Has there been a worse week for the left in the last 25 years? First “Squadster” Jamal Bowman loses his House seat, then the Supreme Court delivers blow-after-blow to the foundations of the administrative state, and then Biden didn’t show up for a debate. Oh, wait—he did show up, though you had to wonder whether they really intended a Weekend at Bernie’s sequel.

John Yoo hosts this week’s episode, and manages both to coax some cheerfulness out of Lucretia, but also skillfully avoiding the important Supreme Court opinion involving The Statute That Cannot Be Named on This Podcast.

We break down the highlights and lowlights of both the debate and the Supreme Court opinions, with Lucretia offering some praise for Chief Justice Roberts for a change, while just about giving up hope for Justice Barrett, who seems to be angling to become the next David Souter on the Court. To be continued with a special July 4 episode next week.

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There are 3 comments.

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  1. Dr.Guido Member

    Trump needs to stop campaigning against Biden….Biden, as we saw, has already decided to campaign AGAINST himself!

    Trump now has, at least until Biden is replaced, the luxury of laying out his plans and possible Cabinet personnel.

    It would be sheer political malpractice for him to let this open window be wasted.

    • #1
  2. Richard Easton Coolidge
    Richard Easton

    • #2
  3. LibertyDefender Member

    That dishonest, taken-as-given “Trump is a liar” trope that Lucretia discussed has been a staple right here on Ricochet. James Lileks  several times awarded the Ricochet Podcast’s “Post of the Week” award to a serial “Trump is a liar” poster.

    To the poster’s credit, he did finally post a justification of his perpetual “Trump is a liar” slur.  According to his post, he carefully reviewed the record, and concluded that he – the multi-Post of the Week Award winner – was firmly convinced that Trump lied, and that Trump knew he was lying when Trump

    1. accused Barack Obama of being born in Kenya; and
    2. accused Ted Cruz’s father of being involved in some Cuban assassination plot.

    I stopped listening to the flagship Ricochet Podcast in part due to its tendency to award Post of the Week honors to such puerile, pusillanimous posters. Now I only listen when Steve Hayward fills in for one of the hosts, but invariably even he cannot overcome the rampant TDSery.

    • #3
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