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The Invincible Ignorance of Hakeem Jeffries
“His ignorance covers the world like a blanket, and there’s scarcely a hole in it anywhere.” – Mark Twain
Pray tell what it is that Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (Democrat, New York / Twilight Zone) has been smoking, and will he be sharing it with others? Following a campaign in which the incendiary rhetoric of progressives found a home in at least two minds that were sufficiently addled as to permit them to attempt to assassinate Donald Trump (one of them managing to shoot then-candidate Trump, coming within millimeters of blowing his brains out on live TV), we have The Honorable Hakeem Jeffries saying, of the president’s agenda: “That’s not acceptable. We are going to fight it legislatively. We are going to fight it in the courts. We’re going to fight it in the streets.” Really? Is Jeffries hoping for a reprise of 2020’s Summer of Love?
First, some history: In his 1984 reelection bid, Ronald Reagan carried a staggering 525 electoral college votes along with a 49-state majority in a resounding victory over Democrat Walter Mondale. As thorough a trouncing as President Reagan’s triumph was, he was unable to flip the House of Representatives in Republicans’ favor and the GOP even lost a few seats from its thin majority in the Senate.
Still, the drubbing administered to the American left was sufficient to induce a bit of ideological soul-searching, which years later resulted in President Bill Clinton’s “Road to Damascus” moment wherein he announced that “…the era of big government is over.” But even the celebrated Comeback Kid couldn’t anticipate how thoroughly his progressive heirs would wreck that declaration and go full-throttle Orwell-On-Amphetamines Autocratic on the American people.
So after four years of watching affordable food, shelter and energy slip from their grasp, even as their neighborhoods and cities were overrun by marauding foreign and domestic predators, even as their own government used their taxpayer dollars to defend other countries’ borders while simultaneously badgering Americans to use trendy little pronouns and get used to having boys and men in girls’ restrooms, the American people finally had enough. They spoke loudly and powerfully, electing the one guy they trust to do something other than commission blue-ribbon panels to twaddle about for a few years before producing nada. Not only did they elect a consummate outsider as president, they gave him majorities in both houses of Congress.
For once, Americans have a president who on day one began swiftly and decisively making good on his campaign promises:
- Identity politics? Gone.
- Violent illegal aliens? 9,870 arrested/detained in Trump’s first week in office.
- Border security? Illegal border crossings reduced over 90 percent in President Trump’s first week in office.
- DEI/CRT in America’s armed forces? Gone.
- Energy Independence: Declared a National Energy Emergency, “…expediting energy and infrastructure projects; facilitating the supply, refinement and transportation of energy; and assessing vulnerabilities in the domestic energy sector.”
- Protecting women and girls from biological males in sports, locker rooms, restrooms, etc.: Done
- Drug Cartels? They are now designated as foreign terrorist organizations and will be dealt with accordingly.
Here’s another good one: Senior Treasury Department official David A. Lebryk reportedly resigned his position rather than allow President Trump’s Department of Governmental Efficiency to audit where trillions of dollars in payments were spent. Elon Musk reports, “The DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups. They literally never denied a payment in their entire career. Not even once.”
These are precisely the kinds of measures that President Trump promised, and they are precisely the reasons why Americans turned out in huge numbers to elect him and provide majorities in both houses of Congress. So when Hakeem Jeffries (Democrat/Never Never Land) says that they will “fight it in the streets,” what he’s really saying is that he will rally his troops to fight you, the American voter, in the streets in order to stop the implementation of policies for which you voted. No doubt, in the name of protecting “our democracy.”
It is exactly because the Hakeem Jeffries of the radical left have lost all ability to take a breath and make any attempt at introspection, that has left most Americans no choice but to shrug their shoulders, turn, and ignore these whiny, empty-headed little jerks and press on with the American Restoration. And if they don’t like it? Who freaking cares?
Published in General
I’ll pass. I don’t mix bath salts and horse tranquilizers anymore.
The thing with the D migration left is that it can never reach the promised land. I don’t mean it cannot be enacted, or expressed in some form of authoritarian government. They cannot reach a desirable conclusion because it removes the impetus for their control of leftist voters. The struggle and/or the repression must always be there.
There’s always ‘free stuff’ but that’s now part of the struggle as well, and the struggle must always be present, otherwise all they have left to tell voters is “we really want to be in power.” If the voters could stop the dope-a-mine for a moment, they’d realize this is already the message from the D party, because they rarely enact any actual legislation, even when they control Congress.
Why? Going to hit the refrain again: because it removes the struggle, their chief argument for their election.
This is it – they have nothing left to sell if the struggle is over. Nothing left to buy votes with.
Real-world budget constraints, out in the private sector, tend to limit the ridiculous, because there’s always some limit to the available money for budgets, projects, etc. A limiter. There’s almost no limit on federal spending, so if you’re not spending, you’re losing power and votes, and hey, we can’t have that.
That said, I’d like one of those payment approver jobs immediately. Something tells me I don’t have to worry about transferable skills; I can learn to press a “yes” button fairly quickly.
Major red flag . . .
Charges? Indictments? Court dates?
Nope. He is quitting in a huff because of an audit that hasn’t happened yet. It’s like a little kid who doesn’t want to tell you what’s in his mouth and runs out of the room when asked.
One can hope, can’t one?
“Keep hope alive.”
I suspect the resignation is more of a Fifth Amendment move. He knows what they’re going to find.
It reminds me of Fidel Castro’s Cuba. He managed to promote “The Revolution” continuously for 50 years after the revolution had been won. Without it, he would have had no justification for being in power.
Investigation first . . .