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The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. Today’s guest is Sean Lawrie, Chief Strategy Office, Lumerra Corporation. If you like the perspective brought to you by the Power Hour, then you are going to love this conversation. Sean knows nuclear power and the energy sector and he is using the experience to bring greater efficiency to nuclear operations. No energy source will be successful if it is not economically competitive but with Sean working on the issue, the future of nuclear looks very bright. You will want to tune if to hear his fresh perspective. Oh, and did I mention that you can grab your copy of Nuclear Revolution here. If it’s the thought that counts, Nuclear Revolution the holiday gift that won’t disappoint. Join the conversation at thepowerhour@heritage.org! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word. And buy the book!
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