.

No cigars, potted plants, or sunken Oldsmobiles were found at the crime scenes, but the similar descriptions show a patriarchal pattern of predatory pinching. When several women swarm the seated nonagenarian, he slowly reaches his hand around the damsel to his right and … well … it’s too disturbing for me to describe, so I’ll let the ace journalists at Deadspin take it from here.

Heh. “David Cop-a-feel.”

Er, I mean, this is an outrage! Does the “H.W.” stand for Harvey Weinstein?! I call on Bill Clinton to condemn this lewd behavior at once!

Bush was quick to apologize for both incidents:

Me being me, I made light of the situation on social media and, within seconds, the Woke Police feigned shock at my lack of performative indignation.

Come on, people, it’s pretty funny. Yeah, it’s gross if someone my age tried this crap, but we’re dealing with a very old, very ill man, who probably lost his impulse control a decade ago. I’m amused that over my lifetime, Bush Sr. morphed from a repressed, nerdy technocrat to a character from ‘The Benny Hill Show.”

He reminds me of a resident at my dad’s memory care facility, who I’ll call Bobby. He sits in his favorite chair, dangling an unlit cigar from his lips as he pontificates in his thick outer-borough accent. Until he falls asleep mid-sentence and the stogie waggles up and down with his labored breathing.

But when my sister walks in the room, look out. The old fella achingly stumbles to his feet, looks her up and down, and says, “Wow!” before asking for a kiss. When his wife is there, she offers a tired apologetic look to my sister since he does this all the time. But before we leave, sis gives both him and my dad a big hug. You should see Bobby’s eyes light up.

Maybe we can give these old guys a break. Yes, their behavior is tacky, inappropriate, and not hip to the latest social justice rules posted on Tumblr. But to call this “sexual assault,” as one of the accusers did, takes the meaning away from the phrase.

As our WW2 vets are wheeled by a nurse to life’s finish line, they could use an extra measure of tolerance, forgiveness, and grace. Save the epithets for actual abusers.

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There are 68 comments.

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  1. Bob W Member
    Bob W

    If it’s true she should have administered a little slap and left it at that. This is tackier than what she accuses him of.

    • #1
  2. Brian Wyneken Member
    Brian Wyneken

    Jon Gabriel, Ed.

    As our WW2 vets are wheeled by a nurse to life’s finish line, they could use an extra measure of tolerance, forgiveness, and grace. Save the epithets for actual abusers.

    Very nicely put – thank you Jon.

    • #2
  3. Arahant Member

    My mother was horrified as a young twenty-year-old wife when my father’s eighty-eight-year-old grandfather copped a feel. Years later, looking back, she could see the humor of the situation, “That old goat probably hadn’t been near a woman in decades.”

    • #3
  4. Quake Voter Inactive
    Quake Voter

    Common sense with a sense of the absurd.

    And more than a little guts.

    Thanks Chief.

    • #4
  5. Kate Braestrup Member
    Kate Braestrup

    See, someday you’ll look back fondly at the days when you could write, with a straight face: ” Yeah, it’s gross if someone my age tried this crap…”

    How terrible, to imagine one’s lechery not being gross anymore… just sort of cute if a little annoying. “Poor old feller. He was in the war you know…”

    Now I’m sort of hoping GHWB gets a little kick out of being Dangerous. Because otherwise, the mean and stupid ladies win.



    • #5

    While the touching the actress accuses Bush Sr of is certainly inappropriate, in my opinion, to qualify as sexual assault there really needs to be the possibility of sex actually taking place.

    Which is to say, if the perpetrator is almost 90 years old, confined to a wheelchair, and has his probably inoperable naughty bits safely secured behind an adult diaper, the chances of being the victim of sexual assault from this guy are pretty close to nil.

    • #6
  7. MarciN Member

    The me-too women don’t seem to have respect for anyone anymore. No one is beyond their mean-spirited comments.

    What a dreadful thing for this woman to do to George H. W. Bush and his wife and family.

    I watched the series Turn. Some of the scenes she played were hardly puritanical. If she is saying that President Bush’s touching her was “sexual assault,” I wonder what she thinks of her fellow actors on that show?

    If there is any justice, Hollywood will create a directory of women they will no longer call for parts. Why look for lawsuits?

    I’m certainly not letting this woman’s comments diminish my respect for President Bush.

    I really wish this hadn’t happened to him at this point in his life. What kind of a sick person harasses a 93-year-old World War II veteran?



    • #7
  8. Goldwaterwoman Thatcher

    This was good for a really good laugh. Is this gal for real?

    • #8
  9. Jules PA Inactive
    Jules PA

    Oh. Brother.


    • #9
  10. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron


    It must be some mistake.



    • #10
  11. EHerring Coolidge

    Anyone who has dealt with a parent experiencing dementia, Alzheimer’s, or just aging knows that behavior is altered.  Give him a break.

    • #11
  12. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    Jon Gabriel, Ed.: give these old guys a break

    A break? Give him a break?

    I salute him. I hope I’m half as ill-behaved when I’m his age.

    • #12
  13. EJHill Podcaster

    To be fair Poppy wasn’t “exposed.” That would be its own scandal.

    Anyone who has ever worked in a nursing facility or hospital will tell that this kind of behavior is not unusual for men in their 90s.

    • #13
  14. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    How can you guys make light?  He sexually assaulted a young womyn.  She has been traumatized.  Bush Sr needs to be locked away for everybody’s safety.  The womyn should be compensated for her horror and to cover her therapy.  If we insist on the Left purging the likes of Weinstein how can we not insist on the Right hold an equal or higher standard.

    • #14
  15. MarciN Member

    The press should know about the very famous 1988 study of inhibition loss in aging people. Inhibition is the responsibility of  the cognition part of the brain–the prefrontal cortex–and inhibition often declines in older people.


    • #15
  16. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    MarciN (View Comment):
    The press should know about the very famous 1988 study of inhibition loss in aging people. Inhibition is the responsibility of by the cognition part of the brain–the prefrontal cortex–and inhibition often declines in older people.

    Oh? Hmm. I’m 56…. I can work with this….


    • #16
  17. Arahant Member

    Henry Racette (View Comment):
    Oh? Hmm. I’m 56…. I can work with this….

    Down, boy!

    • #17
  18. Aaron Miller Inactive
    Aaron Miller

    Jon Gabriel, Ed.: who probably lost his impulse control a decade ag

    This is why some people actually look forward to living a full century.

    Anyone over 80 deserves a Get Out Of Jail Free card.

    • #18
  19. Nicegrizzly Inactive

    You know how I know this woman’s claims are true? Because of what she said Barbara Bush said when it happened: “He’s going to get himself put into jail!” I think that captures Barbara pretty well.

    That being said, assault? Please. Get over yourself.

    • #19
  20. KentForrester Inactive

    You whippersnappers have a lot to look forward to. We oldsters get 10% discounts at stores, we get the parking slots that you covet, and now we can pinch ladies’s rears and claim that our prefrontal cortexes made us do it.  What a life!

    Kent (almost 80)

    • #20
  21. JcTPatriot Member

    Thank you for defending our great President, Jon.

    I feel these Leftist “ladies” just saw an opportunity to claim victim status. I am sure they are being celebrated in their local circles.

    Frankly, I’ll bet that H.W. sincerely does not give a damn, my dear Scarlett.

    • #21
  22. Ansonia Member

    I have sympathy for a caregiver who is afraid to set boundaries with a patient because doing so might cost her desperately needed income. That person is in a position comparable to Weinstein’s victims.

    But Bush wasn’t intimidating, or trying to intimidate, these women that way. And they certainly weren’t in any physical danger from him. You’d think they would have handled this differently.

    Also, you’re hearing about silly things like this because the elite left does not want to discuss what Weinstein, and the silence of the powerful, reveals about how the elite left treats people who are not in identity groups they need to schmooze, and who are beneath them in status.

    • #22
  23. contrarian Inactive

    Criminy. It’d cause a scandal on SJW social media, but I think there’s a need for someone with experience in criminal law to explain to the feminists what sexual assault is. A tuckus grab is rude, but I don’t think this is a video of sexual assault.

    • #23
  24. Arahant Member

    JcTPatriot (View Comment):
    I feel these Leftist “ladies” just saw an opportunity to claim victim status.

    I’m willing to give the young ladies the benefit of the doubt. First, they have been indoctrinated on inappropriate touching all their lives. Second, they may not have lived long enough to understand the difference between an old coot who can’t get out of his chair and a Harvey Weinstein.

    • #24
  25. OkieSailor Member

    Aaron Miller (View Comment):

    Jon Gabriel, Ed.: who probably lost his impulse control a decade ag

    This is why some people actually look forward to living a full century.

    Anyone over 80 deserves a Get Out Of Jail Free card.

    Katherine Hepburn said the best thing about turning 80 is you no longer have to care what other people think. Of course some of us have reached that point a bit earlier. For me I think it came about age 25.

    • #25
  26. OkieSailor Member

    Arahant (View Comment):

    JcTPatriot (View Comment):
    I feel these Leftist “ladies” just saw an opportunity to claim victim status.

    I’m willing to give the young ladies the benefit of the doubt. First, they have been indoctrinated on inappropriate touching all their lives. Second, they may not have lived long enough to understand the difference between an old coot who can’t get out of his chair and a Harvey Weinstein.

    Really?? Just how long does a ‘lady’ have to live to be able to discern the obvious??
    Methinks you doth protest too much.

    • #26
  27. Arahant Member

    OkieSailor (View Comment):
    Just how long does a ‘lady’ have to live to be able to discern the obvious??

    Kids these days are sheltered.

    • #27
  28. I Walton Member
    I Walton

    Oh these clever girls have finally unmasked a guy who played gentleman and statesman  for nearly a century waiting to settle into a wheelchair so he could grope on camera.

    • #28
  29. Percival Thatcher

    Some insects aren’t worth the effort required to swat. Writing for Deadspin is one step down journalistically and intellectually from writing editorial content for The Jolly Shopper.

    • #29
  30. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    It seems that somebody needs to teach Bush the elder about the “Hover Hand”.

    • #30
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