If you aren’t following Mark Perry’s Carpe Diem blog every day you’re missing out on one of the best sources for common sense analysis of current economic and social controversies. Mark, an economist at the University of Michigan and scholar at AEI, specializes in debunking economic fallacies (such as the perennial feminist talking point that women only earn 78 cents for every dollar a man earns), but he also has hit upon a sure fire method to make life miserable for campus diversicrats: file Title IX complaints against college programs that discriminate against men. So far he’s filed more than 200 such complaints, and has an excellent track record in making colleges and universities back down from egregiously discriminatory practices.

We also talk about his other specialty—using Venn diagrams to illustrate hypocrisy and inconsistent thinking mostly by liberals—as well as some of the economic mysteries of our time, such as why the relentless money-printing of the Federal Reserve hasn’t touched off inflation.

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There are 9 comments.

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  1. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    One of the diagrams discussed in the podcast.

    Great podcast. One issue, I think there has been inflation, in asset prices and virtual assets. We live in unprecedented times, not only do we have nations with unlimited debts – in trade balances, public and private debts, nothing like this has ever existed before. We also for the first time have virtual assets, paper gold and commodities, virtual currencies.

    I think a lot of the virtual cash, created and held by banks, is not in the real economy causing inflation, its out chasing virtual commodities and assets, causing inflation in those asset classes that have very little effect on the daily economic lives of citizens.

    • #1
  2. David Bryan Inactive
    David Bryan

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    One of the diagrams discussed in the podcast.

    Great podcast. One issue, I think there has been inflation, in asset prices and virtual assets. We live in unprecedented times, not only do we have nations with unlimited debts – in trade balances, public and private debts, nothing like this has ever existed before. We also for the first time have virtual assets, paper gold and commodities, virtual currencies.

    I think a lot of the virtual cash, created and held by banks, is not in the real economy causing inflation, its out chasing virtual commodities and assets, causing inflation in those asset classes that have very little effect on the daily economic lives of citizens.

    Fascinating. I hope Rufus B Jones weighs in on this. I have not heard this theory elsewhere.

    • #2
  3. Taras Coolidge

    Listening to the story of Mark Perry’s heroic efforts against sex discrimination, I constantly wonder: where are all the conservative foundations?

    • #3
  4. Architectus Coolidge

    David Bryan (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    One of the diagrams discussed in the podcast.

    Great podcast. One issue, I think there has been inflation, in asset prices and virtual assets. We live in unprecedented times, not only do we have nations with unlimited debts – in trade balances, public and private debts, nothing like this has ever existed before. We also for the first time have virtual assets, paper gold and commodities, virtual currencies.

    I think a lot of the virtual cash, created and held by banks, is not in the real economy causing inflation, its out chasing virtual commodities and assets, causing inflation in those asset classes that have very little effect on the daily economic lives of citizens.

    Fascinating. I hope Rufus B Jones weighs in on this. I have not heard this theory elsewhere.

    Just look at the stock market as an example, almost at an all-time high.  All that money has to be somewhere, and that’s one place it is sitting, regardless of the future prospects of many businesses. 

    • #4
  5. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    Architectus (View Comment):

    David Bryan (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    One of the diagrams discussed in the podcast.

    Great podcast. One issue, I think there has been inflation, in asset prices and virtual assets. We live in unprecedented times, not only do we have nations with unlimited debts – in trade balances, public and private debts, nothing like this has ever existed before. We also for the first time have virtual assets, paper gold and commodities, virtual currencies.

    I think a lot of the virtual cash, created and held by banks, is not in the real economy causing inflation, its out chasing virtual commodities and assets, causing inflation in those asset classes that have very little effect on the daily economic lives of citizens.

    Fascinating. I hope Rufus B Jones weighs in on this. I have not heard this theory elsewhere.

    Just look at the stock market as an example, almost at an all-time high. All that money has to be somewhere, and that’s one place it is sitting, regardless of the future prospects of many businesses.

    Yes, not just the stock market but the futures markets – Look into the Gold and Silver markets where everyday several years worth of production is traded – The virtual paper market actually has been effective driving the market prices of these commodities – one of the few cases where the virtual marketplace actually drives the real commodity prices. 

    • #5
  6. SteveSc Member

    Taras (View Comment):

    Listening to the story of Mark Perry’s heroic efforts against sex discrimination, I constantly wonder: where are all the conservative foundations?

    Yup.  This would seem to be low hanging fruit.

    • #6
  7. Taras Coolidge

    SteveSc (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    Listening to the story of Mark Perry’s heroic efforts against sex discrimination, I constantly wonder: where are all the conservative foundations?

    Yup. This would seem to be low hanging fruit.

    Part of the answer is that Republican women, too, think they deserve their “diversity” privileges, and react badly to anyone who threatens to mess with them.

    Part of the answer is that some “conservative” foundation people, like some “conservative” commentators and journalists, are just making a living, going through the motions.  (Was Bill Kristol ever a conservative for real?)

    • #7
  8. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    Taras (View Comment):

    SteveSc (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    Listening to the story of Mark Perry’s heroic efforts against sex discrimination, I constantly wonder: where are all the conservative foundations?

    Yup. This would seem to be low hanging fruit.

    Part of the answer is that Republican women, too, think they deserve their “diversity” privileges, and react badly to anyone who threatens to mess with them.

    Part of the answer is that some “conservative” foundation people, like some “conservative” commentators and journalists, are just making a living, going through the motions. (Was Bill Kristol ever a conservative for real?)

    Yes. I think Bill Krstol was, and maybe again someday. I think he’s the Tea & Crumpets crowd that would rather be a noble looser, than a street fighter. You can see the difference in the last 2 republican candidates for president. Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump. In 2012 when Mitt was running, his character was beyond reproach – on purely a character level, he may have been one of the best (cleanest?) candidates for president in the modern era. Yet the media treated him the same as Donald Trump. Lied about his past, Trumped up events from high school to attack him … etc etc… Mitt Romney, steadfastly refused to counter-punch, refused to say an unkind word about anyone… I think this is why he lost – if he was unwilling to stand up for himself, and defend himself – why would anyone expect him to stand for them?

    This I think helped bring about Donald Trump. If they’re going to accuse our candidates of the worst possible things – pick a candidate that will take on those accusations and speak up for himself. A republican can’t depend on the media to fairly moderate attacks, and partisan surrogates dont have the same clout or voice as the chorus of democrat insult puppets

    • #8
  9. Architectus Coolidge

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    SteveSc (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    Listening to the story of Mark Perry’s heroic efforts against sex discrimination, I constantly wonder: where are all the conservative foundations?

    Yup. This would seem to be low hanging fruit.

    Part of the answer is that Republican women, too, think they deserve their “diversity” privileges, and react badly to anyone who threatens to mess with them.

    Part of the answer is that some “conservative” foundation people, like some “conservative” commentators and journalists, are just making a living, going through the motions. (Was Bill Kristol ever a conservative for real?)

    Yes. I think Bill Krstol was, and maybe again someday. I think he’s the Tea & Crumpets crowd that would rather be a noble looser, than a street fighter. You can see the difference in the last 2 republican candidates for president. Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump. In 2012 when Mitt was running, his character was beyond reproach – on purely a character level, he may have been one of the best (cleanest?) candidates for president in the modern era. Yet the media treated him the same as Donald Trump. Lied about his past, Trumped up events from high school to attack him … etc etc… Mitt Romney, steadfastly refused to counter-punch, refused to say an unkind word about anyone… I think this is why he lost – if he was unwilling to stand up for himself, and defend himself – why would anyone expect him to stand for them?

    This I think helped bring about Donald Trump. If they’re going to accuse our candidates of the worst possible things – pick a candidate that will take on those accusations and speak up for himself. A republican can’t depend on the media to fairly moderate attacks, and partisan surrogates dont have the same clout or voice as the chorus of democrat insult puppets

    And to build on this, it is one thing when our own candidates do not see winning as important as it is to us “regular Americans”, but when our own pundit and chattering class can’t support our own candidates when under unfair attack, what do think we will end up with?  Nothing good, I say…

    • #9
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