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With this episode the Three Whisky Happy Hour emigrates into its very own identity on Ricochet and Steve’s new group Substack, “Political Questions,” but not to worry—the old Power Line Show will live on in its old format as an interview show. The 3WHH, meanwhile, is rebooting with some new formats. We’ll be doing some show with a single-subject format; on some we’ll do a round robin of hot topics and reflections on currtent news items, and we’ll even have some guests from time to time, as well as emergency shows when somethingbig happens—or we get a new single malt in whose virtues we just have to share.
And having completed our emigration to a new logo and format, it seemed only logical that we’d take up as our primary focus this week the issue of immigration, with an attempt at an orderly procession through the key aspects of the matter: How much is too much? Should we have an immigration pause? What’s up with the H1-B visa controversy anyway? How should skills-based immigration be done, and should we move to some kind of point- or auction system to regulate immigration.
And finally the big one: what about birthright citizenship? We throw down pretty hard on this issue, and our three bartenders nearly get into a brawl about several of these questions. So don’t think alone when you can drink it all in with us!
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The meme I’ve seen this week is ‘gimmigrant’ , people who arrive here for the benefits , my parents arrived here separately in 1927, they needed a sponsor and a job waiting , gardener and maid. No Public assistance.
John, FDR invaded Greenland because Germany conquered Denmark in conjunction with its attack on Norway. It wasn’t because the Danish government was pro Germany. It was a conquered country and he feared that the Germans would leverage that into putting troops in Greenland.
John also mentioned briefly an exception to the H1-B quota. I wonder if that’s making the numbers much greater. Exceptions have a way of becoming rules. I suspect that many American men are avoiding STEM fields due to the discrimination against them in large corporations.
John is happy that birthright citizenship was only being given to about 200K infants in the 2010s. He has no sense of proportion.
Twenty-five years ago I was a grad student. Faculty repeatedly told me it was something I had to because I loved science and not for money. Still, I looked at them and they made a good living and had a good life. It didn’t make sense to me until I was attending a scientific conference. Sitting there with another grad student (my then girlfriend, now wife) in a big conference room with the field leaders at the front. There were a dozen of them ranging in age from 35 to 70. The rest of the room was filled with 300 grad students, post docs, and junior faculty, all under the age of 40. Three fourths of them were recent immigrants. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Why would any American pursue an advanced STEM degree?
The H1b visa lowers wages in certain technical fields and limits upward mobility for a particular portion of the native population.
I feel like the expansive understanding of “birthright citizenship” and “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is in tension with the contemporary acceptance of dual citizenship.
So, does that mean that this feed that I’m commenting on right now is going to be three whiskey happy hour, and some other feed is going to be power line? Or is it vice versa?
If I stay subscribed to this feed will I get one of either three whiskey happy hour or power line? What NEW RSS feed do I need to subscribe to in order to assure that I get the new three whiskey happy hour, and what OTHER RSS feed do I need to subscribe to to get the new power line?
I worked in the tech industry for 30+ years. The need for H1B visa has been reduced as most of the big companies have a presence/Center in India. I used to travel to India for work 3-4 times a year. The city that I spent most time in (Chennai), has a main highway call IT Expressway because of all of the tech companies that have campuses there.
If you keep your current subscription you’ll get this podcast. Powerline will be back under a new portal, but with the same logo, and will require a new subscription if you want to get every episode automatically.
Can I get a pardon from Powerline exile ? I was banned immediately and forever by Scott for writing ‘crazy shirt’ several years ago. I’ve reached out to Steve before and even asked James Lileks in person.