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Readers have been asking when we’ll have back Power Line’s International Woman of Mystery, “Lucretia,” and your wish is our command. “Lucretia” joins us again with some choice rants about the whole Ralph Northam affair and the Democrat’s “Calhoun moment” on abortion, the invincible ignorance of the new socialists like AOC, and the Wall. But then we turn to the really important subjects: wine, whisky, handguns, and coffee. (Aren’t those the basic building blocks of the Good Life? Socrates surely would have been an NRA member had the NRA been around back then. But who needs the NRA when you have Sparta?)
In keeping with this week’s wide-ranging and indulgent theme, the first bumper is “Why Not?” by Gentle Giant, and the closeout bumper music fits this show perfectly—”Another Brick in the Wall” from Pink Floyd.
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Other then the fact that I don’t drink, don’t shoot, and don’t smoke, I would love to get together with Lucretia and you for dinner or whatever. Thanks again for some great thoughts about our present, crazy days. And one of my favorite Northam tweets was by Christopher Scalia when Planned Parenthood told him he should resign: Planned Parentood really doesn’t believe in full terms (or something close to that). The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Two-and-three-fourths cheers for Gentle Giant!