Bernie Sander’s Climate Eugenics


Last night during the dreadfully long CNN Climate Change townhall, Senator Bernie Sanders had some pretty disturbing comments about how abortion and birth control can factor into reducing the world’s population.

Liberals’ response to the video basically pointed out that Sanders wanted to make access to birth control and abortion available to those in the Third World. But that doesn’t come close to explaining why conservatives were so aghast at Sanders’ statements.

This isn’t just about making sure poor countries have access to abortion and birth control; in this context Sanders clearly wants them to utilize it to check big families. And not only does Sanders want more mothers in poor countries limiting the number of babies they have, but he also wants the United States to be paying for it.

Put simply, Sanders wants a large, white and wealthy country to “help” poorer countries filled with minorities to kill their babies. That is the textbook definition of eugenics, and it’s incredibly disturbing watching this kind of colonialist thinking become mainstream in the Democratic Party.

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There are 13 comments.

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  1. Jon1979 Inactive

    Bernie channeling his inner Margaret Sanger here. 

    • #1
  2. EJHill Member

    This is simple “progressive” methodology.

    1. Identify a “problem.”
    2. Suggest voluntary “solutions” to the “problem.”
    3. Become concerned that free people are not implementing the “solutions” to the “problem.”
    4. Declare that because too few people have voluntarily implemented the “solutions,” the “problem” has now become a “crisis.”
    5. Because we are in a “crisis” the “solutions” must no longer be voluntary.
    6. Tell people, “Don’t complain about your loss of freedom because you chose this by not listening to us in the first place!”

    Either way you lose your freedoms and they get what they want.

    But Orange Man Bad, so please vote for progressives and stop the mean Tweets, m’kay?

    • #2
  3. colleenb Member

    As before, (Liberal) White Women (now joined by Liberal White Men), have done more to kill baby girls (mostly non-white) than all the misogynists in all world for all time. Bernie says not only ‘hold my beer’ to PP but for bonus points wants to make sure that those nasty pro-life people will pay for it. Bake that cake, make that floral arrangement, participate in and pay for abortions and infanticide you haters!   

    • #3
  4. Dr. Bastiat Member
    Dr. Bastiat

    Bethany Mandel: Put simply, Sanders wants a large, white and wealthy country to “help” poorer countries filled with minorities to kill their babies.

    How Democrats win the votes of supposed “liberals” is beyond me.  This is horrifying.

    • #4
  5. Eridemus Coolidge

    I can’t stand B.S. (the candidate and his politics) as much as the next conservative, but we have to be careful not to expand on / misquote what he said, the way people do to Trump. I’ve listened twice, once in the car on radio, and here again. He does introduce the “control over their bodies” as a general position but when moving back to the climate issue, says that women in poor countries must be able to use birth control to manage the size of their families. For many people, that is to say, prevention of pregnancy – a desireable condition that dovetails with economic improvement by empowerment in backwards (unequal education, rights etc.) societies. Is it fair for population growth to be pumped up by women being deprived of access to prevention measures?

    The Mexican treaty he refers to doesn’t put the US in that position, however (If I understand it). So I still hope the comments backfire on him for clumsy handling, anyway.

    • #5
  6. Full Size Tabby Member
    Full Size Tabby

    Applying “modern” racial lens viewing of everything, doesn’t this automatically make Sanders a “racist” for demanding that residents of “third world countries” (i.e., black and brown people) stop or reduce their reproduction?

    • #6
  7. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Full Size Tabby (View Comment):

    Applying “modern” racial lens viewing of everything, doesn’t this automatically make Sanders a “racist” for demanding that residents of “third world countries” (i.e., black and brown people) stop or reduce their reproduction?

    It’s only racism if non-progressives want fewer brown people?

    • #7
  8. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Eridemus (View Comment):
    says that women in poor countries must be able to use birth control to manage the size of their families.

    Because birth control has worked out so well for Western societies (who are in a demographic death spiral).

    It’s inevitable. When you see people as the problem, eugenics and cultural suicide must follow.

    • #8
  9. Jimmy Carter Member
    Jimmy Carter

    Bethany Mandel: poorer countries filled with minorities

    If those countries are “filled with minorities,” then They wouldn’t be “minorities.” They’d be majorities, now wouldn’t They? 

    What’s next? They’re all “Latin-Americans” and “African-Americans?” 

    • #9
  10. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron


    Bernie mixes two of the left’s least desirable policies, abortion & hyper-environmentalism, creating perhaps the true low-point in Democratic leftwing extremist psychosis. Let’s kill all the babies and mutilate the economy with needless hyper-regulation. Wow, I think Bernie deserves a stay in the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane for this little nuance of his. Of course, on stage with the rest of the looney tunes, he will barely stand out.

    Before this, he was just a harmless old socialist putz. Now he really qualifies as plain crazy.



    • #10
  11. Unsk Member

    Great Post Bethany.

    This position that we need to cull the field of the world’s population has been around for a while among the monied Progressive Elite so it makes sense for this position to finally come out into the open. Bill Gates allegedly once opined that it might be a good thing to get rid of 15 to 20% of the world’s population. This horrendously inhumane  idea  plays very well in the weirdly insulated but precious high income Progressive zip codes across the country from Manhattan to Malibu to Silicon Valley that largely fund Democratic President campaigns where our betters will nod their heads and applaud Bernie. The support of this monied elite in these zip codes will make or break the candidacies of the Democrat Presidential Contenders so that is why what most normal people would call an “extreme”inhumane idea has currency among the leading lights of the Democratic Party. 

    But in many ways, this position is just the tip of the iceberg. The Green New Deal will unbelievably annihilate the poor in the Third World because those with the least resources  will be the least able to cope with the severe hardships  and shortages of basic necessities that will be brought on by the Green New Deal. But in the minds of Monied  Progressives the idea to  endorse this  inane Absolutist Environmentalism, the call for Open Borders, Guaranteed National Income, the Relativist Approval of violent Marxist  and Islamic Cultures, and the Peacenik call to gut National Security  Virtue Signals more than make up  for the very real nasty and horrific consequences that these causes would inflict on not just America but with likely much greater effect the Third World.  This “Magical Thinking” that  callously  disregards the real world consequences for these peoples is just stunning and almost pathologically insane.  But that is where the mindset of our Elite are these days. 

    • #11
  12. Samuel Block Member
    Samuel Block

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):

    Full Size Tabby (View Comment):

    Applying “modern” racial lens viewing of everything, doesn’t this automatically make Sanders a “racist” for demanding that residents of “third world countries” (i.e., black and brown people) stop or reduce their reproduction?

    It’s only racism if non-progressives want fewer brown people?

    To be fair, saying the world is overpopulated is just a blandly hateful statement – directed against people generally. Well, people and cows. Obviously some people are overpopulating it and others are just regularly populating it. And to them it’s mostly conservatives who are doing the overpopulating.

    • #12
  13. GeezerBob Coolidge

    I think what he actually said has been badly distorted for the sake of sensational headlines (or is that just another way of saying Fox News bottom line.) That said, and given the generally accepted stance of the Democrat party, he should be made to expand on his comments to see just how far he will go. We don’t need to misconstrue his statements. Just hand him the rope and see what he will say.

    • #13
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