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The federal government does not want you to know what is going on in Area 51. After covering the secret facility for over 20 years, Sara’s latest guest was raided by federal police in the dead of night with no explanation given. It is time to hold the government accountable and defend our 1st and 4th amendments.
On today’s episode, Sara welcomes Area 51 blogger Joerg Arnu to discuss the FBI raid of his home. Over $20,000 dollars of equipment was confiscated after Arnu was dragged in the street like a hardened felon. Join Sara and Joerg as they break down what might be behind this suspicious raid and what the federal government may be hiding.
Sara also breaks down the latest statistics on the surge of Chinese nationals attempting to cross our southern border. From COVID, trade, balloons, and now illegal immigration, the CCP is waging a total war on the American people.
Finally, Sara responds to the comments and questions you have posted on her social media channels.
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Support Joerg on GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/area-51-fbi-raid
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