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Lucretia and I are already departing from our nascent Islay-Highland-Irish whisky flight format because we have a guest bartender and malt master on with us for this weekend’s episode—John Yoo! John not only knows the deep history of fine Japanese whiskies, but also the Constitution and presidential power. He has a terrific new book coming out on Tuesday, Defender in Chief: Donald Trump’s Fight for Presidential Power.
The book explores how John came to change his mind about Trump, seeing in Trump’s conduct in office a clear pattern of defending the proper constitutional prerogatives of the presidency, and helping to restore the separation of powers to their intended dimensions. Along the way Lucretia baits John about whether the Supreme Court was a good idea in the first place, and Steve likes John’s “hypothetical”idea for having Trump designate all of his hotels and properties as national monuments.
Not to worry—we still find time for some whisky pairings (especially with John’s favorites from the McDonald’s menu), why Roger Stone should have turned down Trump’s commutation of his sentence so he could have launched the greatest prison reality TV show of all time, and how John is already going to have to revise the paperback edition of the book in light of events of recent weeks. Memo to the White House: You’ll want to read this book, and also listen to John’s suggestions about how to defend the legality of sending Federal officers to Portland.
Settle in with your own whisky for an extra-long happy hour, and there’s a reward for everyone who makes it all the way to the end, as the effects of three whiskys on Steve become apparent, and Lucretia coins a new term for our audience” whiskeners.”
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Lucretia brought up a very good point about covid: the average age of covid death is higher than average life expectancy
Positively Biblical!
Excellent Podcast….very enjoyable to listen to with great insights!!
It would be great listening to have this line up with David, Jonah, Steve, and Sarah from Dispatch….serious fireworks!!!! :-)
@blueyeti, here’s another podcast with volume issues. Steve sounds distant and faint (not normal for him!). Lucretia and John can be heard/understood only at maximum volume. Do you have any influence here, or do we blame the P/Line crew?
Side note: I had my hearing tested recently and it’s excellent! So it’s not me!
Yes, I’m aware of the volume level problems on this episode. Not sure why it turned out that way, but we taped on Zoom, which doesn’t give us separate sound files to adjust independently.
Thanks for your reply, @stevenhayward! Surely @blueyeti has ways to correct this in post-production. He and @max have Ricochet superpowers.