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Could Republicans scoop up seats in a Blue State near you? Based on the unpopularity of the Democrat/Biden plan, polls are showing voters want change and want it badly.
Further, they don’t just want wimpy Republicans who will go along with the swamp. Voters are DEMANDING America First, patriotic leaders who aren’t in it for the special interests, but to serve the American people.
What do you expect from a president and other politicians, regardless of which party they are from?
Even if we didn’t vote for them or don’t agree with them, we deserve leaders who obey the Constitution and tell us the truth. We want figures who will protect our God-given liberties and our private property and be good stewards of our tax dollars.
What do you expect from a president and other politicians, regardless of which party they are from?
Even if we didn’t vote for them or don’t agree with them, we deserve leaders who obey the Constitution and tell us the truth. We want figures who will protect our God-given liberties and our private property and be good stewards of our tax dollars.
What if we could grow organs tailored for a specific person’s body or develop energy far more abundant, reliable, and inexpensive than anything we’ve ever had before?
Could we create technology that boosts national security and possibly makes world peace more likely?
Those goals may seem like science fiction but they are very real and much
closer to reality than many of us realize. And they’re happening in outer space.
When you think of the 2024 election, do you immediately think of Donald Trump and Joe Biden? Most people do. Some might also pay attention to House and Senate races.
But some of the most significant elections every year don’t even involve candidates. They are statewide ballot initiatives on issues ranging from abortion to crime and much more.
The left is not only trying to police your speech, it wants to silence you. And it’s willing to make you a criminal to do it.
What started as annoying political correctness decades ago is now a full-blown movement to muzzle anyone who dares to confront the left’s narrative and declare them a criminal.
Anti-Semitic protests at Columbia University are dominating the headlines. But Sara knows you can’t rely on the media to get the story right. So she went to Columbia to see this madness for herself.
Today, Sara shares the shocking truth of what she found there. Not only were the demonstrators uttering the most despicable and hateful insults at Jewish students and their supporters, but it turns out these fanatics really don’t understand the issues of Israel, Hamas, and terrorism at all.
Are you a good friend? What do you look for in a friend? Sure, you like to have common interests and do fun things together, but the real mark of a friend is someone who is honest with you and will stick with you in good times and bad.
Is the United States a good friend? It sure seems like we were when we liberated Europe from Hitler’s grasp, stopped Japanese imperialism, and shoved the communists out of South Korea.
America’s open border is great for business – if your business is trafficking drugs or subjecting women and children to sexual slavery. International sex trafficking rings are more profitable than ever, and countless kids are being abused in unspeakable ways, over and over again, every single day.
But it’s not just happening near the border or in our big cities. Chances are that child sex trafficking is happening in your hometown too. It’s a widespread but often invisible horror that very few officials want to acknowledge or seriously fight.
Have you ever had a neighbor shout out that they want you to die? Do they teach their children that their greatest possible accomplishment would be to kill you and people like you?
That’s how it is for Israelis. Most of their neighbors in Gaza and the West Bank want Jews dead. In fact, many parents in those areas see killing Jews as the highest possible goal for their kids.
Do you want high school boys playing sports against your daughter? What do you think about your daughter having to play against grown men if she plays sports in college? It’s just reality that male athletes are usually bigger, stronger, and faster than women. It’s basic biology. Forcing women to compete in those situations often places them at much greater risk for injuries. And allowing men on women’s teams also robs some women of the opportunity to compete at all.
But Democrats and their activist friends ignore the science and insist it’s discrimination to keep men out of women’s sports if those men “identify” as women. Today, Sara welcomes Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, who is passionate about restoring sanity to sports in this area. And he’s frustrated by the politics on this issue. His effort to protect women and women’s sports was voted down in the Senate by 50 Democrats and one Republican.
If the Biden administration were deliberately trying to encourage more terrorism and trying to discourage freedom-loving allies, would it act much differently than it is right now?
After the October 7 Hamas invasion of Israel, Biden vowed to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel, but as the media started parroting Hamas talking points and memory-holing the terrorist attacks, Biden has become increasingly adversarial towards Israel.
Do you still believe the justice system in America works the way our founders intended? Do you still trust courts to make decisions based on the facts in evidence or do you expect politically motivated verdicts?
The idea of Lady Justice blindfolded and weighing the evidence on her scales is eroding before our eyes. In city after city, violent criminals are allowed back on the streets to terrorize, assault, and rob innocent neighbors again. Domestic terrorists burn and vandalize pro-life pregnancy centers and the Justice Department says most cases can’t be solved because the actions were at night.
There is a war on the truth. It’s happening every day in our media, from our politicians, and even in your local schools. Where do you go when you need to know the truth?
We can’t trust the government. It’s been lying to us for a long time, but in just the past few years it has actively worked to suppress free speech. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security colluded with social media to remove some posts and reduce visibility for others.
Why is President Biden abandoning our most faithful ally in the Middle East?
It’s been less than six months since Hamas invaded Israel, killed approximately 1,200 people, injured many others, and committed unspeakable sexual crimes against women and girls. Hundreds of hostages were taken, and far too many of them remain in the clutches of evil. Immediately after the atrocities, President Biden said the right things. He condemned Hamas and vowed to stand side by side with Israel in its response. We wondered whether he actually meant that. Now we know he did not.
When did the government start siding with the bad guys? And how is the coddling of criminals in blue cities and states impacting life in your neighborhood?
The purpose of government is to protect our God-given liberties and to keep law and order. But in so many parts of the country, the political left now openly sides with criminals.
Police are demonized, lawmakers are passing legislation ending cash bail, and George Soros-backed prosecutors let violent criminals back out on the streets to terrorize their neighbors over and over again.
Are you tired of politicians labeling you in an effort to win you to their side or paint you as an enemy? Wouldn’t it be nice to restore some unity to the United States of America?
Democrats and their leftist allies in the media are constantly trying to divide us. They use race, sex, economic class, and more to drive wedges in every corner of our society. To them you are either an oppressor or you are among the oppressed.
That’s not the spirit that made America great and rejecting ideologies that throw people into groups, instead of seeing them as individuals capable of great things, is critical for our nation’s future.
It’s bad enough that the Biden administration refuses to secure our border and is allowing millions of people into the U.S. despite knowing almost nothing about most of them. We see the impact in big cities and small towns across the nation. Do you see it where you live?
Well, apparently Biden is not content only to welcome millions of illegals coming by foot. He’s also flying hundreds of thousands of them into the country – at least 320,000 last year alone.
Infuriatingly, this is all currently legal. In early 2023, Biden announced unilateral policy changes that allow 30,000 people per month to apply for asylum from a smartphone app. But as a Freedom of Information request from the Center for Immigration Studies confirms, the applicants had no legal justification for entering the nation.
It doesn’t end there. Despite the Freedom of Information request, the government still refuses to reveal the 43 different airports to which they secretly flew these migrants in the United States.