Churchill the Writer: A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Part 2 09-30-22

Churchill the Writer: A Preface to A History of the English-Speaking Peoples 09-23-22

Hillsdale Dialogues 09-09-22: In Memoriam: Queen Elizabeth II

Hillsdale Dialogues 09-02-22: The State of Our Nation, Summer 2022

Hillsdale Dialogues 09-02-22: The State of Our Nation, Summer 2022

Hillsdale Dialogues 08-26-22: Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life, Part X

Hillsdale Dialogues 08-19-22: Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life, Part IX

Hillsdale Dialogues 08-12-22: Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life, Part VIII

Hillsdale Dialogues 08-05-22: Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life, Part VII

Hillsdale Dialogues 07-29-22: Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life, Part VI

Hillsdale Dialogues 07-22-22: Summer Roundup

Hillsdale Dialogues 07-15-22: Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life, Part V

In the Nicomachean Ethics—the first book written on the subject of how best to live—Aristotle argues that human happiness chiefly depends upon a person’s character, which is formed by making good choices. This course examines Aristotle’s teachings about human nature, the meaning of the good, and the virtues necessary for happiness. Students will not only learn what Aristotle says about the good life, but will also explore ways to put this knowledge to work.

In the Nicomachean Ethics—the first book written on the subject of how best to live—Aristotle argues that human happiness chiefly depends upon a person’s character, which is formed by making good choices. This course examines Aristotle’s teachings about human nature, the meaning of the good, and the virtues necessary for happiness. Students will not only learn what Aristotle says about the good life, but will also explore ways to put this knowledge to work.

In the Nicomachean Ethics—the first book written on the subject of how best to live—Aristotle argues that human happiness chiefly depends upon a person’s character, which is formed by making good choices. This course examines Aristotle’s teachings about human nature, the meaning of the good, and the virtues necessary for happiness. Students will not only learn what Aristotle says about the good life, but will also explore ways to put this knowledge to work.

Hillsdale Dialogues 06-10-22: Parental Choice in Schooling and Serving the Good

Hillsdale Dialogues 06-03-22: Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee and School Security

Hillsdale Dialogues 05-27-22: Friendship and Federalist 10

Hillsdale Dialogues 05-20-22: Montaigne on Friendship

Hillsdale Dialogues 05-13-22: Justice Alito’s Dobbs Decision