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This morning Paul, Scott, and John got together for Episode 28 of the Power Line Show. They were joined by law professor David Bernstein to talk about his new book Lawless: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
This is a can’t-miss conversation and a must-read book. For the rest of the show, the PL crew talked about Hillary Clinton’s committee appearance yesterday: How did she do? What did we learn that we didn’t already know? How is her testimony being spun? What will the fallout be, down the road? And is there any chance that she will be indicted? It is a lively, fast-paced show.
Subscribe to Power Line here and never miss an episode.
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Great episode gentlemen. However, I’d hoped for more ideas in how to rein in the administrative state. I’m neither an attorney nor an elected official, but it seems to me Congress has the power to bring the administrative state to heel by using the power given it by the Constitution. They created this mess and they can fix it. Tell your elected officials to take back their power!