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Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin) addressed the Freedom Club’s annual dinner in Minnesota. Walker made time between photos and the dinner for a Power Line interview.
From Power Line’s John Hinderacker:
How was his speech? It was terrific. I have wondered whether Walker would be dynamic enough to succeed on the national stage. His low-key style has served him well in Wisconsin, but would he be able to inspire national Republicans? I needn’t have worried. Walker spoke extemporaneously, without notes (or, needless to say, teleprompter), and from the heart. He got a thunderous reception from the club’s members and guests.
Walker is a solid conservative with a superb record in office, achieved against the most vicious opposition directed against any state-level figure in our lifetimes. He recounted, but did not dwell on, the many death threats and incidents of harassment that he and his family have suffered from Democrats. The audience gasped audibly when Walker quoted the Democrat who threatened to gut his wife like a deer. But Walker has not only survived the Democrats’ mean-spirited assaults, he has defeated them, over and over.
During our conversation we talked about his achievements, and how they will translate to the national scene, and about immigration, Islamic extremism, and more. Given the controversy during recent days about Walker’s changed views on immigration, I think that part of the interview is particularly newsworthy.
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Looking forward to listening to a real leader. Thank you.
He speaks like a politician. I guess that’s ok. He still looks like the best man in the field, but I for one cannot shake my skepticism.
Did you get permission from the Kinks to use that music?
I think Walker would be a good President. But Rubio is more likely to win the nomination because he is so gosh-darned likable.
We’ll see about this likable business-
Thanks to the men of Powerline, the correct question on immigration reform is finally asked: Do you favor increased, the same, or decreased levels of immigration from what we have today?
Forget the questions which allow the politician to spew boilerplate about securing our borders, enforcing current law and mandating universal E-verify. Just ask point blank “Do you favor allowing more or fewer foreigners into this country LEGALLY than we currently do?
We currently allow approximately one million. Every year. And have for decades. And will in the future if nothing is done to stop it.
The Rubio Bill increased that number to two million. Every year. Forever. That would result in a fundamental transformation of this country. That aspect of the bill was its greatest defect – yet nobody has asked Senator Rubio about that part of his proposed legislation.
Scott Walker tried to finesse the question. He didn’t answer it directly and said instead that the number of immigrants depended on whether American workers would be hurt.
Bad answer. America is more than an economy. A true conservative would understand that in his bones.
The correct answer, and which I am waiting to hear from one of these candidates one of these days, is:
“Today America needs fewer immigrants.”
I found myself thinking “They’ll crucify him if he says that”…. What the heck! They’ll crucify him anyway just because he’s a republican. “Today America needs fewer immigrants.”
The main reason I’d like to see Rubio win the nomination is merely for the grand theater of a Rubio/Clinton debate (assuming Hillary gets the nom).
Agree. I heard him speak in 2012 in Naples, Florida and he was really amazing. It’s hard to compare anyone’s speaking style with Marco Rubio or Ronald Reagan (or for that matter, Barack Obama), so that’s a false comparison. But Walker is commanding on the issues, speaks from the heart, and you know when you see him speak in person that’s he’s a true believer and a conservative warrior.
Much less important that the number of legal immigrants (while granting that number can’t be infinite) is how they are assimilated into the culture after they come. The current immigration problem is not even mostly a matter of legal/illegal but grows from the mistaken belief that expecting immigrants to become ‘American’ in terms of our basic freedoms, etc. somehow diminishes their ethnic identity. I don’t believe that a country of 330 million that is both welcoming of immigrants while expecting those who come to fit themselves to our ways (as opposed to expecting us to fit ourselves to their ways) would have much trouble assimilating 2 million new citizens per year. Nor do we lack room. What we currently lack is sufficient pride in our way of life to expect immigrants to accept and adopt both the benefits and responsibilities of freedom. Unless this is corrected it won’t really matter much what the numbers are.
This is not to say that immigrants must abandon all vestiges of their heritage, of course, but they should adopt the ways of freedom and responsibility, grafting them in where possible and replacing whatever must be abandoned in order to do so. If any are not willing to do this then I would ask, “Why then did you come?” I will say that I’ve seen much less reluctance on the part of immigrants to adopt these values than resistance by ‘liberals’ to require that they do.
Assimilation has vanished as a word, let alone as a social policy, precisely as American levels of immigration have remained high, yet you see no connection. What can I say?
The proportion of foreign-born residents is already at unprecedented levels in the U.S. and is rising, but you look to assimilation as the answer. Assimilation to what?
Turn off the faucet before the floor collapses.
How can anyone be in favor of importing citizens who overwhelmingly vote for a political party which is at odds with this country’s traditions and then expect a conservative policy of assimilation to be enacted?
Only fools.