
The entire crew — Scott, Paul, Steve and John — assembled for this episode of Power Line. They kicked around the issues of the day, including the pros and cons of Donald Trump, Cecil the lion, the seemingly bipartisan criminal justice “reform” movement, and the Planned Parenthood videos. The discussion was lively, to say the least.

If you haven’t been listening to the Power Line Show, this would be a good time to start!

The Power Line crew joins the Coalition of the Unwilling in finding nothing to cheer in the Iran nuclear arms deal that was announced today.  But the first half of the show features a conversation with Stanley Kurtz, author of several important books including, most recently, Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities.  Stanley has been all over the unfolding stealth regulations to extend the culture of Alinskyite “community organizing” to the suburbs through federal power.  This ought to be a big issue in the next election campaign on all levels, but will only happen if people find out about it.  There’s a reason Obama is being very quiet on this initiative.

This afternoon John Hinderaker, Steve Hayward, and Paul Mirengoff got together to record Episode 20 of the Power Line show. Power Line Ep 20They talked with Dana Perino about her new book, And the Good News Is… Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side, her experience as press secretary for President George W. Bush, and her starring role on Fox News’s The Five.

Then it was on to the news of the day, in particular the Supreme Court’s one-two-three punch over the last 48 hours, with decisions on Obamacare, the Fair Housing Act and gay marriage. Their discussion combines sober legal analysis with outrage.

In this episode of Power Line we welcome Israel’s former ambassador to the United States Michael Oren. Ambassador Oren’s new book is Ally: My Journey Across the American Israeli Divide.Power Line Podcast Michael Oren

Oren’s June 15 Wall Street Journal column “How Obama Abandoned Israel,” drawn from the book, has already elicited a demand from the Obama administration that Prime Minister Netanyahu denounce it. No kidding. What has Ambassador Oren said and why is Obama seeking to render him a villain, Alinsky-style?

BullySteve, Paul, and John present Episode 19 of Power Line. They are joined by Professor Charles Kesler of Claremont McKenna College, the editor of the Claremont Review of Books.

Professor Kesler is one of the scholars who signed a letter objecting to the College Board’s new standards for teaching American history to advanced placement high school students. The standards require teachers to put American history in a global, leftist framework. The discussion of the standards and their defects was lively, to say the least.

They also discussed the Pope’s ill-advised and ill-informed foray into climate science and the entry of Jeb Bush and Donald Trump into the Republican presidential race.

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 6.10.52 PMPower Line welcomes Peter Wehner to the show this week to discuss a recent column where Whener asks, “What are the worst foreign policy failures of Barack Obama’s presidency?

In a wide ranging conversation, the gang talks about the rise of ISIS, losing the war in Iraq, failing to aid Iran’s Green Revolution and triggering a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. (And that’s only half of what Wehner has on his list!)

Wehner also talks to the guys about the Reform Conservative movement. What is it? Who is it? Where can we get more of it?

Power Line Days of RageWhat do The Weathermen, The Symbionese Liberation Army, The FALN, and The Black Liberation Army all have in common? Well, besides being a swell bunch of fellas, they’re all featured in-depth throughout Bryan Burrough’s great new book, Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence.

The original Power Line crew welcomes Burrough to the show and he takes the team behind the scenes of the groups that bombed America for decades. Burrough not only tracked down the FBI agents and police officers for their accounts of the attacks on America, but he also spoke with several violent radicals who declared war on law enforcement and placed bombs throughout the country.

The guys also talk about the latest developments in Ramadi and try to determine whether or not George Stephanopoulus is actually a journalist.

Unknown-1Unless you’re waking from a long coma* you’ve likely heard that the philanthropic endeavors of the Clinton Foundation may not just be for the common good.
But while TV’s talking heads have been discussing the book’s details, they’ve largely overlooked some of the fascinating stories inside Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

Today on the Power Line Show, John, Paul, and Stephen have a wide-ranging conversation with the author, Peter Schweizer. During the show we hear some of the intriguing stories about the wealthy ne’er-do-wells who have been funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation over the past decade. Are the Clinton’s a global crime syndicate? Who are the foreigners who are giving so much money to the Clintons? And what are they getting in return?

Subscribe to Power Line’s show here and never miss an episode.

iconGov. Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin) addressed the Freedom Club’s annual dinner in Minnesota. Walker made time between photos and the dinner for a Power Line interview.

From Power Line’s John Hinderacker:

How was his speech? It was terrific. I have wondered whether Walker would be dynamic enough to succeed on the national stage. His low-key style has served him well in Wisconsin, but would he be able to inspire national Republicans? I needn’t have worried. Walker spoke extemporaneously, without notes (or, needless to say, teleprompter), and from the heart. He got a thunderous reception from the club’s members and guests.

3kgV0RJE_400x400Last night, three of the PL crew (John, Paul, and Steve) got together for a review of the presidential race as it currently stands.
A principal topic was Hillary Clinton’s bizarre rollout, complete with her incognito Chipotle appearance, “common man” meetings with Democratic Party officials, parking the “Scooby” van in a handicapped space, and more. Compared to that, Marco Rubio’s launch was seamless.

They talked about a number of the GOP candidates and debated their relative merits and prospects. It’s a fun 30 or 40 minutes that you won’t want to miss.

powerline-logo4@2xThe whole PL gang assembled this afternoon to tape Episode 13 of the Power Line Show.
They discuss Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the controversy that followed its passage. Law Professor John Yoo of Berkeley joined us for an extensive discussion of the legal issues relating to RFRA — and, trust me, the conversation is entertaining as well as informative. The crew then goes on to discuss the insanity surrounding Memories Pizza and the apparent demise of liberalism.

We talked about the announced deal (or outline of a deal) over Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and wrapped up with a little talk about the Final Four, including predictions from a couple of us, which we are posting just in time to be proved wrong.

If you haven’t been listening to the Power Line Show, this would be a great time to start. Subscribe to the Power Line show on iTunes. 

netanyahu victoryJohn, Paul, and Steve talk about Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning win and the American Left’s reaction to it. Iran was also front and center, along with the latest on the budget front.

Then they’re joined by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) for a short but enlightening interview; Rubio explained his thinking behind the famous open letter to the mullahs, and elaborated on his interview with the Associated Press last night, in which he made headlines by saying that as president, he would feel free to walk away from a bad deal with Iran, even if our European partners want to stick with it. After all, as John Kerry keeps telling us, the proposed deal is non-binding.

The show concludes with a little talk about the 2016 presidential race: Who are the frontrunners on the GOP side, and whom does the current anxiety about international events favor?

The Power Line team gets down to business with the latest Democrat scandals: Hillary Clinton’s “clear cut” violation of State Department rules and the Justice Department’s criminal corruption charges against Senator Robert Menendez. 3kgV0RJE_400x400

The team expires several important questions. Did the White House know about ClintonEmail.com since August? What’s Clinton’s most ludicrous claim about her email? And is the Obama administration breaking the news of her email account to silence Hillary on the debate over a deal with Iran? Could this happen to a better former Secretary of State? What difference at this point does it make?

And stop being a freeloader like Sen. Menendez, sign up for the Power Line show on iTunes. 

William Bennett and Robert White join Power Line to discuss their new book, Going to Pot: Why the Rush to Legalize Marijuana is Harming America. BUnknownennett and White trace how marijuana has gone from the days of Reefer Madness to being legalized in four states, with more expected to follow. Their research-driven book has some disturbing information about how marijuana leads to abnormal brain development and they argue more Americans should be hesitant to jump on the legalization bandwagon. For more information about the book, visit their website.

Then the Power Line team looks at some of the events of the week, including President Obama’s summit on countering violence extremism. By failing to call ISIS an Islamic group, is the United States underestimating the threat the group poses?

It’s been 10 years since the Dan Rather scandal ruined the CBS newsman’s career (for a short while, at least). How much has changed over the past decade? WIlliams RatherDon’t let the answer ruin your weekend as the Power Line team discusses whether or not Brian Williams can salvage his career.

The Weekly Standard’s Jay Cost also joins Power Line to discuss his soon-to-be released book, A Republic No More: Big Government and the Rise of American Political Corruption. He argues that corruption depends upon the structure of government and that today’s institutions of government and, “The power of government has expanded so dramatically that it has overwhelmed the capacity of our governing institutions.”

PowerLine is back with frontline details of a decades-long war among conservatives. jefferson-adams-jpg-10001This isn’t a debate about same-sex marriage, drug legalization, or conservatives vs. libertarians, it’s the great battle between Harry Jaffa and Walter Berns. Their vibrant and vigorous debates about the Declaration and the Constitution are credited with revitalizing the right.

Steven F. Hayward provided a wonderful account of their lives, their contributions, and their nearly lifelong battle recently in the Wall Street Journal. As he described, it seems appropriate that these two big thinkers died within hours of each other, like Thomas Jefferson and John Adams did on July 4, 1826.

Claire Berlinski follows up her eye-witness report from Paris on yesterday’s Ricochet Podcast with the latest developments from a full day of breaking news in France.Unknown

Claire suggests it’s time for tough questions to be asked and that it’s unbelievable for France to be so unprepared these attacks after years of warnings. She also persuasively argues why this is just the beginning of a new kind of terror strike. The Power Line crew also opens up the important conversation about the need for a muslim reformation.

Power Line’s John Hinderacker and Steven Hayward follow up yesterday’s BREAKING NEWS Power Line show with analysis of the big interview with former CBS reporter Shayrl Atkisson. Then we find out that Speaker John Boehner’s job might not be as easy as some pundits would like you to think. Seriously, no matter what the guy does, he ticks off a significant percentage of Republicans. But then again, about the spending, Mr. Speaker…

Then the Power Line guys wonder what the heck happened to Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV). Was there a fight? What’s the other guy look like? But most important, what time did Reid visit the ER? There’s a big difference between 2:00 am on January 1 and 2:00 pm on January 1. Finding out when Reid went to the hospital will help determine if the “exercise accident” story is true, or if the former King of the Senate had some, errrr … “Nevada Problems.”

Power Line is back for an in-depth interview with former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson to discuss how she found out the Obama Administration was spying on her while she was investigating several scandals throughout the government. Attkisson also gives the show some breaking news about a new lawsuit she’s filing against the government over illegal wire taps. Stonewalled

Her book, Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, outlines the scandals she was covering, as well as the many ways the government was spying on her, and how she became the target of PR warfare from organizations that are friendly with the Obama Administration, such as Media Matters. It’s a powerful book and an enlightening interview that will probably leave you even more concerned with the state of American mainstream media.

What does 2014 look like in the rear view mirror for Power Line? The Democrats had a bad year. Iran had a great year. And three-card monte is back on the streets of New York. The chronic liberal dilemma continues to plague our country, but at least 2014 is over.

Then the Power Line guys go on the record to predict what will happen politically and geopolitically in 2015. Here’s a pro tip from Hayward: Follow the hit pieces.