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We know, we know: we just put out a GLoP a few days ago. But with Rob in Africa, Jonah trapped in Austin, and John wrapped up in selling merch, we were not able to pull one together earlier in an already short month, so we spent our Sunday morning creating premium content for you. Just some of the topics covered in this GLoP for the ages: the worst Jewish characters in movies, a look a the trials and tribulations of Andrew Cuomo and Anthony Fauci, we defend some maligned movies (h/t @jameslileks), and whatever you do, do not skip through the second spot. That’s all we’ll say about that.
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According to Rob Long, a group of hyenas is known as a “CPAC.” Seems strange to attack a good percentage of your listeners by comparing them to dangerous wild animals. Seeing as Jonah and John giggled like schoolgirls at the remark and it even got a rimshot, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
Funny how some on the Right, even marginally as may be the case here, are far more vitriolic when it comes to those on their own side.
My folks back in OK are on and off CPAC TV viewers….pro-life, voted for Trump with great reservations. They are Christians, hard working and kindhearted. No racism, no hyena behavior. (They’ve never ripped another animal to shreds with their teeth. Really!)
I won’t bother with this podcast anymore, even when it’s promoted as just a pop culture podcast. I don’t require anyone to agree with my opinion – I’m more libertarian, don’t pay any attention to CPAC.
Just my tuppence.
One flaw I see with John’s analysis of the Biden administration is the economy roaring back. Much like Obama’s extended recovery, I think it will take a while to bounce back. Biden is already putting the boot back on the neck of the economy. Look how gas prices have soared.
John: Is my contempt for St. Fauci justified?
Yes. All Americans should hold him in contempt and Trump should have fired him in April. Once he admitted to lying to us that should have been the last of him.
It’s just a joke. It works because it ends in “pack” and goes along with the Rat Pack comment.
How about an insomnia of wokesters?
How about a postal of cancelers?
Surprised to hear a Stitch Fix plug. My daughter introduced me to it and although I don’t really need clothes it is like Christmas every time I get a fix, and I need a little excitement right now. You have no idea what they are going to send you and you get 5 items every time.
Sometimes gas prices go up because demand goes up because people are driving more because the economy is humming.
Sometimes gas prices go up because the state most connected to the oil and gas economy literally froze for multiple weeks.
Sometimes the president has nothing to do with gas prices.
Sometimes there are thing the president does not actually impact.
Maybe it’s just because I was itching for a GLOP fix but these last two episodes were gold.
The slow reveal that JPod had read the biography of a semi-random studio executive was hilarious. Jonah having a joke in the wings that can’t ever come because he doesn’t know who they are talking about but meanwhile JPod has read the lady’s book.
Standing ovation.
Sometimes the President suspends drilling on federal lands and now New Mexico is worried where a large portion of its budget is going to come from. When asked about it, our tyrant of a governor said she expected to get a waiver from China Joe.
Larry Storch is 98.
What’s the backstory on “Contractually Obligated”? Are there supposed to be a certain number of GLOP episodes and the EOY is February for this?
I remember them saying that they would do two a month a while back. Looked through the archives and found this from episode #58 (if that is the right number), way back in 2016.
Yes, we are obligated to to do two shows a month based on the advertising inventory that is sold months ahead of when the shows are actually recorded. February was a bit of a (no pun intended) perfect storm for us: Rob was away in Africa for two weeks, Jonah got stuck in Austin for a week, John was very busy with Commentary obligations, and it was a short month to begin with. And that’s how we wound up recording two shows within 4 days including this one on a Sunday (a first as best I can remember).
Wasn’t the waiver already denied?
Also, blocking the Keystone Pipeline (at least until maybe they find a workaround) certainly doesn’t help.
Plus of course, if there is a workaround, Biden will try to take credit for what he tried to stop, as did Obama and Clinton before him.
Well, it was a good episode. I think I’m in favor of more contractually obligated episodes!
Better joke?
“Sharia Lewis and Hand-Chop.”
by Dennis Miller.
It was. Just more craziness from the Democrats. Joe says he will shutdown oil, New Mexico is a big producer, New Mexico goes ahead and votes for Joe expecting the rules won’t apply to us, Joe makes no exceptions, and Gov. Karen Wuhan is shocked.
I think the biggest problem with John’s so-called “analysis” is that everything he describes would, at minimum, be equally likely to happen in a second Trump term, but even moreso. If anything, the economic comeback would be even bigger and probably faster without the cancellation of Keystone and so much other economy-crushing.
Because the biggest factor, which he mentions, is “getting out from under” COVID. Which would actually be far more likely to happen, and far sooner, with Trump II rather than Biden who might still think everyone should be wearing TWO masks for the rest of time.
Put another way, IF the economy comes back – a big if, under these circumstances – it will be DESPITE Biden, not BECAUSE OF Biden. And it would be a lot more likely to happen, and happen sooner, and happen bigger/better, if people like JPod had supported Trump.
A 3rd woman has come forward to accuse Andrew Cuomo of misconduct. There are pictures this time.
Its a sad thing, that a government official can be as incompetent as one could imagine – but the only way to get rid of them is for a sex scandal to erupt.
Of course, that’s just for Democrats.
No, its everywhere. This could be called the Profumo effect.
Could never figure out Warren Beatty(after the obvious). As for Liz Taylor…..What planet are you from?????
The media runs a constant horror show of odd reactions to vaccines, stories of confusion, and supply malfunctions not locally—but as a National Crises (on a daily basis). Fear and confusion mongering takes precedent over “news you can use”.
Why? Why would anyone choose an atrocious Pretenders cover of “Every Day Is Like Sunday”? The perfect, glorious third track of Morrissey’s debut solo album, Viva Hate, and the second single (lyrics by our Stephen Patrick M, great music by Stephen Street) – the only version required, whatever your opinion of Chrissie Hynde. Shocking, scandalous and, well, just sad.
It’s a fair question and the answer is because I have played the Morrissey version (which I love) numerous times on this and other shows, including as recently as a month and half ago on the Ricochet Podcast. Had never heard the Pretenders version before I found it the other day, and while I don’t think it’s nearly as good as Morrissey’s, I don’t think it’s “atrocious” either. Because I don’t think it’s possible for Chrissie Hynde to do anything atrocious. OK, maybe her cover of I Got You Babe. Nah, that wasn’t atrocious either, just ill advised.
Suedehead, perhaps?
Don’t know that one, but I’ll check it out. Thanks!
Mexrrissey: Cada Dia Es Domingo!!!!
It has gone missing from YouTube, so I hope you can get in to iTunes.
I believe that’s the Chet Atkins version of Alley Cat under the Kitty Poo spot. Excellent choice. Much better than the Liberace version on youtube, which no one should watch (although it is fascinating), but anyone who does, please offer an explanation for why the piano shakes. Although I suppose anything with a plexiglass lid is going to be a pretty flimsy piano.
And speaking of explanations, we really need a Covid Response Blue Ribbon Commission (possibly with guillotine privileges). Fauci and most of Public Health officialdom have been disasters. As have frightened, ignorant politicians (you’d think they, of anyone, would be experts on people blowing smoke) for following their advice. As have a media that can’t ask simple questions (like “why shouldn’t vaccinated grandparents finally see their grandchildren? What the hell is the science on that?”, “Your publication output, Dr. Fauci, implausibly high for an actual researcher, no?”). A great deal of unnecessary and unjustifiable damage has been done. A lot of people need to answer for it. Publicly. If only pour encourager les autres …
No reason to trust any kind of commission in the present circumstances, is there?