Lucas Morel

This week “Lucretia,” Power Line’s international woman of mystery, gets promoted to co-host as she and Steve Hayward welcome Lucas Morel to our special series on the 1619 Project. Morel is professor of politics and head of the politics department at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, where he teaches and writes on racial issues in American politics and history. Among other things, Prof. Morel is one of the nation’s leading scholars of Ralph Ellison.

He has a long article on the 1619 Project forthcoming at the Claremont Institute’s American Mind, and we decided to scoop our friends at Claremont by talking through some of the key issues with Lucas ahead of time. Finally, we get around to taking up the important thought of Frederick Douglass, who so far has been conspicuously missing from the 1619 Project. It is also a nice break for Steve to have Lucretia beating up on someone else for a change!

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There are 3 comments.

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  1. colleenb Member

    Very much enjoyed hearing from the Professor Morel. Always happy when a Virginia college (or any college for that matter) has such a great member of their faculty. I will try to look for his article and other writings. Thanks as always for Lucretia. The thought of you both in a classroom is a little scary but scary in a good way.

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  2. Matt Bartle Member
    Matt Bartle

    Very interesting episode, although “Lucretia” is a little less mysterious since Morel used what I assume is her real first name a couple of times!


    • #2
  3. colleenb Member

    Matt Bartle (View Comment):

    Very interesting episode, although “Lucretia” is a little less mysterious since Morel used what I assume is her real first name a couple of times!


    Yes I thought I heard that too. Hoping she will remain PLIWofM but worried she may be outed and ‘Amy Waxed.’

    • #3
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