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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear this week that America’s alliance with Israel doesn’t only matter in the Middle East. Standing up for Israel is also vital for our own national security.
But at the core of Israel’s struggle with Hamas and our common confrontation with Iran is the defense of Western Civilization. That’s what’s at stake if Israel is abandoned or defeated. And the painful reverberations would be felt here too.
Western Civilization is responsible for the greatest flourishing of religious, personal, political, and economic freedom the world has ever known. And our common enemies are determined to undermine and destroy it.
Today, Sara welcomes Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone, who was senior adviser to former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. Together they played critical roles in developing the Abraham Accords, the most significant step towards Middle East peace in more than a generation.
Lightstone tells Sara that Western Civilization does hang in the balance if America fails to stand with our best friends in the Middle East. He also explains why Netanyahu’s speech to Congress this week was so vital and how he stands in stark contrast to would-be terrorist appeasers like President Biden and Vice President Harris.
Lightstone further believes that with the right leadership, the members of the Abraham Accords are ready to stand up to Iran and work for peace in the region.
Will America stand with Israel? Will our Western Christian values be preserved? And how important will the U.S. presidential election be in determining how those questions are answered?
Don’t miss this powerful conversation.
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