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Venezuela has been slowly falling apart for more than a decade, but when matters reached a seeming crisis point last week, Steve Hayward decided it was high time to catch up with Mark Falcoff, the longtime Latin American expert now retired from the American Enterprise Institute, to walk us through the scene (including some terrific trivia about the structure of the Venezuelan army). Then Steve shifts focus to the other member of the new Axis of Evil—Iran—with Kelly Jane Torrance, who follows the Iranian resistance in exile for the Weekly Standard (RIP) and SpectatorUSA. But since Kelly Jane is Canadian, we couldn’t resist a quick detour into the prospects for Justin Trudeau while we’re looking abroad.
Bumper music this week is drawn from Strangefolk; the interlude in the middle is “New Glock II,” and the closeout tune is “Window Seat.”
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Interesting interviews. Especially enjoying hearing from Kelly Jane Torrance who I had not heard of before. PS – Where’s Lucretia?
Lucretia will be back soon! I promise.