With John Yoo sitting in the host chair this week, we decided to post this episode a day early partly on account of travel schedules (John and Steve are head for the NatCon conference in Miami), and partly because of the breaking news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Also because it turns out that the favorite whisky of King Charles III is reportedly Laphroaig 15, which counts as a point in favor of Team Steve in the Great Whisky Wars, even though none of us are sure Charles is going to be a very good king. (For one thing, he’s a nitwit climatista.) Steve points out that Elizabeth II oversaw what is likely the last exercise of royal constitutional prerogative in a 1975 controversy that most Americans don’t know about (so you’ll just have to listen to find out), and also witnessing in person the 1971 procession of the Queen and Japan’s Emperor Hirohito in London, which was a highly unusual spectacle.

Speaking of climate nitwits, it appears the king’s new first minister, Liz Truss, isn’t one. She is fast out of the gate making liberal heads explode with some of her cabinet appointments and declared intent to end Britain’s ban on fracking, which is long overdue. She even suggests expanded production of oil and gas from the North Sea. Combined with her intent to cut taxes, she sounds like she just might be the second coming of Margaret Thatcher.

From there our attention turns to domestic matters, including the appointment of the special master for the ongoing saga of the Great Mar-a-Lago Raid, a look at the highly fluid senate races in a few places, and what ought to be the lessons of California’s ongoing energy madness.

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There are 8 comments.

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  1. Boney Cole Member
    Boney Cole

    From John Yoo’s anecdote about the federal judge, the audience seems to be expanding far beyond the original 13.   I think the thing that was really holding things back was the intro music, a lackadaisical rendition of “Whisky in a Jar” by some California band.  By switching to the much more muscular and energetic intro, the podcast has been propelled to new heights, with greater heights in store. 

    • #1
  2. Richard Easton Coolidge
    Richard Easton

    Lucretia will love this item from Steve’s latest “This Week in Pictures”.

    • #2
  3. Steven Hayward Podcaster
    Steven Hayward

    Richard Easton (View Comment):

    Lucretia will love this item from Steve’s latest “This Week in Pictures”.

    No she won’t! (Though I did put it there with her in mind; good catch.)

    • #3
  4. Dr.Guido Member

    Sad to say that I met 2 families tonite at a neighborhood party in Monterey CA. Both recently retired military officers. One Navy, one USAF. USAF retired from Mississippi, Navy from Texas—both moved TO California because of politics—SPECIFICALLY DOBBS.

    You could have knocked me over with a feather–I think the GOP is delusional and in denial on what a motivator the SCOTUS abortion decision is. Monterey is wonderful but moving TO CA for the ‘freedom’ of politics here….UGH.

    • #4
  5. RufusRJones Member

    Dr.Guido (View Comment):

    Sad to say that I met 2 families tonite at a neighborhood party in Monterey CA. Both recently retired military officers. One Navy, one USAF. USAF retired from Mississippi, Navy from Texas—both moved TO California because of politics—SPECIFICALLY DOBBS.

    You could have knocked me over with a feather–I think the GOP is delusional and in denial on what a motivator the SCOTUS abortion decision is. Monterey is wonderful but moving TO CA for the ‘freedom’ of politics here….UGH.

    I’ve gone on and on about this, and I never get any convincing pushback, including the science. Promote the Plan B pill. Just make the moral case. Stop with the legal threats. 

    Republicans making a great big deal about abortion and not thinking creatively are not making for a better world. 

    • #5
  6. Leslie Watkins Inactive
    Leslie Watkins

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Dr.Guido (View Comment):

    Sad to say that I met 2 families tonite at a neighborhood party in Monterey CA. Both recently retired military officers. One Navy, one USAF. USAF retired from Mississippi, Navy from Texas—both moved TO California because of politics—SPECIFICALLY DOBBS.

    You could have knocked me over with a feather–I think the GOP is delusional and in denial on what a motivator the SCOTUS abortion decision is. Monterey is wonderful but moving TO CA for the ‘freedom’ of politics here….UGH.

    I’ve gone on and on about this, and I never get any convincing pushback, including the science. Promote the Plan B pill. Just make the moral case. Stop with the legal threats.

    Republicans making a great big deal about abortion and not thinking creatively are not making for a better world.

    Republicans are the worst, except for the guys on the other side.

    • #6
  7. RufusRJones Member

    Monarchy is superior.




    • #7
  8. Lucretia Member

    Dr.Guido (View Comment):

    Sad to say that I met 2 families tonite at a neighborhood party in Monterey CA. Both recently retired military officers. One Navy, one USAF. USAF retired from Mississippi, Navy from Texas—both moved TO California because of politics—SPECIFICALLY DOBBS.

    You could have knocked me over with a feather–I think the GOP is delusional and in denial on what a motivator the SCOTUS abortion decision is. Monterey is wonderful but moving TO CA for the ‘freedom’ of politics here….UGH.

    Never underestimate the level of indoctrination that occurs in our military–and especially among officers.  The upper echelons of the military brass obsess daily about whether transfers should be allowed out of red states (re: Dobbs); climate change; combatting “extremism” within the ranks (of which there is almost zero evidence) with continuous CRT trainings, and, of course, the continuing crisis of sexual harassment.  Officers either attended a university where they were likely indoctrinated with leftest drivel, or they attended one of the service academies–which have become in many ways more “woke” even than universities.

    In other words, I suspect that your new neighbors were never dyed-in-the-wool, or even moderate, Republicans who suddenly flocked to progressive California because the Supreme Court decided to return the power to regulate abortion to the states.  Republicans were never getting their votes anyway.  And if they really cared so much about some tortured notion of a right to “choose,” why not stay in Mississippi or Texas, respectively, and work to ensure “political freedom” there?  After all, I would guess that neither of them is of an age where a restriction on abortion would cause any personal inconvenience.

    And yes, Monterey is not only wonderful but is one of the most beautiful places on the planet! I envy you, but I would be hard pressed to move back there–for the very reason you cite.

    • #8
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