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The FBI and the “T-Word”
Again, this rationalization is at war with reality, in which there is an authentic Islam that summons Muslims to wage jihad in Allah’s cause — and has been doing so for centuries. But unreality is where the FBI dwells. And don’t blame the FBI for that. While I have no doubt that ASAC Alethea Duncan and other agents recruited and promoted since the Obama era are perfectly comfortable spouting the party line, it is the party line, imposed on the bureau by its superiors. I used to feel confident saying that most agents doing actual investigations don’t buy into this nonsense. But 15 years is a long time; enough time to change an agency’s culture, which Obama undertook to do — recall the purging of such terms as jihad, the termination of instructors versed in sharia supremacism, and the instructions that agents should avoid noticing any nexus between ideology and violence (a core principle in the transformation of counterterrorism into what Obama officials dubbed “countering violent extremism”).
Andy McCarthy Why the FBI Chokes on the T-Word
The Obama legacy was on full view in New Orleans as an apparently sentient adult, the FBI agent in charge, made the patently asinine public assertion that the mass murder in New Orleans by a Sharia supremacist was not “terrorism.” Andy McCarthy explains the mindset in great detail in the article quoted above. The FBI teaches its personnel the bizarre notion that terrorist groups like ISIS, a very wide swath of religious authorities and the several Muslim national governments that expressly endorse violent jihad are mere exceptions to real Islam, and therefore represent a false religion somehow unrelated to Islam.
In stark contrast, pro-lifers, small government advocates, Second Amendment supporters, parents opposed to drag queen story hour and presumably everyone on Ricochet are part of a seamless ideological entity responsible for creating a threat of extremist violence. There is no equivalent of “false religion” when looking at the political right.
Is re-education of woke FBI personnel possible? Liberals are strong believers in “training,” but conservatives tend to be averse to compulsory indoctrination. The Obama legacy also involves denigration of merit and placing a high value on conformity. It would be one thing if there were a large cadre of capable, sane people in the FBI merely faking support for woke indoctrination to preserve their employment and who continue doing the requisite work, but the Obama legacy selection process probably filters out even secretly reasonable staff in favor of more malleable mediocrities who fully understand that they owe their status to ideological conformity rather than merit.
At a minimum, the Islamaphobia card has to be revoked. Muslims who believe and/ or attend mosques that teach Shariah supremacy deserve exactly the same or even more opprobrium and law enforcement scrutiny that attaches to the KKK and any other overtly white racist group. In a rational social and law enforcement environment, there should be no room for wokeness in the FBI—or anywhere else, for that matter.
Positive news: UPDATE: Rank-and-file FBI agents dismayed, ‘embarrassed’ by bureau’s handling of New Orleans terror attack
Published in General
It would be racist to deny the potency of their agency. These systemically racist assumptions must be eliminated, purged from all institutions, and their claims of intention validated through appropriate response.
Islam is an existential threat to the Western world. It is more a political system than a religion. It seems that the ones with Islamophobia are the woke who cower at the idea of criticizing Islam. We’ll end up like the UK and the rest of Europe if we continue to allow these fanatics to live and operate here. Islam wants you to convert, live as it’s slave, or die.
In my view, this is the real threat of affirmative action / woke / DEI or any other form of anti-meritocracy.
Once you fill an organization with people who understand that they were selected based on their compliance to leftist ideology, then that organization can’t do anything other than advance leftism. And it can’t be fixed.
There are many ways in which leftism destroys everything it touches. This is a big one.
It is also why universities are choking on admin costs. Utterly useless people restructure the entity away from its original purpose to instead look inward and serve the interests of those who captured it.
Weirdly, Marxist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre was very prescient and explicit about how this danger was a feature of a bureaucratized socialist society. His solution was continuous revolution–when institutions lose their praxis, tear them down and start over and keep doing it as needed. So, if we start eliminating or amputating large portions of corrupted universities and government agencies we can console the displaced lefties with the explanation that we are merely following the logical dictates of Marxist existentialism.
They will be so placated as they find their way into HHS and the IRS, among other places where workers are resigning or expected to.
I wonder what other jobs they think they’ll be able to get?
Senator Kennedy appears to be totally unimpressed…
The clip continues with Kennedy physically taking over the podium and assuring the investigators that if they don’t do their jobs, his job would be to make them regret it deeply. Look it up. Pure white entitlement for the win.
Kennedy does “totally unimpressed” better than anyone else in the Senate.
Our Founders thought the same:
Yeah, his interrogations of Biden judicial appointees are hilarious. While questioning one candidate who denied sending a particularly nasty email, the Senator held up a copy of the document and said, “Sir, you can’t make this cat walk backwards”. Hard to argue with that.
Hawley and Cruz are also good at that.
But…..Can they define what a woman is?
Or, save time and send them all to the gulag.
It’s what they expect, right? So it shouldn’t really bother them.
Okay, I have an easy solution for the FBI. Take your memos and plans, then do a find & replace. All references to White Supremacism are replaced by Islamic Supremacism. Seriously, their concerns over radicalization, places of worship, and international funding all apply to Islamic Supremacists, not white supremacists.
I do not care what is “true” Islam. It’s all BS to me, but if someone believed we all needed to bow to Zeus, laws change to ancient Athens, and heretics must die, then they are a problem.
I’m beginning to believe that Senator Kennedy (R-La) is the only adult we have left in Congress.
Don’t forget Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz…
A vital step in pretending that white supremacy is the most dangerous problem facing America. It is a problem, but it’s got a pretty low kill count.
The problem is the radicals are the ones with the true, pure Islam. It’s all there, in black and white in the Koran and the Hadiths. Thats why over time they overpower the ‘moderates”. Look at the change in the last 60 years in places like Egypt, Iran, even Indonesia.
Egyptian University women 1960s and today:
Yeah, that’s the problem many people don’t seem to understand. According to their religion, it’s the “moderates” who are the heretics.
Yes. And there has been so much to be unimpressed about.