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This afternoon John Hinderaker, Steve Hayward, and Paul Mirengoff got together to record Episode 20 of the Power Line show. They talked with Dana Perino about her new book, And the Good News Is… Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side, her experience as press secretary for President George W. Bush, and her starring role on Fox News’s The Five.
Then it was on to the news of the day, in particular the Supreme Court’s one-two-three punch over the last 48 hours, with decisions on Obamacare, the Fair Housing Act and gay marriage. Their discussion combines sober legal analysis with outrage.
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Mirengoff said “I don’t want to demean the liberals intellectually entirely”. No, it’s okay. Go ahead.
Also I really liked at the end how he obliterated the Jen Rubinish amnesty position entirely just with the Univision example.