Baroness Phillippa Stroud’s unexpected segue into politics originated from her early career aiding addicts and the homeless in Hong Kong. Through this hands-on experience, she discerned the interconnection between individual struggles and broader political contexts. Philippa joins Kevin in a conversation about how to advocate for a symbiotic US-UK effort, fostering conducive environments for genuine human flourishing.


Alongside Dr. Jordan Peterson, Baroness Philippa Stroud is co-founder and CEO of the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC), an international forum dedicated to providing a new collaborative vision for improving global societies. She is a Member of the House of Lords, and Chair of the Social Metrics Commission. Prior to this, she was the CEO of the Legatum Institute and Co-Founder and Chief Executive of the Centre for Social Justice. She served as Special Adviser to the Rt. Hon. Iain Duncan Smith MP from 2010-15 and also to the Prime Minister from 2012-2015.


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