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The whole gang is back together this week with a rousing review of the week’s highlights, including a post-modern take on the Trump-Harris debate, and the dogs-and-cats-living-togther-before-being-eaten memestorm out of Ohio that is driving the left out of its mind (or what little mind they have left). Trump may not have won the debate on any of the usual scoring metrics, but maybe it isn’t simple as that.
But the heart of the episode is the serious business of Merrickl Garland’s tone-deaf speech (even John thinks so) claiming politics never enters into Justice Department decisions, which wouldn’t even convince his own mother.
Then on to a brief discussion of Steve’s recent article on the revival of the common law, in which the term “prudence” is not mentioned (though he does use the term “Zeitgeist,” mostly to annoy Lucretia). John is skeptical, while Lucretia is merely her contrary self (default: Steve is wrong! What’s the question?)
Note to listeners: We have tried with this episode to take control of of the timing of ad placements (thought not specific content!) so that ads stop appearing randomly or in the middle of sentences. We’ll just have to see how it turns out. It’s a laborious process.
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Of course Jon thought Harris won. He is a professional. Most voters are not.
I will never, ever, trust the DOJ again.
Unless there is a complete purge of anyone serving and a replacement with people from TX and FL.
The ads have been soooo much better this time. Not only not mid sentence, but logical breaks between segments.
Outro music – killer piano riff from Supertramp’s “School.” Nice.
KH lies.
The top of the FBI has been sketchy for a while – Hoover was a professional blackmailer in order to keep his power.
Too many commercials
Almost without exception, Kammy RESPONDED to every question….and she ‘answered’ none. And Chilean fjords are MUCH more impressive than Norway’s…did both in the past 2 years.