They’ve Been Doing This for Decades


I watched this happen twice in Northern Virginia, and I’ve heard it explained before, but this is the first time I’ve seen an expert brief it in a shareable format. And he focuses on Philadelphia, a jurisdiction as shameless as any other. I have been told by Democrats that it is just how business is done. I have been told by Republicans that it would be more harmful to diminish faith in the electoral system than to oppose permanent, systemic voter fraud. Journalists have told me their editor won’t let them, their lawyers won’t let them, or management outright admits the city prosecutors would wage withering lawfare if they did. Factors that have always helped keep “journalism” locked down. It’s part of the “narrative” discipline. The city prosecutors and police objected to me about wasting finite resources needed for the prosecution of violent crimes and gangs on corrupt party operatives and their gang buddies.

Viva Frei interviews Mark Groubert starting at 22 minutes. He is worth a listen. NSFW (they also discuss Bill Clinton). The opening is Viva Frei’s take on the Peanut scandal, and worth a listen.

There are clean elections, and then there are “clean” elections by American standards. President Donald Trump was just the first major victim to object. And it is still cops and robbers across the fruited plain, but the experts I am following are citing major improvements. Like Pennsylvania judges actually doing their job when presented with election issues. And I say that gratefully.

Groubert suggests a simple reform that would complicate life for the bad guys. If Philadelphia is required to be the first to publicly report voting totals, all other jurisdictions holding their totals confidential until then, there would be no known certain margin of cheat to meet. Not transformative, but a step in the right direction.

Wish me well, I may be appearing next month in a gulag.


Published in Election 2024
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There are 4 comments.

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  1. Barfly Member

    There are gulags, and there are soft gulags. History repeats under the left, but shaped to local custom – the western version is softer. Do not go to the camps.

    • #1
  2. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    There was cheating back when you had to show up in person.  My brother practiced law in New Orleans for a politicly active firm and knew of civic-minded young men who drove vans to take voters to the precinct, then to next precinct…

    Ozzie Meyers probably delivered hundreds of even a total of thousands of votes by altering the final total in more than one district in six elections before he got caught and charged.

    In Baltimore, the dead literally rose from grave until a Republican Governor pushed through a requirement to check voter rolls against the SS death index.

    Unless a Democrat gets cheated in a primary, the correct journalistic response is that this is normal background noise and part of our colorful past.  Striking that pose both minimizes the effect of cheating and demonstrates how worldly and sophisticated the journalist is. Sure, Minneapolis or Seattle Democrats might steal a Senate seat or a Governorship now and then…

    COVID opened the door to the Pelosi model of zero registration integrity, legislative barriers to investigation, mass mailing and extended voting for months during which time paid canvassers and “harvesters” can be vastly more productive than if limited to one day. Those “new voters” combined with illegal aliens will be with us for a long time barring an unlikely mobilization to reform all that.

    • #2
  3. Sisyphus Member

    Barfly (View Comment):

    There are gulags, and there are soft gulags. History repeats under the left, but shaped to local custom – the western version is softer. Do not go to the camps.

    I’ll keep that in mind. In the case that my own, personal Latitia James offers me a choice.

    • #3
  4. Chris O Coolidge
    Chris O

    We’re to the point faith in the electoral system is diminished enough that it’s needed for restoration. To blazes with their culture of inaction, these cowards preach “keeping peace” as they destroy the system.

    • #4
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