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Last night, three of the PL crew (John, Paul, and Steve) got together for a review of the presidential race as it currently stands.
A principal topic was Hillary Clinton’s bizarre rollout, complete with her incognito Chipotle appearance, “common man” meetings with Democratic Party officials, parking the “Scooby” van in a handicapped space, and more. Compared to that, Marco Rubio’s launch was seamless.
They talked about a number of the GOP candidates and debated their relative merits and prospects. It’s a fun 30 or 40 minutes that you won’t want to miss.
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Social Security is one big ***t sandwich, and we’re all going to have to take a bite. Saying “I paid into it so I expect to get my money” is like saying “I made payments on it and I expect to get my unicorn.”
That said, any pol or commentator who says he or she favors raising the ages to collect benefits should be required to:
One way or another most people get kicked to the curb by the time they’re in their 50s at which point the age discrimination factor makes it very difficult for them to get jobs working in their field. Even if you can somehow retain a job, working until you’re 69 is OK if you work behind a desk, if you’re a factory/retail/skilled or unskilled trade it can be difficult to impossible to keep up with the demands of the job.
Years ago, I worked for a company building a restaurant in St. Louis. We were non-union, and had to hire a union contractor to do the actual work; I went to St. Louis as sort of liaison. While I was there, the general contractors started pushing for a work week of four ten hour days. I said to the superintendent that I supposed the union was all for ten hour days. He said no, that they had carpenters in their 60’s, and they couldn’t work 10 hour days doing formwork in 90 degree weather. It would be even worse if they were 68.
I can easily imagine working until I’m 70; I sit at a desk and stare at a computer screen all day. If I still worked in the field, not so much.
OT, what’s the bumper music you guys use to end the show? Sounds a little like Canned Heat.
Well, John, it’s not the case that we have to chose between the candidate with pop-cult savy or the candidate with the message about a hopeful future for the US in Marco Rubio. He’s both. I’m thinking that the possibility of having an all-minority Republican presidential / vice-presidential ticket is quite exciting. Rubio/Cruz? Rubio/Jindal? Rubio/Martinez? Rubio/Haley? Rubio/Scott?
Did anyone notice in the video how H micromanages Her chai (that’s a kind of tea for y’all in flyover country)? To me that was the most telling part of the whole video, but I haven’t read anyone else comment on it.