In this episode of Power Line we welcome Israel’s former ambassador to the United States Michael Oren. Ambassador Oren’s new book is Ally: My Journey Across the American Israeli Divide.Power Line Podcast Michael Oren

Oren’s June 15 Wall Street Journal column “How Obama Abandoned Israel,” drawn from the book, has already elicited a demand from the Obama administration that Prime Minister Netanyahu denounce it. No kidding. What has Ambassador Oren said and why is Obama seeking to render him a villain, Alinsky-style?

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There are 7 comments.

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  1. Misthiocracy Member

    Oren’s June 15 Wall Street Journal column “How Obama Abandoned Israel,”…

    Dang paywall!

    • #1
  2. user_891102 Member

    This article is an extremely important adjunct to what Oren is conveying.

    • #2
  3. Seawriter Contributor


    Oren’s June 15 Wall Street Journal column “How Obama Abandoned Israel,”…

    Dang paywall!

    Enter the title of the article into the google search engine.  Look for the link that has the name of the article followed by “-WSJ”.  Click.  The whole article comes up.

    There may be a limit on the number of times you can do this, but it works for at least ten articles per month.


    • #3
  4. Ricochet Member

    This was an extraordinary podcast.  I wonder who, precisely, were the academics who came up with the idea that the Iranian government is a rational regime that can be a stabilizing influence.  This does seem to be the idea on which the Obama administration is basing its entire Middle East policy.

    I like the way Oren pointed out that before deciding to cast America’s lot with Iran in the Middle East, the Obama administration — and then Sec. of State Clinton — were singing the praises of the murderous Assad regime in Syria.

    I simply don’t recall whether Hillary Clinton had anything to do with the Obama administration’s Iran initiative.  Does anyone have information handy on this issue?

    • #4
  5. tbeck Inactive

    Arizona Patriot:This was an extraordinary podcast. I wonder who, precisely, were the academics who came up with the idea that the Iranian government is a rational regime that can be a stabilizing influence. This does seem to be the idea on which the Obama administration is basing its entire Middle East policy.

    I like the way Oren pointed out that before deciding to cast America’s lot with Iran in the Middle East, the Obama administration — and then Sec. of State Clinton — were singing the praises of the murderous Assad regime in Syria.

    I simply don’t recall whether Hillary Clinton had anything to do with the Obama administration’s Iran initiative. Does anyone have information handy on this issue?

    I think part of the issue is that lefty Obama never outgrew that Frantz Fanon stuff he learned in school. Childish thinking that the weaker is always the more virtuous in any conflict.

    • #5
  6. user_370242 Inactive

    Check out Column by Isi Leibler.

    • #6
  7. jzdro Member

    It’s great to be able to hear this discussion.  Thank you, Gentlemen.

    Indeed it would be wonderful to have Ambassador Oren back to talk with you about his other books, such as the very clarifying Power, Faith, and Fantasy.  People find and appreciate good books after the peripublication buzz dies down, so I agree that listeners would find value in that.

    • #7
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